The best of the best: IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD (CREATOR). This should be number ONE! Before anything! I definitely can contest to THIS!

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And if you have no relationship with our Creator, you are doomed. It's a must to believe and have faith in the FACT that Christ died for you, and rose again - in the end, nothing else matters.

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A great post to absorb as we head into what promises to be a tumultuous new year. Fight the good fight everyone, pray and prepare.

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I can no longer warn my friends and family, I've worn that out from back in the early O'BloMe cartel days. But, I keep trying anyway, at the risk of further alienation. They have to help themselves, I can't physically support them.

The most important fact regarding prepping is it is the only moral and ethical choice. When whatever hits us does, you will suddenly fall into groups, either you "have" or you "have not". If you have not, your family's survival depends on "appropriating" supplies from those who "have".

That places one in not only a despicable situation, but also a potentially dangerous one.

As you mentioned JD, money will be usable for a very short period before everybody figures out it is worthless, but ultimately, they will find it gives them no status amongst the unwashed preppers and other sources of supplies.

Any head of household will do whatever is required if their family is starving. Desperate measures produce desperate people. They are very dangerous.

Prepare accordingly, particularly one's mind. A prepper cannot save everybody without jeopardizing their own posse's future.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I am fully off grid and mobile. The mobility makes it difficult to collect massive food preps, most of which are heavy. I have about 90 days on hand for two people. My thought is that there will be plenty of resources around as people die off from the vax, suicides or from fighting. I hope to find out where the people have been hit least hard and are capable of protecting/fighting for what they have and travel to where they are. I plan to offer what I have to the group, dig in my heels and work along side them to protect the freedom all preppers and patriots are seeking.

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I wish I could be like that.

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Consider Moscow, Idaho.

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This will be my biggest issue. I’m surrounded by lazy moochers who just know they will come to my homestead if and when shtf. I’m ready to turn them away, but my husband (it’s his family) won’t be able to. What then? So I just focus on keeping my kiddos fed and teaching them the skills needed when I’m long gone.

Good luck to us all.

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Very good JD. I would add at the top of the list to get your children out of government schools and into homeschooling or good private Christian schools. Get your church to start one if one isn't nearby. I recommend PublicSchoolExit.com as a place to start. There's zero wisdom in having your kids indoctrinated by the government against you when the sky is falling. And they'll be better educated.

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Stay #pureblood. Prepare for more chaos. Do not comply. Listen to people connected to the vine. Have faith of a child in all things, for God protects His people.

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Well stated J.D.! Do not forget how to use bow and arrows, use of a Bowie knife, and buy MREs and silver. Praise Jesus we are here now to serve Him and His will. He will protect His believers. Have a blessed year!

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I applaud your efforts. And your last point is indeed the most important. But, as you suggested, unbelievers will reject it because they are unbelievers. You can't show the blind the map to freedom.

I'm not a dispensationalist nor a fatalist. But the reality is civilazations fall. They always have. This one will too. Eventually. Whether it's at the hands of the current crop of evil-doers remains to be seen.

But the message isn't so much "do this to save America," as it is "do this because it's the right thing to do."

God determined long ago how the USA will end, and nothing mere men do will change that. But mere men are commanded by God to do the right thing, irrespective of the outcome. And that pleases Him.

As the Englishman put it,

"Someone had blundered.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die."

Keep up the good work.

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We are probably in a civilization that is in decline and actually dying. We have survived well over 200 years while the average age of a civilization is about 200 years. It is a natural phenomenon, measurable, and predictably obvious. The Founders of America were correct. They were a bunch of geniuses. Now we have arrived at a point in which about half the Nation does not recognize the genius of the Founders.

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I agree wholeheatedly. As would the founders, Adams and Madison, among them.

John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He wasn’t the only Founding Father to hold this view. Indeed, James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.” https://constitutionallaw.regent.edu/preserving-a-constitution-designed-for-a-moral-and-religious-people/

Rules mean nothing to rule-breakers. Witness Biden and company. Rules to them are to be bent until they serve their own purpose.

We are a nation that has jettisoned God from the public square, from education, from government and we wonder why those realms behave godlessly. It is what they are: godless, lawless, self-serving, virtuousless opportunists. To expect the godless to act righteously is to expect a leopard to change his spots. They act according to what they are: God-hating fallen sinners who don't even understand their own need for repentance.

At best, God will have mercy. But mercy is His one trait with limits. We've been pushing that limit for more than a century. Time's short.

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We are in the end times. You can never fully understand world news if you have a closed Bible. That’s our go to instruction book and know for a fact what’s going on in this upside down world.

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Surely this article was a joke. New year's resolutions? haha, yeah, people forget about that by January 2nd.

What patriots need to do is abandon the bullshyte republican party enmasse, and put the fear of god into those fake aholes. They are just democrat surrogates, but idiot Americans actually think the gop is a party that gives a shyte about the nation, they don't!

You can still vote for your fake gop candidate if you like, if you're that friggin stupid, but the mass exodus of registered voters from the party is the only way to get their attention.

Right now they know that they can tell you the lies you want to hear, then once in office, tell you to take a flying leap. They know that you're so stupid, that you will keep coming back for more lies and betrayal. It's been working for a good 100 years. You'd think most intelligent people would have figured it out by now, but noooo, the right loves to be lied to and betrayed.

If you want to make a new year's resolution that means anything, go dump the gop, become free independents!!! Show the gop that you aren't just a bunch of lemmings.

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Truepatriot, I respect your position and assessment but it's a suicide mission. Our only hope is to transform the GOP. Leaving the GOP in sufficient numbers guarantees D victory and the end of America. There are a handful of good Republicans doing what they can to fix things. We need to primary the bad ones and hold them all to account. It's really the only chance we have.

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Transform the GOP??? Really? How many decades do you think that will take? I believe that was the plan in 2022, was it not? That didn't go well at all, especially since Trump went around the nation endorsing every rino he could find after preaching about draining the swamp. That's not even a serious idea. How is leaving the GOP a suicide mission? Do you not understand that you can vote any way you please, regardless of your voter registration?

As long as folks like you are too scared to take a stand, nothing will change.

I see you're one of the people that love being lied to and betrayed. You're exactly the kind of voter the GOP cherishes. No matter how much of a fraud the party gets exposed as being, you're still right there supporting them.

You don't seem to understand one extremely, very simple thing, if they do not feel threatened, they will continue on the same course.

As far as primarying the rinos, that's a joke. Most idiot voters wouldn't know a rino from a patriot. The 2022 election was a glaring example of that. Nut job voters vote for the criminal that spends the most money, that's it. That's why everything depends on fundraising, unbelievable but it's proven every election.

If the GOP sees a mass exodus, fundraising plummets. That's something they understand. You tell me another way to get their attention.

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Good afternoon. I don't have time for a long post, but I'll try to get my point across concisely and respectfully. We are on the same team and disagreements are healthy. I understand that I can vote in the general as an independent, but I can't vote in the primary. Primarying the RINOs is the only path that I can see - in addition to defunding the RNC. 2022 went poorly partly because of Trump's misguided endorsements of both candidates and Ronna (I don't understand why he does this - it's hugely destructive. But Trump is still the only viable leader). But 2022 also went poorly because the GOP (McCarthy in particular) worked tirelessly against MAGA candidates. A few still one but I'd guess the GOP took out a dozen or more. I still think voter theft plays a role - Kari Lake, in particular, but there are others.

So, in short. Give money only to individual candidates. Support MAGA candidates in the primaries, and contact legislators to try to influence legislation. And get involved someone.

That's all I got for today.

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An excellent message. Thank you. Many (but not enough) recognize the urgent need for community & attention at local & state levels of govt. Greatly appreciate your insight.

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For me, only the company of plants and trees and earth are my church. There is indeed so much to know about them, but I start with knowing they have been here much much longer than we have, and so we are the 'little sisters and brothers' and they, plants, trees, and earth, are the elders. They have been so good to us, we owe them much.

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Good article. Thanks. And as Renee says below, we need to all improve our relationship with the Lord.

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Happy New Year

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Thank you for posting this. I am particularly focused on my spiritual life and self defense. We have been blessed to establish relationships with our neighbors who live near us in the rural area that we moved to 18 months ago and in the small church that we found a year ago. So my faith, our garden, our neighbors, physical and financial self defense are the areas of focus for us in 2024.

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Your article is loaded with contradictions. If you actually understand scripture there is absolutely no question we are in the end times. The very end times. I won't list the obvious reasons. If you understand scripture you would know the USA has absolutely no part in what plays out in the end times which is why our nation is now coming to an end.

I would also add that nobody that fully understands scripture would be or should be terrified of what is happening. Trying to fix our government is wasted energy on every level. We are not of this world nor are we supposed to be working to fix it. Scripture is very clear on that. The level of corruption and decay in our nation has passed the point of being able to be resolved regardless.

Not because of Democrats but because of the very "conservatives" who prioritize their non essential entertainment over their ethics and values. We all talk about Christian values but we don't actually demonstrate them. How many conservatives are removing themselves from the things of "this world" that are non essential to our lives but contribute to the evil and breakdown of our nation.

Let's start with Facebook. Empty calories yet the single biggest tool Satan has used to push the Gay/Lesbian agenda, Pushed unsafe propaganda around covid that left millions dead, assisted is assuring that the narrative of no voter fraud occurred became the mainstream belief. All while shutting down and censoring opposing voices. You cannot in all honestly be on facebook and even identify as an actual Christian. There is no innocent participation in a vector of evil. Period!

The same goes for the NFL. They funded and supported organizations that lead to innocent police officers getting killed. They supported BLM which led to the hysteria and the jailing of an innocent man over the death of a drug addict engaged in a crime. They disrespected our Veterans, our Nation, our Flag and our founding principles. There is no innocent Participation. How many phonies on here will be watching the superbowl.

So let's stop pretending we are a Christian nation. our participation in these things instead of standing on principle knowing that this is road that will lead to others seeing light within us as a testament to Christ. You yourself Mr. Rucker engage in dishonest manipulative headlines on the Liberty Daily to get clicks.

The reality is that we are known by what we do, Not the rhetoric we put out. I wish people would just stop pretending and admit they are patriots, Christians, etc. in name only and that their conduct and actual behavior does not live up in anyway to what scripture requires of actual believers. Faith in this world or Government is foolish and misplaced. Participating in the evil that is bringing the world to it's knees thinking we won't have to answer for it one day is only deluding yourselves.

So how about the New Years resolution being that we actually act like Christians or stop smearing the name of Christ by claiming to be such while wallowing in the pleasures of this world destroying our testimony and witness to Christ. Facebook, Amazon, NFL, Hollywood, Disney, Marvel Movies... etc. All empty calories and non-essential entities that do nothing for us spiritually except help us to be dead to the Lord while wallowing in the world.

Hypocrites. That's what most of the conservatives in this Country are. Liberals at least do what they say.

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Are we not a Christian nation, i.e., the Church? And we are not dead but are called to new life, to resist evil, evangelize, and be God's hands and feet. If the U.S. is no longer a nation under God, then it has violated its contract to protect the rights given by God. As the image of the beast, the U.S. may be destined to certain ruin, to include the weapon of indignation, but that is not the destiny of the children of God.

Hypocrisy abounded in Jesus' day as it does in ours, but we have a promise from a patient and infinite God that our lives will be redeemed. As He did for Joshua regarding a PHYSICAL promised land, he tells us to be strong and courageous (three times!) as we enter God's spiritual kingdom.

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Correct and I'm calling it out. We are also told not to get involved in the world or to worry about it. The church is not the Nation and right now this country is the most wicked sinful nation on the planet. The immorality, selfishness and deprvity is truly u matched. We are in the world but we are not of it.

We are to resist evil but we can't resist it when we are peddling it.

This nation. Is not a promised land. The tribulation is coming very soon. The believers will be gone. Then after 7 years of horror Christ will come back to judge. Then he will restore the planet for the millenum but that's going to be his doing not ours.

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Amen to truth! As to the world, it is still shaping us for greater things.


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord

as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

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One of my goals is to disengage in discussions or debates of things political. It is too upsetting. It is distracting and i actually do not like to argue such people. I have seen people's souls. It is true, i have seen them. Absolutely, without an iota of doubt. Some came to ask me to give a message to a loved one. Even my sister's dog's soul came to me the night before i visited my sister, Lupita. Only when i arrived there the following day did i learn that that dog had passed away the previous day. People do not believe me. But, it is true. I can say one thing - souls are so super clean that they actually glow. It is true. My cousin's son's soul came to me in 2001 and asked me to tell his mother to stop crying and suffering because he is well now. He suffered a terrible death. But he so clean he actually glowed all over. It is true. I had not spoken with any of them for over a year after he was killed. Then one night I dreamed of visiting them. As i walked through the door, i saw the 12-year-old boy lying on the floor on his back in the middle of the living room. He was so clean. It was a stunning cleanliness. It was a cleanness not of this world. He glowed. His hair, his skin, his whole body glowed from super cleanliness. I asked him, "Christian, what are you doing there?!". He responded by rising up and turning to see me, looked right at me, and then he said, "Tia, please tell my mother she should stop suffering over me. Please tell her i am better and i am well here. Please tell her, Tia." I told the mother's oldest sister and they (the 3-sisters broke the news of it to her. Then they visited a Church in Mejico to ask a Father about it. Souls definitely exist. Maybe in a different realm than we exist in. But they exist. I swear it is true. Jesus el Hijo de Dios and Mariasantísima visited me one night in a dream. He was so sad. Mariasantísima tried to approach me but i was afraid and ran away into a nearby grotto. The next day my younger brother's neighbor telephoned me to advise me that my brother had passed away the previous night. That was what Jesus and Mariasantísima wanted to tell me. It is true, i swear upon my Nana's (grandmother who raised me) soul. Please, please believe in Them. They really, really exist. There are many, many such dreams of them that come true the following day or two.

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Speaking to the dead is not possible; they are asleep. Necromancy is not of God.

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Who said anything about speaking with a dead body? I didn't. By the time of that phenomenon, he had been dead and in the ground for a little over a year. Possibly his body had already done some serious decomposition. Dead bodies do not speak. However, souls may.

Btw, that 12-year-old boy was ran over by a car while he walked on the sidewalk with a couple other young friends, then she (the driver) dragged his body under the car onto the street and a bit down the street. Then they hung his body in a nearby tree. Dead bodies do not speak. Their souls, however, may communicate at times. The boy's mother suffered greatly and could barely eat, she cried every day for over a year, lost a lot of weight. It was Halloween of 2000 when he was killed in Southern California.

Btw, have you heard of the Pentagon's unit called "Archangel" researching the phenomenon? We (the USA) spend millions studying the relationship. It exists and is closer than one might think.

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2 Corinthians 11:14 ES

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

Phenomena occur, but we must discern if the messages are from God. Demons can and do impersonate people.

Germany also spent much time and resources researching powers beyond the physical; I do not think that is a role we gave our government, being subordinate to The People and God. The Constitution, which military takes an oath to defend, mandates freedom of religion, and does not authorize the military as a spiritual authority.

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True, our gov should not do such. But look what they do. We direly need a decent Prez and decent AG.

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Not to go one too much and bore many with this subject, but have you heard of the Miracle of Fatima. That phenomenon took place in 1917, if memory still serves me. Something is going on, definitely. It would be too sad and unwise to ignore. We humans must study humility and stop thinking we are the most advanced species in this galaxy. Multiple and varied PhDs are doing the research. It is real.

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Ecclesiastes 9:5-6

For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun.

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This is stating that our loved ones are in restful sleep. We will be reunited when Christ returns, but no people (souls) are spiritually roaming the earth after death. There is no purgatory or alternate atonement, but by our faith and relationship with our living Lord as we live.

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No one mentioned souls roaming the earth. Check out the real evidence of life after death. Souls may be seen. What really happened at Fatima? What the heck was that all about? Think.

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