Did I Miss Something? I thought an investigation could Only be launched if there was some evidence of a Crime.

I used to hold the FBI in high regard. Today I wonder how many have rotted in prison over Evidence the Crime Lab said was cocaine when it was foot powder.

It's good that Americans woke up and we know who they are, but if you're here, they know who we are, too. Evil is running, if not the world, certainly America. And if you ain't with them, well, you know.

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Not with a FISA warrant

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Oh, you've got the old rule book, let me send you a copy of the All New and Improved Democrat version of it.

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When the FBI starts arresting pedophile priests en masse, I will begin to believe they are not politically motivated.

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The charges aimed at PoP is similar to the known Catholic Church's pedophilia problem. Is the FBI investigating any of this? They'll give credibility to this former member, who is known for 'far-fetched claims, litigiousness, and hyper-partisanship', but refuse to hear from actual legitimate whistleblowers that come forth to expose massive government corruption. This PoP investigation is probably a 'nothing burger' and is just another attack on a conservative majority SCOTUS.

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Any one who thinks that Barrett will back off of her criticism of the DOJ or the FBI does not understand the People of Praise and the Holy Spirit. She is not afraid...!

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JD, thanks for shedding some light on this. It will be entertaining to watch the cockroaches scatter.

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Here's the issue I'm faced with in regards to the FBI collectively as an organization, as I'm sure there's the occasional decent agent amongst them by statistical probability alone: Since Waco and Ruby Ridge occurred, I've looked askance at the agency with increasing suspicion with each successive instance of government overreach. At first, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, there were multiple theories about Waco and while I'm sure David Koresh wasn't a choir boy where laws were concerned, there's no doubt the FBI, at the very least, exercised poor judgement. Ruby Ridge made me more inclined to believe the FBI was targeting those who simply wanted to be left in peace by our government, as we went through life exercising our Constitutional rights. 9/11, the Russia Hoax and the targeting of pro-life groups and individuals made me realize the entire leadership is inept at best and corrupt at worst. Targeting parents at school board meetings, slipping agents into Catholic churches and the Jan. 6 narrative ruined the thought most rank and file agents have been indoctrinated by police state tactics. It's clear most are on board. Today, I'm struggling to believe there's a single, decent soul amongst them, although mathematically, there has to be (not to mention the whistleblowers who testified to Congress). Every time their agency is attached to any investigation or interview now, I automatically assume the alleged suspect is innocent regardless of evidence. The FBI itself did this and I won't listen to a moment's whining suggesting it's my partisan bias which formed my opinion. They had my complete respect at one point. Their own statements and actions squandered it.

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For this alone the FBI MUST be disbanded. They are beyond corrupt. Wray should be Prosecuted and disbarred.

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When Garland said he knew nothing about the letter going after parents confronting school boards, he is either ignorant of what his weaponized DOJ is up to or he’s a good liar. Either way doesn’t bide well for DOJ or FBI; both have lost credibility and respect. FBI should move to Kansas, far from DC corruption. DOJ needs gutted.

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Federal Bureau of Intimidation, under the Department of Injustice. What a nightmare world we live in these days.

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From an affidavit, filed in federal court, of Jessie Marie Czebotar:

Individuals Involved in the Order of Melchizedek Include:

Newt and ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingerich (Not in ritual spoken of)

Clara Odelia Acker Church

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Dick, Lynne and Liz Cheney

James Danforth “Dan” and Marilyn Quayle

Former Vice President Mike and Karen Pence

John and Theresa Heinz Kerry

Cardinal/Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan

Archbishop John L. May

Archbishop Thomas Brady

Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor of Free Thought Matters (Not in ritual spoken of)

Amy Coney Barret (not present for this ritual and a child training with Callista Gingrich at (unreadable))

Anderson Cooper

Carter Vanderbilt Cooper

Gloria Vanderbilt


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Ask Wray when is the next meeting of the Bohemian Club in the Redwood Forest?

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the heart of darkness group that is destroying USA and the world in it's goal to enslave humanity is the sos (synagogue of satan)....but don't expect any investigation because it is running the show

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Oct 4, 2023
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ike was a full on sos (synagogue of satan) member and the only reason he warned of the industrial military complex is because he wanted to cover his ass for his treason...similar to why washington freed his slaves. washington was a full on sos freemason and he knew that freeing his slaves would give his historical record some cover despite his being a cruel master...almost complete opposite of jefferson

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You can't get much more demonic than the Mason's. Secret bibles???

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Oct 4, 2023Edited
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ike graduated bottom of his west point class....he was almost fragged by his troops when he led them into a massacre in italy and the commie controlled fdr then put him in hq in england where he spent his time at parties and banging his young mistress....he was a disgustingly worthy member of the sos

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Oct 7, 2023
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he genocided pow germans after the war and the entire commies vs nazis was just a useful cover to murder millions of european Xtians....same thing happening now in ukraine and getting ready to spread

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Oct 8, 2023
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