I had to laugh at the notion that people boycotting Budweiser were "economic terrorists". I'm reminded of the pressure campaign by the left to have stores like Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohls and Target drop MyPillow products. And we have leftist organizers and investors pressuring companies to pursue DEI and ESG initiatives at the threat of losing access to financial markets.

And they call US "economic terrorists"???

What was that recent Supreme Court ruling regarding the web designer not wanting to do web sites for people living a lifestyle opposed to her beliefs? Or the prior one regarding a cake baker being sued by a gay couple when he wouldn't bake them a cake?

Look, if they're going to pursue an agenda that their customers don't like, they'll be boycotted and customers will go elsewhere. A publicly traded company owes it's allegiance to its investors.

I notified Tractor Supply Company that I wouldn't frequent their stores anymore following their sponsoring of an event featuring adult themed entertainment geared towards children. I also questioned their purposeful ostracizing of their conservative clients by adopting values and sponsorships antithetical to their customers. In essence I told them they were cutting their own throats, and the imposition of these "values" by DEI/ESG proponents were meant to cut off the conservative customer base of conservative companies. In other words, they are puposefully trying to destroy or convert conservative companies/products.

Budweiser is one such company. The problem is that the boycott is hurting the investors there too, and they're whining about it, while being too scared about publicly saying they will back off DEI/ESG values.

Well, take a look at recent comments by Vanguard representatives about the hurt that ESG backlash is putting on them.

Look on a search engine like presearch.com for "pushback ESG" and look at the sentiment rising AGAINST it. Even BlackRock is being hit and putting warnings in their annual statements about risks to their bottom line.

It's time to press the foot to the accelerator pedal. And I hope smaller suppliers who are putting lots of eggs in a single basket are diversifying their own customer base so that they won't get hurt/targeted for the purpose of financial blackmail by woke companies. Because they'll be keeping ties with "woke" companies themselves.

Here's a tip from a small time investor for corporate CEO's. Stop kissing the asses of woke movement promoters and do the work you're hired to do. Maximize the return on investment for your shareholders, or move aside for a CEO who will.

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There were also reports that Tractor Supply’s chicken feed was modified so that hens stopped laying eggs.

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Right. Right. And I think that was a supplier contamination issue. In other words, someone was trying to sow distrust in Tractor Supply, perhaps send a message to management that they can be messed with on a dime. And that it was meant to help decimate "independent" growers while in the more commercial world "avian flu" was suddenly pronounced simultaneously across the country in an effort to cut off growers and perhaps also a source of alternative healing or protein source from eggs.

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It's complicated. A product manufacturer is different than a retail sales company.

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Birth control for Chickens?


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Very well said..thank you..

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I happened upon this interview this morning, and found it to be very illuminating with regards to this ESG push. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_q4-8_Saf0

There's a few spots where the audio is staticky, but it gets fixed.

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I asked Goldman gif my money was being managed in accordance with ESG principles and the answer was no. The more that people ask this question, the more the big money managers will wake up.

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I hope we'll see that in writing. I know in California, there's been a push within CalPERS to divest of non-green technologies and investments, and there has been some pushback against pulling out of oil and natural gas (for instance). Listening to one of their board meetings recently, it was all I could do to hold my nose as diversity, ESG and similar were proudly pronounced.

Seeing Florida and (I think) Virginia or North Carolina outwardly say they were pulling out of funds that were pushing this sure got a fast response from these BlackRock and Vanguard funds.

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1. With regard to public pensions, that is a matter of red and blue states. In blue states there is no recourse except the courts where pensioners can demand fiduciary responsibility. In red states things are happening.

2. With regard to private money such as ETFs and mutual funds, owners must use levers such as using the proxy to identify the directors and demand shareholder wealth creation over idiotic investment criteria.

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CEOs are 100% controlled by their boards which are woke and terrified of class action lawsuits by unhappy employees. It's not the CEO that needs to be awakened but the board.

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Hear! Hear!! Thanks for putting this out there. It's too easy for folks to back off and move on over time. We can not afford to do that. It's not just keeping the pressure on. It's standing for our core principles and fighting back.

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The bigger issue is we have no choice other than to fight back!T

The bigger issue is that there is a world wide cultural revolution starting to pick up steam & most of the moral decay will disappear as being uncompetitive & not viable financially.

Those lost souls who are true believers in this nonsense will adapt or disappear

This world wide cultural revolution is based on the fact that the global power is shifting from Western Europe to the east & south! These crazy ideas like being Woke are strictly a western moral disease that will disappear .Disappear along with western European Cultural dominance over the rest of the world.Disappear because they serve no positive function in the new global world soon arriving

Zoltan Pozsar,a prominent financial analyst at Credit Suisse has this to say

"We are witnessing the birth of a New World Monetary order"

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Jul 3, 2023
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Instead of living in fear, try something simple like actually caring about the 'non gmo verified' labeling. Now the food suppliers have to finally say; Contains a bio engineered food ingredient. Try reading labels.

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Not only should we be turning up the heat with boycotts, but we should also divest. Millions of conservatives have investments in these companies. We own stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, etc. Many of these companies are not performing well financially because their time, energy and much money is being wasted on progressive, marxist political positions. So, we will not only be protecting our way of life, but also our investments.

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Good ideas!

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They aren't even Marxist!

They are other worldly!

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July 4,

Sound of freedom

Cinemas in USA

Now the pressure mounts

All eyes on child trafficking




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We bought the Operation Underground Railroad 'I'm an abolitionist' t shirts like a decade ago... It's good that some people are starting to pay attention though. Child trafficking for johns and regular prostitution for adults goes on under everyones noses and only a scarce few dare to even notice. The don't blame the victim mentality and movement to decriminalize sex work are a part of the problem, not the solution. Prostitutes are far more likely to turn on their pimps if they face jail time. Prostitutes belong in prison, trafficked people deserve rescuing. There is a clear difference, don't confuse the two.

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Sound of freedom



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Anheuser-Busch hasn't had enough AND we haven't banned enough companies; like BlackRock and Vanguard which is just as large or larger than BlackRock. If anybody believes their lies about the ESG Fascist Regulations to STRENGTHEN China/CCP while WEAKENING THE UNITED STATES AT THE SAME TIME...By taking our Savings and GIVING THEM TO CHINA FOR THEIR DEVELOPMENT, GROWTH AND BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE...Those people are as foolish and cowardly as those wondering if we've been too ROUGH on Anheuser-Busch. Then again, it's now a world where even children are supposed to be sexual addicts by the age of 6 and Pedophilia, Grooming, Baby-Blood Drinking, Murder, Human Trafficking is just fine. Evil supports and pities other evil and the good people having morals are COMPLACENT which is to say LAZY.

America wasn't America because we feared suffering for a REAL, VITAL CAUSE OF FREEDOM...Found in ethics, morality, honor, integrity and decency based in Jesus Christ; The Bible. There can be small tweaks to The Constitution to bring it to speed; disallowing the infiltration to saturation that's happened; ie. Term Limits for Legislature, Lobbying made illegal, etc. Those refusing to stand and fight these demons attacking our kids even as young as pre-school, indoctrinating/brainwashing wrong to be right and perpetrating Premeditated Mass Genocide on the planet CONTINUING EVEN TO THE CURRENT DAY...Have real problems with their Value System and Priorities.

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Those who switched from Bud Light aren’t going back. Keep up the boycott and every time you know of another woke company, boycott it too. Change your shopping, your food choices, your movies including actors. I signed up for ‘Woke Alerts’ and get a text message to know who else or what else to avoid.

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Sure but why do you need someone else to tell you what is objectionable to you, and what is not? You are outsourcing your moral authority to others. That's how these things start...

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I’m not outsourcing anything. These alerts are about companies I may or may not be aware of their shenanigans, so the alerts bring it to my attention if woke advertising or woke merchandise is apparent. Then it’s my choice to boycott.

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Great article. But I think it's important for people to understand that this is not just about "wokism". This is about the World Economic Forum and the ESG system/social credit system that they are putting in place. They are starting with big corporations by changing the incentives that executives have. In short, Bud Light and AB will never change their position on trans issues, because any executive that did so would be committing career suicide. They would never be hired again by another corporation. The new standards for executive success are not based on profitability, they are a whole mix of factors such as diversity, global warming policy, supporting the approved narrative, etc. I wrote an article on this titled, Bud Light Will Never Apologize, Here's Why..." https://open.substack.com/pub/glenn/p/bud-light-will-never-apologize-heres?r=1zwmb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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We can't raise the minimum wage, otherwise we'll have to pass this additional cost on to consumers.

Why doesn't that thought process apply to CEO compensation?

These people clearly have too much influence.

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I Am Used To Being Smarter

Than Everyone Else.

But I Never HAD To Be.

Now That We Have To Be:


I've Owned Pets Smarter Than Most Of These "People" .

Including Some Of The Smartest

Idiots We Could Have Ever Met.


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Automatons rule the day.

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Never back off! Go further! Don't buy any products put out by Belgian company A-B. Bring them to their knees. Ruin them. Same for all the other rotten corporations. If people lose their jobs they are working for companies that are destroying decency and such companies should not be allowed to exist. Same with Target, Kohl's and all the rest. A restaurant chain called City Barbecue should also be boycotted. Instead of ceasing to sell Bud Light they are displaying cartons of Bud Light prominently in their restaurants. Obviously their purpose is to stick it to conservatives and this conservative will never enter any of their restaurants again. A visit to their web site shows how they are pushing an agenda. Boycott Starbucks also. Sacrifice a little bit to fight your enemy.

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Maybe we should do the same with our money when it comes to donations to Republican politicians who know what's right , who know what the people want, but just don't want to take on that job. I don't know about you but I'm tired of the hesitancy to impeach some of the worst enemies of our nation to ever exist!! So few reps and senators have any fight for defending US! I've begun to wonder if they ALL want to see us dragged into the NWO working 20 hour days and eating bugs. Despicable traitors!!

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We watch The Liberty Report with Ron Paul, nearly every night of the week. And we watch Tucker on Twitter, although not sure how we'll do that now that the site is requiring a login. But just like when he was on Fox, we would find the nightly full episodes from various pop up accounts.

How about this concept; Stop caring if they're republican of democrat and start caring if they are moral or honest people or not. Most will fail.

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I’m proud to see a pushback! I’m so tired of the ineffectual lukewarm reactions of the conservative rationale. KISS - keep it simple stupid! I viewed a podcast clip that claimed that the boycott was playing into their ultimate ESG goal. Such circular thinking. No. The boycott should be sustained and promoted. Like you said, we have the numbers.

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Black Rock and Vanguard, the control mechanism of the “globalists,” is playing chess with the world. I believe one goal is to destroy the economy in whatever means possible.

Personally I believe alcohol is a poison and the most harmful destructive drug in the history of the world.

Since B&V control probably 99% of all investments, they are manipulating all of this. They don’t care if a company goes under, it’s all a chess game. You sacrifice a pawn to accomplish the goal of economic destruction thus gaining more control of those left destitute.

It will continue to happen. God is allowing these Satanic tactics to wake people up. We are too comfortable in the US. I know scores of people who believe in God but have no intention of cultivating a relationship with him. In the end he will say ’I never knew you.’(Matt25:12) And all who believed he existed and merely talked about him but never read his word, fellowshipped in a church, cultivated a relationship where he was Lord of their lives, will suffer the same fate of the satanic forces at play in our world.

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Please stop using Dylan's face in your articles. If you want to write about him, fine. Write about him. But please stop plastering his face everywhere. All you're doing is promoting HIM.

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I get your sentiment, but I can't think of a better way to use his face as a symbol for all that's wrong with the LGBTQ movement that's trying to push their "morals" onto the rest of us. Even people within the movement (who have gained successes already) are rising up against this.

This will destroy Mulvaney, make him unemployable, and continue to be a symbol of what's wrong here.

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If I have to see one more 'example' of why woke is abhorrent.... Agreed, if I never had to see this clown again as long as I live.

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The economic power (i.e. boycotting) of the consumer is the greatest weapon that evil people (i.e. "woke" companies) fear, second only to the power, glory, and grace of Jesus Christ.

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The evil ones fear being seen

By their actions they are known

I came across the secret covenant again

It could be a play book for cv19

A silent war

A war of poison

To kill babies

Steal resources and land

First disclosure




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aka; power of the purse. Vote with your wallet. Vote with your feet. They are the most important votes to cast, and are cast on a daily basis. We regret to inform those whom just started paying attention; We can not boycott these companies twice.

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Yes..I agree..keep up the pressure not only on Bud Lite..but every Woke company. They take our money and shove their ideals in our face! No!

We need to boycott..all woke co’s..Disney..Netflix..Amazon..Target..Walmart ect.

About Hollywood..the Sodom & Gomorrah of this age..WHY..Why is anyone paying the cinemas and Movie Stars who are all free masons and the perpetrators of all evil things. Shut Hollywood down..save your money b/c things are going to get worse also NO..MSM..

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Join the Million Moms group. Subscribe to the American Family Association. Leave their free magazines in waiting rooms and such.

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