What are you going to to when they tie every digital wallet with ID, monthly carbon quota, vax pass and immoral new planetary rights? How can you pay for electricity, water, taxes, etc.? Those items don't take barter. https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/satattack

The best thing to do now is to GET INVOLVED IN POLITICS. There's no other way out.

Test: if a resistance leader doesn’t tell people about freemason control (cf. Ronald Bernard) and don’t say that our lives depend on getting involved in politics, it will all be a waste of precious resources, which should be directed for anti-globalist laws detailed in chapter “Politics got us in, politics is the only way out” (after prayer, of course, since a military coup to stop the violation of the Constitution and restore Democracy is improbable).

The only way out of the freemason crystal maze is to build a new system from scratch with the following keynotes:

Money: it’s a bad idea that Government has a monopoly of anything, especially currency. Anything of worth should be legal tender, even vouchers, IOUs, warrants, etc. Communities are entitled to run their own monetary system, based on real assets. No only gold, silver, copper, platinum, lithium, precious metals and minerals, but also barter vouchers such as a pound/kg of flour, a gallon/liter of gasoline, human hours, distance transported (humans, volume, weight, special care).

Townhall Direct Democracy: votes should never be anonymous. Face to face contact is important in an era of deep fake and fake news, but even more for accountability. Representative democracy isn’t necessary if there are efficient and safe voting systems. You represent yourself, though you have the power to delegate your voting power to different representatives for different topics/mandates for a definite time and recover it whenever you want, even before the period is over.

Direct spending: the federal, state and county incomes are divided by all the inhabitants (including the unborn), and you get to decide where every single proportionate cent is going to be spend in public goods and services. There’s a Spanish saying: “the eye of the master, fattens the cattle”. Direct spending would reduce bureaucracy, corruption, inefficiency, waste, unmet needs and government spending in things that are not a priority for the people. Deficit and borrowing should be illegal. After some years of solving critical problems, people will find harder to justify projects with low socio-economic net present value or internal rate of return, thus surplus would be returned to tax payers, and eventually, taxes lowered: it seems to be the only realistic mechanism to stop the spiral of government deficit and debt, where banksters take hostage future generations and politicians have nothing to lose by increasing spending and everything to win in terms of voters thinking they are receiving more than the rest.

Brutal transparency: reps should live stream at all possible times (not only working hours). All budgets, bids and transactions should be open for online scrutiny.

Democratic justice: community courts should be formed by people: the number of judges in the court is decided by the community. They could be elected for a certain period by chance or by vote, from a list of those capable of interpreting texts or from a list of lawyers. The same, for higher appeal courts. There’s no true democracy if natural law, including natural human rights, isn’t above the Constitution.

The police should be a local force. The captain should be elected.

The penitentiary system should be community based and directed towards reformation and paying back damages. House arrest or fenced working zones should be the norm.

How can a dead guy get 85% of the ballots and be declared the winner? What does that say about the voters?

That actually happened in Missouri several years ago. A candidate died in an airplane crash shortly before the election. There was not enough time to have new ballots printed so his name remained on the ballot. The story of his death was not widely reported so many voters did not know he died. He won the election and the Governor named his wife to fill the seat.

"Do not comply" is useless?

Noncompliance ideas:

• Avoiding Misinformation Media (all major media outlets)

• Spreading truth in social networks even if censored (change the language)

• Buying locally grown food with cash

• Growing your own garden

• Local trading

• Homeschooling

• Home business

• Planning for economic crisis, so you are not so easily bribed by their solution

Yet, "Do not comply" mantra is naive. Think about using that slogan when lockdowns were enforced by the police upon arrest, fines and vehicle decommission. Nobody used guns then, why would they use them later?

The smart cities will be enforced AFTER they get away with the IDollar (cashban non-anon digital money), THEN you'll have no choice but to comply.

Any resistance is good, even passive. Better anything than nothing. Yet, it isn't enough, especially seeing how fast things are evolving and being prepared. In this context, conforming to passive resistance means defeat. Actually, it might be a false flag to numb down the masses, falling into the delusion that normal walking-away and “checks and balances” or political forces would self-correct massive government infiltration and corruption by freemasonry. Passiveness is the enemy of activeness. There’ll be little room for resistance if they succeed in their plans: reaction is the enemy of action.

Apart from prayer, there’s only option: fighting with all your resources for a political overturn. Otherwise you are choosing defeat by political inaction, leaving yourself no choice except moving to a self-sufficient farm, surrounded by like-minded farms and doctors, pharmacists, etc… and eventually even those preppers will be searched and destroyed by the future digi-tatorship.

I've compiled (and soon publish on substack) a list of 100 laws we need URGENTLY to prevent the attacks on freedom, for example, forcing members of secret societies which require obedience to disclose membership, especially if working in government or listed corporations or foundations. Ideas?

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Good article, but I think it missed the most important investment, invest in yourself, learn some barterable skill set. On a long enough timeline stockpiles run out. Learn to do something that makes you valuable to others, are you mechanically inclined? Do you have to tools you need? There's lots of things in the building trade, tile, trim, concrete (well, maybe not concrete I think the mexicans have that sewn up), carpentry, welding, I could go on an on but you get my drift. Hone your survival skills, just in case shit does hit the fan, remember "Beans, bullets and bandaids". What's your water supply? Do you have 3 sources of water in case one fails? Food, stockpiling is great, but like I said, they will run out, it is essential that everyone put some effort into growing something, it doesn't matter how much space you have, everybody can grow something. You might not be able to be completely self sufficient, but try to grow a surplus, food is the oldest barterable thing there is. During the depression turnips and cornbread were the survival food, I've had turnips grow in my gravel driveway, I know turnips suck but hunger sucks worse. Do you have a grinder that would allow you to grind corn and wheat to make your own flour? Do you have a pressure cooker and canning supplies? If you have gold and silver and don't have a pressure cooker, you're probably not going to make it. That is probably the best barterable skill set you can have with the least investment, even if you can't grow enough food, you can pick it up at farmer's markets and trade with other individuals at cheaper prices and better quality than you can buy in the store, but you've got to be able to store it. As far as the bullets, at the very least have a shotgun and a 22 rifle, very least, plus and ample supply of ammo. It's very important that you build a network, this lone wolf stuff isn't going to work. This evil totalitarian cabal that's gripping the world cannot stand if we all come together and help one another

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Wasn't the purpose of the FED supposed to be oversight and control independent from the Government? It appears that the FED is captured by or merged with the government, much like other independent agencies that have been merged or captured by their respective industries. That said, CBDC just solidifies the capture/merger, officially consolidating power where as now it's independent on paper but not in practice. This move objectifies the tyranny - both on paper and in practice.

Another example of the disturbing trend where government representation of corporate and business interests is objectified and out rightly stated. This stands in direct opposition to the constitutional purpose of the government which is to represent the people.

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At the risk of being labeled a shameless self-promoter, I will point out that I published a similar topic Substack article apparently simultaneously - https://open.substack.com/pub/stressfreebill/p/what-miracle-are-you-praying-for-a67?r=lvdvf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

In it, we not only warn about CBDCs, but we offer solutions to Federal Policy. The point is that this authoritarian threat is real and we all need to start spreading the word (and the resistance).

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Something to think about.

Why should we pay cash everywhere with banknotes instead of a card?

- I have a $50 banknote in my pocket. Going to a restaurant and paying for dinner with it. The restaurant owner then uses the note to pay for the laundry. The laundry owner then uses the note to pay the barber. The barber will then use the note for shopping. After an unlimited number of payments, it will still remain a $50, which has fulfilled its purpose to everyone who used it for payment and the bank has jumped dry from every cash payment transaction made.

But if I come to a restaurant and pay with digital Card, bank fees for my payment transaction charged to the seller are 3% so around $1.50 and so the fee $1.50 for each further payment transaction for restaurant owner or payments of the owner of the laundry shop, the barber etc.. Therefore, after 30 transactions, the initial $50 will remain only $5 and the remaining $45 became the property of the bank thanks to all digital transactions and fees.

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"The Federal Reserve does not intend to proceed with issuance of a CBDC without clear support from the executive branch and from Congress, ideally in the form of a specific authorizing law..." Great, total capture virtually ensures its eventual adoption. Where am I wrong?

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Think it through. Ptb send so much money/military hardware to Ukraine that the nation cannot be defended. Easy takeover target.

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More than 200 billions maybe per total....Part of the Interest of america, not part of america. And america (you the prople) support the expenses of all these interests all over the world. Well, you have some philanthropist who are contributing too.

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What's better than gold and silver? Ammo. Do you think they will let you buy ammo with CBDCs? Horde ammo. You can trade it (barter) and you may need it for actual survival.

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March on Washington to protest. I wrote very strong protest emails re digital slavery to my state and federal senators and representatives but many must do this.

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This is great information, but ... why does it always end with a commercial for precious metals accounts? Call me skeptical, but this isn’t the first article I’ve read about CBDCs, and they all seem to end with an exhortation to buy/invest in precious metals. Fine, if you want to do that, but I frankly don’t expect that if/when it happens that the transition will be a smooth one for those of us who opt out.

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That's for sure. Think about it. If nothing but the CBDC is accepted as money, no one will be able to pay their house taxes who doesn't comply. It wouldn't take long for all such people to become homeless. Is it possible to pay several years' worth of property taxes in advance?

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Bingo. That is the exact problem I see with buying gold or silver bars. There’s absolutely no guarantee that they will be accepted as currency for anything.

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You might be able to use them to barter with other private individuals, but you can't eat them, and they can't heat your house so their utility would be minimal at best. The whole idea of CBDC is to totally enslave people. They are not going to allow some to be free. If they wait long enough, people become homeless for inability to pay real estate taxes with a recognized currency. The impetus should be on preventing it entirely.

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Indeed. I am praying that it does get prevented and eradicated somehow.

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Whoever they are can do whatever they want. I'm NOT playing their game. We The People, have to

ban together and fight. Why are we just waiting to see what happens instead of preventing it.

I've been hearing about this for months. What have we been doing to counter this nonsense?

Give us some solutions JD. Why do you say get ready for it?

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I wrote strong protest emails to my state and federal senators and representatives. However, many must do this. Maybe we should have a march on Washington!

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See my comment above. The whole point of CBDC is to enslave. No other medium of exchange would be allowed if they have their way. That's how they defeat preppers.

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Check my post above. There are many solutions but they involve the sacrifice of getting involved in politics.

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How about people individually pray and allow GOD to lead. Living with fear isn’t God’s way. FEARFUL? Pray to God for His wisdom and knowledge. Anytime we don’t seek His Divine Wisdom and direction we’ll fall flat our our face.

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At this juncture I don't know how concerned I am, anymore. NO one is seemingly going to jump up to help; barring nothing less than Divine Intervention with which I am perfectly fine. Better to trust Him than anyone else. I live in Ohio and they're trying to take us out with train derailment explosions, anyway. I just resolve myself to prepare for my possible end. It was assured, from my beginning.

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"The Federal Reserve also states: “While the Federal Reserve has made no decisions on whether to pursue or implement a central bank digital currency, or CBDC."

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the sole authority over coinage, i.e. currency. The Fed is not in our Constitution and has no authority over coinage. Will Congress simply ignore its responsibility and be dictated to by the Fed? If so, will the Supreme Court step in? I hear no major politician addressing this issue. Not one.

Here's a blog post about it I found: "Legal Authority to Issue a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency"


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In order to understand the eventuality and progress of CBDC, you (and all interested) should track the action of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements). The BIS is bank for Central Bank the more than 63 central bank around the world.

These are private bankers, not elected (by you) and not working for you, but manipulating every dollar in your pocket.

The BIS is the central hub for "innovations" that occur in monetary systems around the world.

That includes CBDC. Governments have little to do with it's development and implementation...they are and will only be the enforcement are. No, Congress will not fight this...for those who think that, two things: 1) when has congress done anything that was not self serving and also screwed the general public? 2) The large corp financers and banks (blackrock/vanguard) will adopt CBDC and that will dictate what companies and businesses use. Those banks and companies could care less what you like or don[t like...their ability to secure financing is paramount and that will drive their actions.

As of today, the BIS Innovation Hub has 12 CBDC Projects on the books, 4 of them are competed. The remainder, comprise the various actions you're reading about...where central banks are studying, testing and even running test transactions. These central banks are called BIS Innovation Hubs.

This is coming, quit deluding yourself that it is not.

Here's the Agenda for the upcoming 2023 BIS Innovation Summit in March:

-How technology can support central banks and financial institutions in their response to uncertain times

-Technological innovations and central banks – exploring new horizons

-CBDCs: Keeping momentum in uncertain times

-The winding road to CBDC adoption: legal and resilience issues

-Using CBDCs across borders – lessons from practical experimentation

-Regulatory lessons from the crypto winter

-Project Atlas

-Financial market infrastructures of the future: cross-border trends in payments and beyond

-Ethical implications of using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the financial industry

-Workshop on Project Tourbillon

-Workshop on Project Gaia

-Workshop on Fully Scalable Settlement System (FuSSS)

-Technology and risks related to climate, economic uncertainty and market integrity

-Workshop on Project Meridian

-Workshop on Project Polaris

-Workshop on Project mBridge

-Workshop on Project Nexus

-Current regulatory and supervisory challenges from technological innovation, climate change and other sources of uncertainty

-Technology to address heightened climate change risks

-AI and ML to better understand the rapidly evolving economic and financial landscape

-Project Rio

-Identity and financial services: can technology mitigate the trade-offs between KYC and privacy?

-Project Aurora

-Technological innovation at central banks

-The effect of technological innovation by big techs and fintechs on competition in the financial sector

Lastly, the BIS Innovation Hub's 2023 Priorities:

BIS Innovation Hub consolidates expansion, announces priorities for 2023

In 2023, the BIS Innovation Hub will increase its focus on improving payments systems and experimenting with central bank digital currencies (CBDC); on shaping the future of financial regulation and supervision; and on greening and securing the financial sector. This year's work programme also includes Project Pyxtrial, a new experiment being launched by the Hub's London Centre to enable the systemic monitoring of stablecoins.


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