The evil described is this post is beyond unspeakable. God will judge this nation for it.

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So true.

Nevertheless, there has been some slight indication of at least one well known 28 $billion dude who was purported to use blood of the very young for longevity. At the time, it seemed too outrageous to believe so it was easy to simply move on to a different area. But now we have this. In light of ALL the lies from the leftists these last few years, in light of all we know about Epstein - how the fbi/doj still cover for his clients, it seems reasonable that we should not ignore such unspeakable activities because we now know clearly these creeps lie and coverup much of what they do and they are very capable of outrageous, aberrant things.

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As much as they will try, they can't hide it from God.

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“In all things consider the end; how you shall stand before the strict Judge from Whom nothing is hidden and Who will pronounce judgment in all justice, accepting neither bribes nor excuses. And you miserable and wretched sinner, who fear even the countenance of an angry man, what answer will you make to the God Who knows all your sins? Why do you not provide for yourself against the day of judgement when no man can be excused or defended by another because each will have enough to do to answer for himself? In this life your work is profitable, your tears acceptable, your sighs audible, your sorrow satisfying and purifying.” -Thomas a Kempis, “The Imitation of Christ”

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In the Old Testament, when Jonah arrived in Nineveh and preached that the people repent, the entire city, from the king down, did so, and thus were spared God's judgement. Unfortunately, it seems that here, in the US, we are beyond the point of even discussing such a possibility.

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Evil is afoot in this world, yet so many deny the very existence of sin. In this regard, our freewill has been a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing when mankind focuses on God and chooses to do His will. It's a curse when Satan muddies that choice and introduces the temptation of true evil. Some still deny that Satan even exists just as they deny the existence of God. But, if they will simply open their eyes to the truth of this world they will see a true war between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Satan may offer the temporary solace of worldly wealth and fame, and many will make that choice. God offers salvation and eternal life in a sinless place. We just need to get through this current mess. Folks, I've read the book. I know how this all turns out. God wins. Satan loses. Stay strong in your faith.

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All it takes for evil to prevail is for people to turn a blind eye and do nothing. Unless/until people value their children more than they fear authority, these diabolical forces will continue to destroy all that is sacred. As a survivor of child rape, along with all the females in my extended family, this is pervasive. #MeToo should have been a wakeup call. Instead, the small percentage of women who lied or exaggerated justified dismissing the entire movement. Many/most of these women were molested as children.

Just a few years later child rape is back in the news. The question is...just WHO is doing all this sexual violence? Not just the mentally ill, not just the sociopaths and misogynists or the macho bullies. It's the average guy who feels entitled to sex. Pedophiles and predators may be guilty of profiting off of these innocent children but they're SELLING to customers. MILLIONS of customers.

We live in a very sick patriarchal culture that hates women and despises children. Women who speak up about it such as Gail Dines are smeared and deplatformed. Why aren't millions of men just as outraged as Tim Ballard? Why is it ALWAYS #NotAllMen as a defense instead of calling out these perpetrators who give all men a bad name? For that matter why are children being groomed as sex objects younger and younger, now in schools?? Is there no end to the depravity of these people?

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You are correct up to your third paragraph. The fact is we do not live in a patriarchal society. We live in a society that presents with leftist, feminist views. They diss manliness; they diss allowing young boys to grow up naturally; they promote deviancy across the nation; they promote homornal castration of boys and similar treatment of girls; they fly deviancy flags at our embassies in islamic nations in the faces of believers of their prophet. I grew up in a society wherein women and girls were allowed to be abused because of machismo. i have heard a pregnant woman being beaten by her partner. It still haunts me. In fact, i myself have been beaten for NOT doing what they wanted. Nevertheless, that was machismo behavior not necessarily patriarchal. Such is a nonproductive, abusive, deviant descendant behavior of patriarchal just as many characteristics we see around us today are deviant descendant behaviors of a feminist society. We merely need to focus of the deviant descendant behavior of both emphasis'.

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Seriously? Are you kidding? You're clearly suffering from your trauma. Feminism has been coopted by patriarchy through big porn and trans ideology and twisted to serve the needs of the alpha males in our culture. Have you seen porn lately? If you show me the websites where MILLIONS of women pay billions of dollars to see men raped, tortured abused, your claim would be true. It's clear that men are suffering but they pass along their suffering to the weaker and more vulnerable.

Oh, and BTW, ZERO boys in my family were abused, they were instead given all the privileges while we picked up after them. THAT is the very definition of patriarchy. This pattern exists around the world.

Female genital mutilation, child brides, burquas, sex trafficking - all of these affect primarily women and children at the hands of men.

CEO's of corporations, leaders of countries, almost all male. So, no. You're dead wrong. Patriarchy is absolutely the dominant social framework and it's driving us over a cliff.

If it wasn't and if women and children mattered, women wouldn't have to return to work immediately after giving birth. They wouldn't be left destitute by husbands who walk away from their responsibilities. Children would be loved and cherished and their needs would be foremost in any social contract.

Women are strong and will endure but until patriarchy is transformed into a truly egalitarian culture, children will continue to be raped and exploited by men.

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Yes, i am serious. No, I am not suffering from trauma. I see clearly the harm feminism has done to our society. Patriarchy resonates with Natural Selection. Feminism is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT just like so many of our present ills in society. NO, I do not watch porn and never would. I am very happily married and have great gringo in-laws. Of course, my papa died a long time ago. But he was a fantastic father to my sister and me. For your information, your feminists have flown fighter jets now for many years. Your feminists now dominate universities and are a large part of the reason our universities are failing. Your feminists now and for many years have a large role in our political games being played. Without much doubt you like how the WH Spox lesbian does her job now of coverup. Feminists have entered car racing, NASA, many other fields. That's good as long as they do not alter the Natural Selection of sexual roles. OMG, where have you been, women have to return to work BECAUSE of the feminist movement and its aberrant drive to have the same 'privileges' of men - WORK. For a long period of time, they complained about not having the same pay as males (because of pregnancy and other woman roles). I know a dude well, a white gringo, who scored #1 on an engineering exam at his work place but was denied promotion because the position was given to a minority woman two months here from a foreign nation - as soon as she retired, she returned home to that foreign nation. That is your great feminism - promotion of women at all cost regardless of citizenship or merit. Anything that does not resonate with Natural Selection will eventually fail. MOTHER NATURE is a bitch! Cross Her and you will pay dearly eventually. As for children and mothers being abandoned, that is truly said. It is particularly true in the black community. I also was abandoned by my mother at 10 and then raised by my paternal nana, Secundina (thank God, a MX Indian from Durango, like me), however, that was not in this country; there are no safety nets there except one's family especially in the Indian culture. Here, LBJ, an honored Dem by feminists, created politically that scene by his welfare act and its requirement for no man in the home in order to qualify for that assistance. Sexual mutilation by a religion is not a product of patriarchy, rather it is an abuse by deviancy and precivilizational values. Your boys should have been taught to pick-up after themselves. A good father would have insisted on that. A good father and a good mother would insist and train their male children to be civilized and educated and to develop higher civilization values and the same with their daughters, that is, train them to be good women. I see this all over - many raise their children without rules or training or teaching them values. The dude who slugged me in my abdomen because i refused to go with him after he came up and demanded it. I was 16. It happened fast, I told him emphatically 'no, de ninguna manera, nunca', he quickly stepped close and hit me with a upper cut to my stomach - i fell to my hands and knees and could not breathe for a while and gasped for breath. Then he ran away. My two girlfriends walking with me helped me - one stayed with me and helped me get back up and to breathe while the other ran to get a police officer at a nearby kiosk. But it is better to not confuse precivilization values with patriarchy and/or feminism. That jerk who hit me reflected the belief of machismo, that is a misdirection within patriarchy. I absolutely hate machismo for that and many more reasons i experienced growing up and as a young adult woman. I heard my neighbor pregnant woman being beaten by her husband or maybe just partner. I still remember it like it was a couple weeks ago. But that was again machismo, a misdirection of one value within patriarchy. But that is not the fault of patriarchy, it is a misdirection of simply one value. Seeing such things and much more that i do not discuss here, i decided by 20 to never marry a fellow who presented with such a value. American men are mostly educated and have good values. That is why many foreign women prize American men. I was lucky to have found a great one. Both groups might harm individuals as well as society as a whole. Obviously, you have been harmed. That is very sad and unfortunate. Please try to understand why certain values are better and others are harmful. It is very helpful and good to follow the Golden Rule in everything. It was developed to help humans live together in a society that contains thugs.

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You are a wise woman and a good writer!

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You are very kind, ma'am.

But thank you kindly.

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First, feminism today is an abomination. In no way does it represent all women nor its original goals: to allow women to vote, have their own bank account, own property, have bodily autonomy and reproductive rights, have custody of their own children and be free to pursue a fulfilling life. Just like men.

What we see as 'feminists' today are women's distorted view of this culture's expectations. I agree that this NOT socially constructive. Feminism Inc has gone off the rails and most women, including me, are appalled at what passes for feminism these days.

However, understand that all of what we're seeing today is orchestrated by powerful men at the top who are driving both men and women into anti-social behaviour. They've successfully rolled back basic human rights for women by implementing social programs like eugenics and making porn easily accessible, profiting off women's bodies by promoting surrogacy. I could go on and on.

It is natural for the predator class to demonize the oppressor class. It is also expected that the predator class normalize all types of aggression, violence and psychopathy to justify their misogyny. Men have been convinced that they must dominate and control women to be a man. They must be 'alpha males' to gain respect. This only serves to make women hate them.

What we should all be striving for is not dominance/submission by either sex, but mutual respect. THAT was and should be feminism's goals. Sadly, it is not any more.

In summary, the average man has been led to believe that all women are gold-diggers, whores or 'Karens' when in fact most women simply want to feel safe both inside and outside of their homes, earn a livable income, provide for their family, have control of their bodies, and contribute to their communities. What you see on TV and media does NOT represent real women. It's programming to get men and women to hate each other so the billionaires at the top can better control all of us.

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Yes, there are mostly social constructs and not based on reality.

Ma'am, i must disagree with the idea that the "average" american man views women that way. Sure lots probably do, but most view women differently. TV, movies, and our corrupt media, imv, do almost nothing to represent real women (or american men).

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I’m sorry , I completely disagree. If patriarchy were a problem and pedophilia is arising because of it, that would mean there would have been much, much,much more pedophilia hundreds of years ago when women had less rights.

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Macho bullies? There is nothing macho about child molestation. It's the opposite of macho. Over-the-top macho behavior is usually a contrived persona, and isn't good, or even masculine. But both masculinity and machismo are the antithesis of pedophilia.

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Thanks JD for writing about this ...

But I now know far too much about this topic to digest your deep dive ... I find it more disturbing than anything else I can think of ... you've just touched the surface here ... but please give Bill Gates his proper due in your coming deep dive ... public records indicate he traveled to Epstein's island no less that than 36 times ... Ya see, Bill likes little girls ...

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🤮I do believe that since no one else seems to get lists exposed regarding Epstein island, we need to publish and spread it widely. Anyone that can help make that happen...should do it.🙏💔

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Watch this clip ...


I never get tired of watching this psychopathic scumbag squirm ...

10m video ... watch the whole thing ...

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He is that, definitely. As we speak he is up to his eyeballs in deviant behaviors.

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The greatest lie: Satan convincing the world he doesn’t exist...this lie permeates everything especially the evils in front of our faces daily...”don’t worry it’s just a Conspiracy Theory”

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The movie SOF really didn’t even scratch the surface. Albeit disturbing, it made it seem like this was an offshore problem, but it’s also right here in the US. Ever notice the tattoo on Hunter’s back? NY Finger Lakes. Hotbed of child abduction.

I had some in the media confirm to me that this is indeed true. And much worse then we think. Adrenochrome is real. They were very hush hush and did not want to discuss out loud. So.

Unfortunately MSM is captured and controlled by the global cabal and celebs that perpetuate these crimes, so this will stay hidden until we expose it to the light. And expose we must. What they are doing is the devils work.

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True. A huge clue is how this doj/fbi/cia covers for Epstein's clients. There is much more there than we are allowed to see. This probability is very high. A second huge problem is the corporate media used to propagate this evil. Why did our ICE (or the feds volunteers and employees working at the border with those kids coming across require, e.g., that woman with her 12 year old to remove their shoe laces so they would not run away and then seperate that 12 year old from her mother and ship the mother to Tijuana? What was that about? Too much does not fit.

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Thank you for shedding light on the evil. Keep this topic fresh in your rotation of postings. It’s the only way to help wake people.

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It’s usually passed off as oxidised Adrenalin since Adrenalin has been able to be made in a lab for a long time. There are many manufacturing locations, particularly in China. Per this website:

https://www.chemicalbook.com/Manufacturers/ADRENOCHROME.htm, here is a tally of suppliers they work with:

By country/region:

China = 42

United States = 17

Germany = 2

United Kingdom = 8

China is the largest supplier... Nothing to see here.

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I wish you went in more about the Committee of 300. What/who is that?

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Easy to research...those who control our world from behind...evil satanists

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John Coleman exposed the Committee of 300. I included some of his quotes in this article:


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The more my eyes are opened to this kind of twisted, sick, satanic kind of stuff, my first impulse is to close them and hope it’s all a bad dream. Unfortunately this is real - a testament to the power of truly dark forces trying to control nonbelievers in our material world.

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I realize closing eyes helps to get past the truth, but so many eyes have been closed for so many years, that is why this has been able to prevail. With eyes open now we need to spread this horrific news and take ACTION against these devils hurting our children, EXPOSE them and their evil deeds, and STOP it any way possible!

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It's hard to press Like for this - it makes my physically ill. I work in Uganda and in the western part of the country especially, children are kidnapped and killed by witch doctors for blood and body parts. At least one of the students at a small school I worked with was killed this way and never found, although word got out to the family what had happened. This is unbelievably demonic and, as you say, as old as time. We are in the "white is getting whiter and black getting blacker" stage of humanity, I'm afraid. End times...

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It's terrible and depressing. But it is definitely real. Right now, today!, human being slaves are sold in northern Africa. Meanwhile, the spoiled, foolish twits in Hollywood and the media and in our large cities cry about slavery here where everyone is free to educate and/or work to lift themselves out of debilitating poverty and the oppressive Democrats.

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Thank you for covering / uncovering this most important subject. I look forward to your deep dive and will be sharing far and wide.

The message is simple:

No More PedoPigs

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If you are a Believer never doubt that this world is not your home. If you are one who has ever doubted or denied the need for the judgement of mankind by "The Flood," or man's need for "Salvation," have your eyes been opened. Do not doubt that a "Final Judgement" will come. Our loving and merciful Father is yet again warning all the world of the wickedness of mankind. We are all sinners. Do not let a day pass without begging for His forgiveness. Accept Christ's Invitation. Why now has this film been released and its bitter truth unveiled. Judgment is coming to all.

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I hope you all can see the Movie, i hope you will watch this link if you cant see the Movie, its JC interview. (15) Jim Caviezel - #1 Most Evil and Unforgivable Sin Will Haunt You for Eternity | SRS #64 - YouTube Pay att to when he talks about rearranging his hoodie over his eye, he was seeing a sm child being raped. I havent seen movie yet but whomever discounts what they did? Should have their Hardrives checked as someone said today. Thank you Mr. JD Rucker for covering it. Its very real folks

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IF it is true, it is not conspiracy theory.

Democrats being the terrific scientists they ARE (sarc), the do not know the definition of theory.

Actual fact and truth is NOT theory. Rather, what these misfits in the media and left do is coverup to protect their sorry arsas. They are despicable, lying sociopaths.

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Well said.

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