That money is no doubt landing in certain dark money-type foundations and the offshore accounts of dirty people.

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Well are you surprised ? The Biden crime family needs it's kick backs. Zelinski, will abdicate, take all the foreign $$$$ and seek asylum here in America, so him and Biden can count our tax money. The Ukraine is nothing more than a Money Laundering Scheme.

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Right...and when Zelensky abdicates he could come to live in his home that he owns in

South Florida. That is for sure: Ukraine...a Money Laundering Scheme.

Then JOE sells our SPR to China Company with ties to Hunter Biden. So, JOE

gets Kickbacks. I can't believer the corruption that is going on and our

feckless Republicans don't do a thing about it. Then JOE had the audacity

to tell gasoline station owners to lower their gas prices over the 4th of July

weekend. They are doing these things on purpose for a goal in mind. I just

wonder what that could be? I have my suspicions.

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The WEF and the UN recently signed an alignment agreement. The Great Reset and Agenda 21 (now 2030) are officially allied and a joint force.

Zelensky meets regularly with Klaus Schwab and has pledged that Ukraine will be a model for the 4th industrial revolution; the Great Reset.

Zelensky’s agreed to going all in with digital currency, a social credit type system and is actively suppressing opposition parties and media in Ukraine. The major media group in Ukraine is 1+1 Media controlled by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a Ukraine oligarch who is currently banned in the US due to “corruption and undermining democracy“.

He is a key supporter and backer of Zelensky. Kolomoyskyi’s bank, now defunct, made 5.5 billion of IMF loans and grants disappear, like Houdini. This was while VP Biden had the Ukraine portfolio. The investigating prosecutor was famously fired at VP Biden’s request. His 1+1 International (news from Ukraine) network is now broadcast on major cable providers here in the US. AT&T is one.

Every dollar sent to Ukraine feeds this cabal, this legion of evil. They could care less about the Ukrainian civilians, and the WEF laughs at environmentalists. Both are tools and means to their endgame.

Global governance through totalitarian controls via surveillance.

We have no business in Ukraine.

Only Joe Biden, his family and cohorts do; the other obvious American elites who care not for us, only personal power.

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This is Treason. The ultimate sellout of the country.

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Wow, the money just keeps flowing with no accountability. How the heck is this allowed? Why is it allowed with very few even thinking about it. Our country is in debt 30 trillion with no way out, high inflation, high gas prices, illegals flooding our border and southern states…but let’s send more millions to Ukraine 🤬🤬🤬

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022

it's all funny money. the US is 30 trillion in debt to China (and counting...) Something tells me this is not going to end well for "US"

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Both parties are complicit in this theft. So stop blaming the left because "Republicans" and the GOP are just as involved in this great scam on the American people as leftists. The UniParty is real, and they work together behind the curtain to conspire against the people. The US government is the enemy of the people. Wake up.

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I hope y'all understand how that 10% for the Big Guy works for every penny

of OUR Tax Dollars going into the Ukraine ... do you think that 10% fee magically disappeared ?

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and americans sleep on..not ONE impeachment attempt..nada...you yes you are taxpayers arent you?

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MTG has tried to bring Articles of Impeachment but of course there is no support. And if you think all of us are blissfully sleeping you are very very wrong.

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Worst waste of American money ever.

And Russia is still kicking Ukraine Nazi ass.

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C'mon man....it's only money! If we need more, we'll just print more. Be sure Hunter brings me my 10%.

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You NAILED IT, The last actual public $ figure was $54 BILLION. What doesn't get reported are the lesser amounts hidden in those massive spending bills few read, BUILD BACK BETTER BIDEN WROTE WITH HIS OWN PAWS. If you watched the Clarence Thomas hearings, he chaired, it took him half an hour to ask a simple yes/no question, it would have taken most of us using crib notes to answer. I'd put the $ amount closer to 100 Billion.

The ads for support Ukraine, were from major agencies like red Cross and Christian Ministries, which were on top of the Mexican Border crisis, that took a lot of food off our shelves creating shortages in America, driving up prices, including Baby Formulas. On top of the Faux Lockdowns, with fewer workers. Fewer Doctor visits, which drove up non-covid deaths 40% according in Insurance records. People skipped health checks. Instead of OB'S advising moms to be to prepared for breast feeding. Which is the preferred method, all they did was let Fear drive parents they couldn't feed their babies. And let con artist prey on them. Babies except special needs like PKU ones, would benefit from breast feeding, over the chemicals in formulas. Another convivence, man made product to make money. They denigrated the old fashion evaporated milk with syrup. What was used before formulas https://health.howstuffworks.com/pregnancy-and-parenting/baby-health/infant-health/infant-formula-history.htm. Even Preemies can be fed breast milk, may not be the regular method, but it is doable. Abbot was at 41% production level in November 2021, NO inspections since 2020. The every 3-5 year inspection time table for a product like baby formula, should be monthly. 15,000 inspections weren't done. Maintenance workers were not considered Essential workers nor were the Inspectors. During the faux needed lockdowns. FDA finely admitted they were at FAULT, OR AS BIDEN IS IN CHARGE IT IS HIS FAULT. THE BUCK STOPS AT HIS DESK. https://reason.com/2022/07/07/fda-finally-admits-it-caused-the-baby-formula-shortage/ The bottom line is MONEY. STOP GIVING MONEY TO THESE CAUSES, YOU ARE CREATING A CRISIS IN AMERICA, NO ONE WILL BAIL US OUT OF. His next raid is on your 401K'S. Where con artist are already preying. Along with higher Taxes, higher gas prices, as he forges ahead with his all electric everything, Some LIBERAL HOA is taking a elderly couples home for feeding ducks. https://people.com/human-interest/texas-couple-could-lose-home-after-feeding-ducks. We now live in a DICTATORSHIP, NOT A REPUBLIC RUN BY LUNITICS. "Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity." Thomas Sowell

Melatonin Overdoses the CDC is just sounding the alarm after a Decade of reports, arrests, by Daycare, Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers were caught using it on you kids prior to naptime. Two infants, 1 three months, 1 twelve months died, Thousands were sent to the ER, or Hospitalized. Covid is blamed for the latest you can't sleep for worrying. TRY THEY WERE GUMMY BEARS with NO CHILD PROOF CAPS. A 2-5 year old would consider them their favorite portion controlled candy. It does not stop there, CBD, MMJ, many Adult supplements are dangerous to a child. Look at the aisle, only kid multi Gummy Bear is 1, their multi vit/min formula. Were as Adults come in a wide range, many dangerous or deadly to a small child. D, C, Calcium, Magnesium even the hard to absorb Oxide will cause chronic diarrhea, are not just for bones, they interact with Heart regulation, or BS. D in a OD is not good it and A are oils, the body retains, and builds up.

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With open borders why do we need homeland security bloat dept?

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