Got to keep the CIA history under wraps; Kennedy assasinations and 9/11 just two of many!

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Allen Dulles was a criminal & Murderer.

Way before there even was a CIA, Dulles & his brother made a lot of money during WW 2 in Switzerland Dealing with the Nazis just across the Rhine!

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Trump will become even more popular. Donations will be flooding in. 2024 will be more insane than 2020. Buckle up. Global Freedom begins and ends in America.

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As proof of your last statement - I have a friend in Australia who can't wait for Trump to come back into office, he knows that the world will begin to become a decent place once again when Trump is back as President of the U.S.

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I don't want to dash your high hopes but it won't be that easy!

To para phrase a famous world war 2 quote by Winston Churchill,

"If Trump wins in 2024 it won't be the end,it won't even be the beginning of the end.

It will just be the end of the beginning''

Washington is rotted thru & it's swamp will be targeting president Trump.

He will have a hard time getting anything done in a town that is essentially a Democrat stronghold & the Democrats will use every dirty trick the know to Obstruct Trump.

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Yes, they will litigate everyday against his orders.

If there is one thing for certain, the Dems/leftists are organized and march lock step together. The Republicans, not so much.

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I believe that between now & the elections,15months, things will get past talking & become violent. What's going on now in Washington can't simply drift along as is for 15 more months!

There is going to be a political explosion!

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Possibly you are correct.

We remember Biden's warning that we better be ready to fight against F16s. He must have been contemplating a fight too.

Their treatment of the nonviolent rioters of J6 seems more to be a warning to citizens of going up against them.

All the violence of J6 was committed by the gov.

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The battle will be won out in the Republican Red states like Texas & Florida!

Washington is enemy territory!

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@E Grogan I trust you are a good guy and we share the same value, but please throw away the “White Hat” kind of BS and look at the facts. The US Military is commanded by traitors and criminals, even the National Guards have become the Democrats military arms. Their occupation of DC after Jan 6, 2021 was the proof. There are good guys in the armed forces, but they seem to have zero influence on the direction of destruction of America.

White Hats in the military are bullshit lies, period.

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White hats in military have been taking down deep state slowly for decades. See Derek Johnson interview from last week on x22report.com - proof white hats in military are working on this right now and have been for quite awhile.

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Austin and Milley lead the military, Pentagon, the movement toward wokeness. The contagion is well into lower ranks now. Only China be able to correct it if a decent prez is not elected in 2024.

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Apparently you didn't read or watch the video I recommended. This is absolute evidence but if you want to keep believing America and the world is done, go ahead, you do have that right.

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China does not allow foreigners or even citizens of China but especially foreigners, anywhere close to their military bases or research or training. Anyone purporting to know or have a good grasp on China's capacity probably has been smoking weed with lefties. Nevertheless, as long as you believe we are invincible, go ahead. Its your opinion just like all of us..

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It is amazing and inspiring, how the core believers are not deterred by what the corrupt left DOJ is doing !

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The intention behind Jack Smith hoax indictment's is to dissuade us from voting for Trump. Imprisonment of a former President is impossible due to lifetime Secret Service protection. I would also add that these cases will take years to get through the courts, and I doubt any of them will survive the Supreme Court.

Regardless of the Hoax Jack Smith Indictments, the American people must demand the GOP begin an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, Immediately.

By impeaching Biden, we impeach the rotten cesspool of corruption and filth that put him in power. We also force regime media to televise it to their own audiences, who slowly realize they've been lied to, for years. The equally corrupt Department of Justice and FBI are also exposed, destroyed, gutted like a pig on national TV for all to see.

A televised Senate impeachment trial of Joe Biden, and the regime he represents, would be far more useful than a hundred Jack Smith hoax indictments, and potentially alter the political landscape for generations to come.

If the equally corrupt Senate signs off on Biden's corruption, then we're not paying income taxes anymore, or following any of your federal laws. Red states can begin outlawing the FBI/DOJ from their states. Starve the beast and let it all come tumbling down. States, in our Constitutional Republic, still hold far more power.

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Great points. It doesn’t seem like THEY want any of this to actually go to trial. They would be exposed, on all fronts/counts. Love the taxes idea. Thought about that a lot. We need an pseudo-organized effort on that front. We need numbers for protection.

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Why would any American pay taxes just so they can send it to fuckin' Ukraine?

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Amen to this! I'm am Australian who stopped paying taxes after they de-jobbed me for not injecting the poison. I should have stopped way before. A whole bunch of our money is going to that fraud, peeps got to wake up.

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They pay taxes so they don’t go to jail. Taxes are illegal. But, who has the money, the time, or can afford the risk to fight that?

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The impeachment hearings in the House must be thorough, since the Democrat-led Senate will make only a pretense of the matter and will not remove him.

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The intention is not to dissuade voters from voting for Trump, but to bar him from holding office per the 14th amendment.

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Well said! Great article.

There are many and more federal agencies, most of three-letter fame, that need to be defunded, demandated, delegitimized and prosecuted (i.e. hounded) into oblivion. Somehow this MUST be done, and then fully accountable and much SMALLER organizations put in their place.

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Yes, and so is the Department of Homeland Security.

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We are under judgment and the Biden Crime Family and our corrupt government is hastening its coming. God will not be mocked.

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Nor will He tolerate the abuse of His children:

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:42

Judgment is coming. Soon. Repent and pray.

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RIP the American Dream, 1945 to 2020, you will be sadly missed.

RIP Freedom 1945 to 2023, without you we are all already dead.

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America was gone before that. The Federal Reserve Act and the secret deals made us permanent debt slaves.

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Always do the exact opposite of what the banks, politicians, and estate agents tell you. Seems to make life a lot better and richer!

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Lol! I don’t deal with ANY of them, nor waste my time with them.

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D O J has been corrupt since at least 1981 and probably far longer, going back to days of JFK. I know for a fact about 1981 because of what they tried to do to my dad - an upstanding patriot who was in WW2 for 4 yrs and ALWAYS fought for America, he loved this country. My dad was one of Ronald Reagan's top advisors on his campaign and Reagan's first year in office. Dad had an office right by the Oval Office in the White House. D O J tried to utterly destroy him and told him unless he resigned they would completely destroy him and he would be on front page of every single newspaper in America. My dad was completely innocent but had to resign. He came from absolutely nothing and worked hard to become a great success in life. It was the worst thing they ever could have done to him. I still run into people who knew him and they always had great respect for him. D O J is beyond evil - thank you for writing this article Mr. Rucker, much appreciated.

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A couple of items noting maniulation of Justice, and intellectual education:

1913 - Roscoe Pound, Saint-Simon. Socialized Law substitutes appointed Administrators for judicial Law. This to adjust social interests over the individual rights. Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter spoke about “ throughgoing overturning” of society. It must be done from the outside and translated by those in office.

1913 - Or, as the old Red dictum goes, "Communism must be built with non- Communist hands." To engage the non-Communist dupes in these endeavors, though, requires rhetorical camouflage and deception. A prime example of this rhetorical treachery can be found in the judicial revolution launched in 1913 with the Conference on Legal and Social Philosophy organized by Fabian Socialists Harold Laski, John Dewey, Morris Cohen, and Roscoe Pound. Cohen's son, Felix, later boasted that it is from this conference that "much of the social and philosophical consciousness of modern American jurisprudence derives." Felix Cohen openly proclaimed; It is impossible to attempt overthrow of Capitalism as an economic system without at the same time attacking the substance of capitalist law. As well, Federal Reserve pushed through Congress. Wilson hired, to effect this. Taft had to be defeated to elect this. Rockefeller & Morgan bought up 159 News Corporations, while J.P. Morgan financed the Roosevelt “Bull Moose” vote splitting campaign.

1916 - Dewey & Education 1916 - Socialist Leader John Dewey’s Textbook still used today, Dewey said dependency is a power, individuality an illness. There-upon the sane are insane, the dependent is sane, as he needs the community. The collective is the norm. In 1934

( L.I.D. ) League for Industrial Democracy had student groups in 150 colleges.

1917 - United States manipulated into WW1 - coupled with - The arrest of antiwar dissenters under the Espionage and Sedition acts inspired the formation in 1917 of the Civil Liberties Bureau, which in 1920 became the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Rockefeller & other Fed Res. members gave 22, 000,000 dollars to the Russian rebels, solidifying their success. ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, and charter members like Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, were ardent Fabian Socialists identified with the Communist movement from the start of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.

1926 - Communist Psychopolitics - The description of a course taught at the “Lenin Institute” to Americans sent by John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was member of the CFR

- This course still exists. What is “Psychopolitics? The art & science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of Individuals, Officers, bureaus, and Masses and the effecting of the conquest of enemy Nations through “Mental Healing”. Psychopolitics, is a less known oblique to Geo-politics, dealing with molding the highest strata of the “Mental Healing” arena - through this effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through “mental Healing”. Objective, conquest through social chaos. Beria, Mass Murderer of entire villages in the Russian conquests, was the Professor of the 2 year course.

Note: after graducation the members were inserted in Academia, and Government with the funding by Rockefeller.

Raven6 1965 - 1993

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Hello JD, I just made this post on Facebook:

"Defund the entire DOJ to stop them illegally sabotaging Trump! The only fed crimes are treason in war, piracy, and counterfeiting. US Marshals, the Military and Treasury handle those!"

I've got a bill to demilitarize the feds, but I think I need one to defund the DOJ. They aren't authorized by the Constitution, we have no national police force delegation in the Constitution, and the only three crimes where the Constitution gives the feds jurisdiction are handled outside the DOJ. So why not defund the whole thing?

Here is our federal disarmament bill:


Love to have you on the show! Let me know when please.

Greg Penglis

Creator and Host, Action Radio Citizen Legislature




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At least you’re doing something! I admire you for that!

The country has gone through a coup. People assume that the branches of government are working legitimately and the rule of law still exists. They don’t.

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Please join in and help then. I can show you how to write simple and effective legislation. We can do it live on the show. I often write bills live on the air. Let me show you a couple more. You can catch the show at BlogTalkRadio.com/citizenaction




These four bills by themselves will change everything, and we have many more. Ready to leap in and -- "do something?"

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I saved your site. Thank you! Excuse me if I’m skeptical. I simply don’t have trust anymore, especially with the government.

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See for yourself then please. Check out the shows. They all have show notes so you can find your way around.

As for WriteYourLaws.com. Start with the Home Page, then to Legislation. The site isn't finished. My webmaster was killed last year by gov't hospital protocols. For the bills we are sending out to media and government, go to "All Proposed Laws," it's third down under "Legislation" on the menu bar. Enjoy!

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Thank you Greg! God bless you.

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God Bless You Too! Now, let's get to work!

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watch this canada is ahead of us as well as australia why? because we own guns, when they take the guns nothing left to stop them from there nwo agenda 50 mil controllable human slaves wh will own nothing and be happy or else! https://rumble.com/v33p9lk-canadian-pastor-artur-pawlowski-faces-10-yrs-prison-via-canadas-deep-state-.html

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The DCP (Democrat Communist Party) is terrified of Trump. According to RFK Jr campaign internal polling, RFK is the only one who can beat Trump today. . . assuming the next election isn't also stolen. But if you look at Trump vs DeSantis (who I also like), Trump support took off when he was first indicted months ago. The myth the DCP supporters promoted that they wanted Trump as their opponent is another lie. They are terrified. Which is why they'll need to create another PLANdemic next year to manufacture another 80 million mail-in ballots so their field criminals can gather them, fill them out, and wait with their truckloads of fraudulent ballots to bring to voting centers at 2 AM. . . just like 2020. Same playbook IF they can manufacture another crisis.

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It isnt IF they manufacture another crisis but what are they going to turn loose on the world!!

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Why Congress sits still for this is beyond me. If this can happen to President Trump, it can happen to any Former President on any flimsy charge. Congress should drag Merrick Garland before it on impeachment charges along with this Smith character immediately. No August break for them. Politically motivated weaponized attempted assassination of President Trump must stop. These idiots don’t realize that the more they continue to do this, the more we will continue to support him& anyone in Congress that doesn’t come out vociferously against this isn’t getting one penny of support. It’s not enough to send emails and text messages asking for money. We want to see some ACTION and HEAR SOME NOISE.

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Jack Smith looks pure evil. Maybe the defense should be an exorcists.

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