If it was acceptable for them to say, "Died WITH Covid" then it's fine for us to say, Collapsed WITH vaccine"

They made the rules.

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Reporters must be a special breed. How many died reporting the World Cup? Hmmm , think I will pass on journalism lol.

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We ALL know what’s going on.

There is an active depopulation program going on.

We are walking down a road surrounded by the Gestapo and the concentration camps are at the end of it (at the end of a needle in this case). They are removing sovereignty which will surely lead to more death. STOP COMPLYING, GET SELF SUFFICIENT OR YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THIS.

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In brazil are happening a lot of things too and almost nobody is talking about.

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Amazing how many of these “incidents” happen on live TV lately. The blank stare at the end of the video indicates a neurological incident, for sure. Ugh!

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“By May 2022 having ever taken a covid vaxx was associated with 22-74% greater all cause mortality vs being unvaccinated and this was true in ALL age stratifications.” EG

That spells it out for me. Yes, JD, we need to keep asking because ‘they’ refuse to admit the possibility.

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I know this does not fit the article but is important. RFK JR.

What’s Really Behind the Plan to ‘Redesign’ Our Food System?

At first glance, the “food is medicine” revolution suggests the government is finally realizing the importance of nutrition, but it's really just a plot by corporations and groups like the Rockefeller Foundation to control your food purchases.


Baby formula whitewash alleged


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They're all Boosted and proud.🙄

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Don’t blame me for wondering if this is a part of these sudden medical incidents are part of the lefts disinformation campaign... with so many of the supposed suddenly died going on and also the suddenly fainted having medical episodes. I don’t know if I should just blindly believe all of it. I know it sounds harsh, but hear me out. If the powers that be are trying to thin the herd, wouldn’t they want to rid themselves of the “patriots, election deniers, gun owners, free speech lovers, and anti vaxxers?” Well the easiest way would be to have us rid ourselves via the disinformation and propaganda campaigns which amplify the medical and vax injury claims to the max while they increase the virus potential in a lab. I know people who have died within weeks of getting the shot, however there was no doctor willing to go on record saying it was the cause. I’ve known equal number of vaxxed and I’m vaxxed people with sudden blood clot incidents which came close to killing them but didn’t. So now that we are all pretty much anti vax does it make anyone uneasy that China is letting its citizens travel globally when they clearly have some super sick people right now and all cremation centers are stacked with death up to their ceilings? Is there any possibility that for all we know the vax is more safe than being unvaxxed? Or that it is more effective than we will allow ourselves to believe. I am so sick of it all. I am at a point that I have to question both sides of this.

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These people are sick sheep 🐏

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“It's always important to note that we have no proof the Covid "vaccines" contributed to the medical incident.”

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This jab is something that any smart person will stay far away from

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It if walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, and since these events were practically unheard of only 2 years ago, I think you only have to ask the qualifying question of did they get a shot? Did they get multiple shots?

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