Trump has done NOTHING to match the dementia-ridden, TREASONOUS PEDOPHILE fraudulently installed into the Oval Office. NOTHING REMOTELY AS THIS FILTHY LUCIFERIAN SNAKE as the OBiden Crime Clan with their Gates/Soros/Bloomberg-Billionaire Bores.

Some of us are not distracted by ANYTHING ANYBODY DOES TO TRUMP.

The more the treasonous Uniparty Benedict Arnolds do; those owned by the Central Banker Family Cartel running the International Mafia Death Cult Con/Scam...The more support, financing is given to TRUMP.

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Right. Just heard on Bannon today, my Governor DeTraitor, was in DC for a fundraiser connected to Moderna and & CCP. DeSantis has become JEB'S (you fill in the blank)? He's a Globalist. DeSantis is not even wanted in his hometown. So, he goes all over the Country

acting like he's somebody that he's NOT.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Lynn ... What's your take on how other Floridians think of Meatball? Pissed that he's used their honest vote as a stepping stone to higher office, and screw the guy whose endorsement pulled him across the line in 2018?

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Right. That's how we feel here in Florida. Then DeTraitor signs that legislation the allows him to return to the Governor's Mansion when he loses. It shows that he's just using Florida for his own gain and not putting Floridians first. I saw a video of a Republican who said he worked hard to get DeTraitor re-elected and look what happened. This man was a Trump supporter.

He said that he was called by a State politician to get people together for a rally in

DeSantis' home town of Dunedin. The man said I can't do it. Anyway, he said that

there would be a multitude of Trump supporters there. I take it you mean Trump is the

guy that pulled Ron over the line in 2018? Why so down on Trump?

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Must remember...The Central Banker Family Cartel out of 'The City of London' ORDERS and the Prostitute Politicians and 'Deep State Minions' are paid to FOLLOW THEIR MASTER'S VOICE.

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Indeed, the DeSantis voting record in Congress is clear evidence of his Masters. Owned by the Central Banker Family Cartel running the UNIPARTY Techno Imperial-Nazi as all the others on both sides of the aisle; in it to win it at all cost of The Constitution and Republic. Went to Yale as Undergrad which is necessary for Skull and Bones...Always part of the treasonous International Mafia Death Cult. It's not definite; but it would be a relatively safe bet considering his history.

Is very sad as there was hope he was a genuine Patriot and only proved, "When something/someone seems too good to be true; it is too good to be true."

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It is truly amazing, stunning that a former Prez with authority to declassify and whose home is protected and secured by the Secret Service can be indicted for a few boxes of docs while a former senator took well over 1000 boxes of docs related partly to his crimes and kept them in unsecured, multiple locations, and that justice dept says not one word. The injustice is staggering and shocking. Eventually, heads will need to roll over these crimes of unfair justice.

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Central Banker Family Cartel out of 'The City of London' is the one giving the ORDERS...And, the 'Deep State Minions' follow their Master's voice just as the Prostitute Politicians do. This is part of the Luciferian Plan of the International Mafia Death Cult as the Shadow Govt. of the U.S. and the world...Rothschild/U.K. Imperial/Peerage Nightmare of World Colonization.


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Sundance wrote this today and it confirms what you are saying.."The indictment has no meaningful shelf life"

♦ THE TELL – Here’s the “tell” that every pundit, analyst and litigation expert will pretend they don’t notice. The DOJ has already predicated the baseline of their claim by saying they cannot tell anyone, even the court, what the nature of the documents are that underpin their assertion. Remember, they wouldn’t even let a court appointed “special master” review the documents.

Stop and think about that for a moment. NO ONE knows what the documents are, and the DOJ has stated they will never say what the documents are. The DOJ is filing a case about the mishandling of documents, in whatever legal construct they put forth, while simultaneously saying they are under no obligation to tell anyone what the documents are.

And here we are...

DOJ: Trump violated USC 793 in his discussion and/or handling of documents.

Trump Lawyers: What documents?

DOJ: We can’t say, and we won’t tell you.

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A problem with that thinking is that the Admin does not abide by logic, common sense, law, or precedence. They appear to be just forcing their desire forward with no sense of propriety or precedence. They are a wilding. Once we get a decent candidate into the Oval Office, that person MUST be made to clean house starting the first day. There can no longer be the attitude of "working with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle." It leads to submission to their illogical and oft perverse demands.

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The Rhinos, Uniparty whatever you call them don't even care anymore. When McCarthy goes to

Muslim Hakeem for votes to seal his deal on the debt ceiling we have a BIG problem. Well, even

Jim Jordan, member of the Freedom Caucus, voted for it. Republicans aren't even trying to do the right thing anymore.

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"Who"will prosecute the Biden Family Crimes??? So What if We know of the crimes and the cover ups??? Just more salt rubbed in the wounds of decency and forlorn justice.

We "Know" All We Need to Know. It's the "Doing" that's missing, as the "How" and "What" to Do is missing from Anyone with the Power to Lead.

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We have to wait until we are able to change Administrations including the DOJ/FBI/IRs, etc. Our next President must clean house or we are done as a nation.

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If this doesn't work they'll pull the plug on Jimmy Carter and distract with a big funeral.

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They are safekeeping Jimmy.

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JD, you are so right. I so want the Biden's family corruption to be throughly revealed and justice to be served to these gangsters. On the other hand I am keeping President Trump in my prayers for God's protection and for the 2020 election corruption to be revealed.

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Trump’s donations will increase exponentially.

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Yep. Don't know what else to say...except to ask why those "conservatives" announce their intentions so boldly and publicly so that their agendas can be stopped cold in their tracks. This must be the third instance I've read of "Congressional conservatives" being upstaged by some "bombshell" tactic of the Dems...and I don't even follow politics! I flick through news stories and spend 3 seconds skimming.

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Many have forgotten the concept of pure evil. We tend to say things like, Their intentions were good," or "They must have been the product of a traumatic upbringing." or some other lame excuse for truly evil behavior. They simply want an excuse for their own sinful behavior. For others of these evil players, the goal appears to be the total destruction of the United States and the opportunity to rebuild a libertine country from a dystopian America. They want a nation of sexual perversion. They want sin without consequences. And we, the remnants of the "good" people, say no, that can't happen. That's too hideous to contemplate. No reasonable person would want that kind of evil. But again, "Reason" is not attending the function.

Just look at the current fad of transsexualism. Just a short time ago our nation, and even much of the civilized world, was up in arms about "female circumcision" as practiced by certain branches of certain religions. That's evil, we said. It serves no purpose other than to reduce the sexual pleasure of females. That cannot be allowed to continue. Now, we are neutering boys and cutting the breasts from young girls and calling this obvious abuse by an affirmative name: gender care.

Many have lost their way, people. Satan walks about seeking whom he may devour. I know this: it will get worse. I know also that we must approach this brave new world prayerfully. Even as it gets worse, it will eventually get better. I've read the Book. I know how it turns out. Those who remain faithful to the truth are going to do just fine in the long run. But it's going to be a terrible journey.

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Trump is being used as a distraction by the global cabal. Let Trump worry about his (self-caused) problems. The global cabal is moving rapidly forward towards their goal of world control while we are literally dying. Donald Trump cannot stop them. His best hope might be to slow them down. We, the people, are the only ones who can stop the cabal. Folks, focus.

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Just Discovered Hunter Biden Maltese Bank Account Is Linked to $10 Million Burisma Official’s Bribe


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And convincing the public of each new manufactured calamity is the road to unlimited wealth for those lacking morals or integrity. Covid, climate, and especially war. Ukraine is just the latest iteration of another gold-rush for war profiteers like Joe Bribem and the climate grifters who promise to to turn Ukraine into a fabulous eco-friendly land of unlimited opportunity for all (Except the 250,000 Ukrainians killed so far). But victory is just around the corner they keep telling the naive. Another $100,000,000. That will do the trick.


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Trump indictment is the shiny ball the stupid will follow. Karl Marx's advice of blaming your enemy for what you have acts done all over again!

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