Finally, understanding that a key ploy in a psyop dictatorship is to use the children.

Turn them against their family and society.

Make the wards of the State Operation.

Wonder if Gavin’s kids are trans?!!!!!

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Bill gets a political stance correct once in awhile, much like a blind squirrel finds an acorn; however, he salts his commentary with just enough bull feces to maintain his credentials with the leftist crowd. A real fence sitter looking for approval wherever he can.

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Yep, but watch as many conservatives start touting him like they do with every leftist that says something they like. We're a predictable bunch sometimes.

My stance is pretty straight-forward. Give kudos when they get something right, but don't jump on their bandwagon or think they're coming to our side.

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Exactly and spot on. Give credit when due but don’t heap praise on someone who also spews garbage.

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If we could get Jon Stewart to wake up, we may be making progress!

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JUST THINK: Had the constitutional framers (like their early 1600 predecessors) established government and society upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, etc.) there would be no out-of-the-closet, in-your-face LGBT movement today because no sodomite, lesbian, or "transgender" would dare risk exposing themselves (pun intended) to petition government for their "rights" or to parade their wares in public.

That they are doing so is just another abominable consequence of the constitutional framer's rejection of Yahweh as America's Sovereign and His moral law as supreme:

"[B]ecause they have ... trespassed against my law ... they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind...." (Hosea 8:1, 7)

Today's America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today's hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today's whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

For more, see Chapter 3 "The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh" of free online book "Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page and scroll down to Chapter 3.

Then Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land."

Then find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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I’m glued every Friday night (and I used to hate this guy). Why? Because he speaks for and to liberals— in the mainstream— and that has extraordinary value. Otherwise we’re just talking to each other.

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I totally agree with you, AL. As a retired lady l have the time to read through many wonderful Substack postings which validate my point of view. And, of course, l also learn a lot. But l remain very frustrated because yes, we are just "talking to each other "! I've reached a point where where l want to run down the street screaming at the top of my lungs to wake the sheeple up. But that would get me locked up for sure. So maybe Bill Mayer might get through to a few. We can only hope. But l fear many people will be lost before anything changes.

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Once again, Bill Maher nails it. I used to watch him years ago when he had his late night talk show on ABC, but I stopped watching after hearing one too many of his tirades against faith in Christ. He’s too gross and raunchy to watch his HBO channel now plus the fact that he’s an atheist, and a liberal, but over the past few years he’s made some really good points in favor of conservative issues. Apart from his routine vulgarities, how is it that someone like Bill Maher makes such good sense?

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The interesting thing about following the logical progression advanced by the LGBTQXYZ? advocates is this: if they are truly successful, the movement dies out after a single generation.

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