The national debt can be reversed.

Defund the government agencies.

Regardless of collateral damage.



GONE ...........defund and lay off, auction their assets to US citizens.

Yes we can, this IS an emergency.

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That would require the boldness and will of Argentina's Milei. I'm don't see such traits in any U.S. pol. Not even Trump.

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You don’t read enough to know.

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Where do you think Milei got his intel from???

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I needed that last part more than anything! It’s so strange...the fact is you are 100%correct! I hadn’t thought about it this way, and I’m in a much better place having had it laid out the way you did, with the so called red tsunami that didnt happen. Things are likely to get really rough but, like you said God is in control. He is cool like that.

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None of us would be here without God, especially President Trump when he was nearly assassinated. God had a hand in that and he has a very special job for President Trump: Bring America back to God.

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The "deep state", aka the British Pilgrim Society, by and through the "global cabal" loses because Jesus is Lord. All these demons can do is "take" your earthly posessions but NOT YOUR SOUL. Unless you give that up to the uniparty swamp demonic minions you will survive their economic and political planned apocolyse. Jesus conquered them. They will be cast into an infinite sulphur lake of fire. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ you will be saved, and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity. Praise be to the Lord!

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Pita person doesn’t know God as well as he could. God does not want America to fall and He doesn’t just do whatever He wants. He has set it up so that He often waits to see how many of His true followers will repent and pray diligently for America to turn from its wicked ways. 2Chronicles 7:14 will determine our fate as a country.

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If Trump wins, what's to say he doesn't get on board with another gates sponsored fake pandemic? Or rehire fauci to re-destroy the country? He hasn't apologized for his part in the previous fake covid pandemic.

The even bigger question is what happens in 2028 assuming Trump survives four years? There is a better than 50-50 chance that this election, however is it defined and controlled, will be our last. There are too many arrows in the fascist democrat's quiver and all are being fueled for launch by the anti-human globalist scum.

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Hey, have you ever heard of guerilla warfare against our own government? Think long and hard about that. We can get all of our weapons from China, Iran, and Russia.

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I'd agree a cyberattack is likely. I also wouldn't be surprised if there were a major false flag, such as a nuclear strike against a city. In Thunderball the target was Miami. Why don't we blame it on Iran?

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I am more inclined to go with an EMP that would reduce the population, mostly the girly men of the Democrat persuasion, the fittest will survive and will be easily taken over by foreign powers.

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Jesus will have His say in this election. Sometimes He just allows us to have our way to teach us something. I think this will be the case this time, as we are a land flowing with pride, perversion, and idolatry.

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Aug 27
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I'm in agreement with you. That's what I was trying to say with my comment about Jesus allowing us to have our way. Too many have rejected the Great King and chosen instead a man king. This land of the USA is filled with perversion, pride, and idolatry. There will come a time of reaping for what has/is being sown because of our choices.

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I think the "reaping" has already begun!

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Me too. Sadly, some are still living in the land of lies and illusions that bring forth delusion. The spirit of antichrist is working as deception grips people before the man of sin comes forth promoting the great deception with many buying the lie; "who can make war with the beast?" Then they worship the dragon. It is as it was in the garden of Eden, a cunning beast.

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Well thought out list. My take is that Civil War seems to be a common predicted outcome. It is also in the works in Europe. This Civil War is likely being carefully planned. It could occur just before the Election or more likely after, if it appears Trumps wins but, has not yet taken office.

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Demoncrats get top positions by cheating.

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9/11 was an inside job, by Bush/MIC/Mossad operatives. It was not orchestrated by Muslim Terrorists, they were just there for show flavor….

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Aug 27
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No; I’m not Muslim. I’m just a red-pilled Jew.

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Amen. Daniel 4:35 :All the peoples of the earth are counted as nothing, and He does as He pleases with the army of heaven and the peoples of the earth. There is no one who can restrain His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’ ”

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I truly believe it very well could be a culmination of all of them albeit another pandemic - although I do foresee a false flag instead, as the scare tactic this time - terrorists cells are inside the Country planning an enormous attack - perhaps to shut the Country down again or cancel the election and or declare Martial Law. I also believe they are going to swap-out Kama Lama Ding Dong for Hillary Clinton under the guise of needing someone with foreign affair experience once the war in the Middle East commences in addition to Ukraine accelerating massively. I believe it is also all premediated which is why they deliberately ran such a weak candidate and her massively flawed running mate. I am not alone in my thoughts as others have written the same regarding Hillary resurfacing. It is no coincidence her new book comes out seven weeks before the election or that Bill Clintons speech at the convention personified her and the exact polar opposite and complete objectification of Kama Lama Ding Dong.

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As always I look to your comments as the voice of reason. Thank you.

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It's my understanding that many of the tech world are on board with Trump, so I don't think that's going to be an issue. Neither is AI tech as Trump is excited about it. He used it to write at least one of his speeches and was really impressed with AI. I voted for the man twice, but I've since become disillusioned with all of the current political parties and particularly with the candidates this time around. I think I'm not alone in my thoughts on this subject matter. Anyway, I'm just expressing myself with no aim to cause a stir.

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Go to the Substack Omega4America to see how the fix is in. These are quantum computer data collectors gathering fraudulent ballot addresses in real time. Unless we figure this out, no need to observe vote counting.

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