You have to wonder how deep this goes. Payoffs for prescribing drugs, tests and doing procedures of all kinds? You are nutz to still be blindly trusting doctors and the medical mafia.

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Covid revealed just how corrupt, greedy and cowardly many physicians are.

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Sad, but true.

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It would be foolish and naive to believe Anthem was only offering incentives to KY physicians. I would not be surprised if my refusal of the jab - we were insured with Anthem at the time - was another incentive for my PCP of 15 years to get rid of me. I was costing her.

While this information has been out for a few months, it's good to remind people or make those aware who do not know. Thanks JD.

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Pediatricians sometimes kick children out of their practice for the same reason. They get paid for pushing the child vaccine schedule. The kids that won't get vaxed cost them money so some doctors kick out those kids.

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Not at all surprised.

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No different from the “incentives” hospitals were paid to count every death “with” COVID as “of” COVID, vent patients & insist on remesdivir (run-death-is-near) as the ONLY WuFlu treatments if one had the misfortune to be hospitalized.

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Doctor in Dublin was filmed opening her practice after midnight. Approaching people of the street telling people to come get their jabs as she had only two left, then 10 minutes later she was outside doing the very same thing..someone watched and confronted her about it. She didn’t give a dam, all she was thinking of was the money..pure greed..never forget what these so called professionals have done to humanity.

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Wow. Despicable

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The fact that there is a bonus is in fact evidence of bad intentions. Especially knowing that they don’t work and are indeed causing deaths. At no point in history have we had athletes dropping dead in the prime of their lives. These ELITES need a ‘what for’.

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Yes so many young people high on their dreams, worked so hard to make it on a team, to a goal and a heart urgency ends it

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Here is what I wrote in Kirsch's latest post...... "What are all these experts finding out all this evidence going to do with this? If it's just to post on substack or on social media then we are never getting out of this alive..... we are three years in and the censorship and the pushing of these very same shots are still happenign out there....we want action and we want people to be held accountable and now...... "The medical community is never going to admit this", right, which is why someone has to make them admit this..... there are so many powerful people and experts now against the shots with so much more pull than the general public and still nothign is happening......so disheartening......what will it take......we can't just keep talking about it......."


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Most people are aware of all the money involved in this gigantic scam. What boils my blood is all the outcry against using Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as viable treatments against the Wuhan lab virus. All the MSM cried out it was "horse tranquilizer" (ivermectin) and the people without medical knowledge believed it. Pharmacies even banned its use! Doctors would not prescribe it!! They are all complicit in the deaths of all those who could have used it and not died.

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Don't forget American families were incentivized to perpetuate the Covid panic as well. How else could you die the past few years and have the government pay up to $9,000 in funeral costs? No income limits or other restrictions on the payout; just needed to have Covid listed as the cause of death. Through this program, FEMA paid for over 400,000 funerals at a cost of $2.5 billion.

Sure, grandpa was 93, had a bum ticker, was riddled with cancer and needed dialysis. But he also tested positive for Covid and the nice man at the hospital told me if I just agreed to list Covid as the cause of death, I could get up to $9K back! Do you think more than a few families might have jumped at this offer?

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Awful. I’ve bad times, as millions do. I could work in a bank vault and just borrow a dollar for a soda but, to accept $$ for putting down that the patient died of something else ….nope And….what could they do when their conscience catches up with them? Go find the med rec and ask to change it?! OMG What a life then ?

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High treason. Genocidal co-conspirators. Death penalty per U.S. Constitution. No other recourse needed. Forgive then hang them all.

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Thank you again for the in-depth article.

COVID-19 is a test-run. I predict with certainty that the evil Democrats will have a landslide victory in 2024 to capture the presidency, the Senate and the House. Then the next pandemic will commence, and the military forces (National Guards thugs) will be called up to round up everyone for injections.

I have a simple question: what should we do in anticipation of this situation?

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Once they implement the digital currency system refusing to be injected will get your bank account shut down until you comply. Dark times ahead.

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That's coming very soon. Sooner than most people can imagine.

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What a frightening thought Yang Ming...but certainly not out of realities reach. This next election year will , God willing, be our last chance to hold onto this country. We have been snowballed and lied to for so many years, and now we wake to the truth of it all and our ability to "Trust" has been wiped out due to these demons...A

country that stands together in faith, not fear, can weather the storms facing us..we just have to try believe in each other.

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That incentive payment from Blue Cross Blue Shield is even more nefarious than it looks. Consider that the first bonuses were for percentage of patients jabbed, a fair number of whom probably got it "voluntarily" early on. But the bonuses double for INDIVIDUAL patients in the practice who got first time jabbed between September 1 and December 1 of 2021. This was at the exact same time as mandates were rolling out across many workplaces, universities, the DoD, et cetera. Any individual who held out that long probably had significant doubts about the jabs and was coerced. This payment incentivized putting huge pressure on the holdouts at exactly the same time as many were saying "I'm only doing this for work" or something to that effect. It makes me wonder how many died from this...

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There was a vid a few months back of a nurse who, sitting in her car, was coming to the realization of what's been happening, and of what she'd done. I could barely watch it, but that moment must be happening to many medicos; when you realize you are little more than a cog in a great killing machine.

That most medico's are jabbed to the gills only makes them doubly damaged, by guilt and by poison. I encourage any of those who have woken to understand that their waking to it means everything; it's been a mind *%ck for everyone, hits you like a headslap, a soulslap. Understanding brings healing.

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I hope they can't sleep at night, especially the OB MD's that pushed this onto pregnant women.

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"...offering incentives for helping patients MAKE THE CHOICE to become vaccinated."

Translation: "It doesn't matter the product is defective--or may cause death. The patients MAKE THE CHOICE to get it or not. They might not do that without your 'professional advice as their doctor.' Patient trust be damned. You are our salesman, Doc."

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I assume the trail of bribe money starts with the federal taxes we all pay and ends up in our doctor’s personal bank account. But, It would be enlightening to know the exact flow of the bribe money, along the way. These are the organizations that need to be held accountable and prosecuted. Perhaps “We the People” should work backwards and prosecute the doctors who deposited the bribes in their personal bank accounts.

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