Bombshell Ignored by Corporate Media: U.S. Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates Have Highest Covid Rates
It's not shocking that corporate media and our government have intentionally ignored data showing the jabs are showing negative efficacy against Covid-19. They don't want Americans to know.
An article by Peter Svab from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times dropped this week and next to nobody in corporate media picked up on the bombshell report. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, counties in the United States with the highest vaccination rates are also the counties that have the highest Covid case rates. Conversely, those with the lowest vaccination rates have the lowest case rates as well.
More scientists have been coming to very concerning conclusions in recent weeks as it appears there is a correlation between being vaccinated for Covid-19 and being more likely to contract the disease. What's even more discouraging is the fact that studies in the United States and the United Kingdom have demonstrated that people who are "fully vaccinated" are more likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid than those who have never been jabbed.
The ever-changing argument for getting vaccinated continues to lose validity. First, we were told the jabs were 100% effective at stopping Covid-19. That changed almost immediately as "rare" breakthrough cases dropped the number down to 99%. Then 83%. Then 75%. Eventually they stopped saying the vaccines prevented Covid-19 and moved to the current narrative that they prevent serious infections, hospitalizations, and death. That appears to be false as well.
What appears to be true based on the most recent scientific studies is that the vaccines and boosters lose efficacy much more quickly than anticipated. Combine that with recent studies showing the vaccines can reduce the strength of one's own immune system and we see why they are currently working on getting the 5th and 6th jabs out to Americans as quickly as possible. As the immune system degrades, more frequent and eventually higher doses of the vaccines will be necessary to keep those on the vaccine regimen from getting very sick and dying.
Considering the increasing number of adverse reactions that are being reported, especially among young and healthy people, it's clear that a sane government would immediately halt the vaccine campaign until they can figure out what's going on. We do not have a sane government, so they're pushing vaccines harder and harder every day.
Here's the article from The Epoch Times about the case rates in counties correlating with vaccination rates...
Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 Cases Than Least Vaccinated
U.S. counties with the highest rates of vaccination against COVID-19 are currently experiencing more cases than those with the lowest vaccination rates, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The 500 counties where 62 to 95 percent of the population has been vaccinated detected more than 75 cases per 100,000 residents on average in the past week. Meanwhile, the 500 counties where 11 to 40 percent of the population has been vaccinated averaged about 58 cases per 100,000 residents.
The data is skewed by the fact that the CDC suppresses figures for counties with very low numbers of detected cases (one to nine) for privacy purposes. The Epoch Times calculated the average case rates by assuming the counties with the suppressed numbers had five cases each on average.
The least vaccinated counties tended to be much smaller, averaging less than 20,000 in population. The most vaccinated counties had an average population of over 330,000. More populous counties, however, weren’t more likely to have higher case rates.
Even when comparing counties of similar population, the ones with the most vaccinations tended to have higher case rates than those that reported the least vaccinations.
Among counties with populations of 1 million or more, the 10 most vaccinated had a case rate more than 27 percent higher than the 10 least vaccinated. In counties with populations of 500,000 to 1 million, the 10 most vaccinated had a case rate almost 19 percent higher than the 10 least vaccinated.
In counties with populations of 200,000 to 500,000, the 10 most vaccinated had case rates around 55 percent higher than the 10 least vaccinated. The difference was more than 200 percent for counties with populations of 100,000 to 200,000.
For counties with smaller populations, the comparison becomes increasingly difficult because so much of the data is suppressed. Another problem is that the prevalence of testing for COVID-19 infections isn’t uniform. A county may have a low case number on paper because its residents are tested less often.
The massive spike in infections during the winter appears to have abated in recent weeks. Detected infections are down to less than 30,000 per day from a high of over 800,000 per day in mid-January, according to CDC data. The seven-day average of currently hospitalized dropped to about 11,000 on April 1, from nearly 150,000 in January.
The most recent wave of COVID-19 has been attributed to the Omicron virus variant, which is more transmissible but less virulent. The variant also seems more capable of overcoming any protection offered by the vaccines, though, according to the CDC, the vaccines still reduce the risk of severe disease.
Wish we could sue each liar as an individual. From top to bottom, including clergy that took money to promote jabs
CDC is FOS. Just another rubber stamp for Big Pharma and whose directors end up on Big Pharma boards.