Wish we could sue each liar as an individual. From top to bottom, including clergy that took money to promote jabs

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CDC is FOS. Just another rubber stamp for Big Pharma and whose directors end up on Big Pharma boards.

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Can someone let Trump know? That way he can stop pimping the shot for Big Pharma. His "beautiful" shot is almost as useless as his impeding ego.

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For sure. That is the leading reason why i will not be voting for him again if he runs. I'm done with him.

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Hey Steve, go see what we're doing here in CA to block FURTHER legislative attempts to exterminate us: thecontrolgroup.org We found a point of leverage when they went after law enforcement. After we served the State Senate Health Committee with the Cease & Desist Notice (and notice of criminal violations) they STOOD DOWN! One of the committee members was so shook up after reading the notice, that he refused to appear at the hearing AT ALL.

Do go look at the documents HERE: https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/ - You'll be GREATLY encouraged!

BRAVO on your work. You are AWESOME!

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In the not so far off future, purebloods will only procreate with purebloods, so that mankind can breed out the poisonbloods. #SurvivalOfTheFittest

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I never fell for this bullshit but my brother was given the choice by his employers. take the shot or be fired. I hate the people he works for.

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The renown French professor Didier Raoult has been trumpeting this (that the most vaXXed countries are grossly developing the cases) with statistics -in hand!- from all over the world for a couple of months. It you want to look it up the video is in French but he bluntly proclaims it!

I'm in Quebec Canada and the fact that V@xxed people are not fairing too well at this time with new variants is trackable rather easily: see link; https://www.ledevoir.com/documents/special/2020-07-22-evolution-covid19-quebec/index.html

no 2 and 5 are easy statistics to understand. Presently our Gov. is working on implementing the digital ID (with QR codes and facial reg. cameras) and opening organizations (so many!) to implement and promote this agenda. But they say they have no money to help hospitals, staff and education, an new ministry of Digital ID, along with a rather new "water surveillance" organization. People with side effects from the ven0m and those whose income have plummeted pass under the radar. May I add I will be following Doctor Ardis in his theory on the bug and the snake bite. Please check it out if not done already. As a -fringe- Canadian, may I add a disclaimer that my opinion does not reflect the opinion of my fellow citizens :-)

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I just wish headline writers would stop using the term "bombshell." There is nothing particularly exciting about an empty explosives container. As far as media and government ignoring facts, I'm of the belief that they will not change. Not now. Not ever. Never. They're greedy pukes who will continue to go with the flow. Corporations need to be broken financially and government needs to be severely limited, thrown out of office, impeached, tarred and feathered, ignored, and /or run out of counties by the Sheriff. (Look up the powers of a Sheriff. We're missing the boat by not recruiting these guys.)

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