Lynn Riley is an agenda (money?)-driven loon. All biologists understand that trees are STARVED for CO2, very low on their "logistic growth curve" for CO2 intake. If CO2 levels rose, LIVE trees have immense capacity to transform that CO2 into... OXYGEN that we breathe!!! Gates could not kill us with poison, so he will now try to asphixiate us and kill our food crops (and protein sources). His hatred for humanity, derived from Satan, drives a multiple line-of-operation attack to control us, change us, and kill us. Like Satan, he uses his power and influence to deceive, kill, and destroy.

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I absolutely agree that this is satanic.

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When is Gates going to do us all a favor and take his own mRNA death serum and boost himself to hell?

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You can bet virtually none of the people behind this long-planned scam, have been vaxxed.

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He really is like a comic-book villain.

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Gates hates cows, trees and humans. It's satanical terrorism heaped upon us by the world's foremost terrorist.

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Certainly there's a moth or a rodent whose existence will be threatened by the proposed destruction of forest habitat. Why can't we rip a page from the left's playbook, and tie this asshole up in court for years while we chain ourselves to the trees? I guess we have to be willing to become as unhinged as they are in order to prevail.

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Of course they back Billy's plan. He pays them good money to be his propaganda messengers.

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Until people wake up, we are doomed. Shame on the undiscerning sheep. You could tell them anything, and if it came out of the right mouth, they’d believe it.

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Progs: Believe the "science" until it disagrees with your personal agenda. Then cast it aside and expand on your scheme for "improving" the formerly universally recognized truth. We can see this in many of the "new truth" progressive programs, i.e., racism is bad until we call it by another name--CRT; genital mutilation is bad until we call it transsexual choice; free expression of faith/religion is good until you refuse to decorate a cake supporting biblical sin; the Constitution is sacrosanct until a gun is sold to a friend or family member and ATF gets involved and kills a citizen. It's enough to make our founders turn in their graves. But it doesn't seem to be enough to awaken the majority of Americans to the destruction of this great experiment in democracy.

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It isn’t really a democracy at all. Trump showed us that it has been that way for some time. Biden confirmed it when he said a vote for his party is a vote for democracy. It used to be the act of voting was democracy but now it is not the vote but who you vote for.

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Another example of "new truth" taking the place of what has always been.

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These leftist loon “environmentalists” are no such thing & don’t give a flying f$&k about the planet, air, water, land or creatures (including humanity), as so amply evidenced by the silence as thousands or millions of acres or miles are razed for wind & solar. Blighting the land & sea scapes, destroying habitat / ecosystems & ancient trails, killing species & their food sources, etc. Why would they suddenly develop a conscience about chopping down 70 million trees?

We are overruled by delusional psychopaths but what’s worse is how many useful idiots follow along w/ no thought to consequences....

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Did we miss the redefinition of "environmentalist"?

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I guess “enviro-nazis” is a much better definition of anyone in favor of this $#!+

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With eco terrorists being the violent enforcement arm...

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It’s interesting; when “radicals” like Edward Abbey were protesting against dams & other things in the desert southwest back in the day, it really seemed like it WAS to preserve the pristine-ness of the environment / habitat / species. But every single thing they do now is deliberately designed to destroy

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I suspect it's mission creep/message creep based on funding, i.e. follow the money. From February, 2021:

Environmentalists Spent a Record $2.4 Billion Pushing Global Warming Ideology


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Creeps on a mission for sure

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More satanic lies. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen as designed by God. Liberalism are lies to deceive, distract, and destroy common sense, critical thinking, and Truth. When liberals stand for nothing their lack of common sense makes them "fall" (from Jesus' grace) for every lie.

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The environmental movement was identified early on in the phrase "From Red to Green." Pure evil, of course. https://mdspov.substack.com/p/atheism-and-guilt

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Trees make really great structures, yes sir, even better a “Made in 🇺🇸” Guinness world record size gallows out of a few 🌲for the likes of Billy and his ilk for ALL their crimes against humanity‼️💉🌲

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More satanic lies. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen as designed by God. Liberalism are lies to deceive, distract, and destroy common sense, critical thinking, and Truth. When liberals stand for nothing their lack of common sense makes them "fall" (from Jesus' grace) for every lie.

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meanwhile, the US govt is backing the billion tree initiative (albeit for a fake co2 scaregenda). doesn't that put him at direct odds with the US govt??? (as if he wasn't a Constitutional wrecking ball already)

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Has ignoring science been labeled a mental illness yet?

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Insanity of the highest order. Words simply escape me.

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This is actually dangerous if is allowed.

When Gates was inventing MS, he was a well-known, arrogant, demanding jerk. With this as well as his scheme to dump bits of aluminum into the atmosphere in order, he believes, to cool our planet from, he believes, global warming, is so arrogantly dangerous it must not to be allowed. This represents a real and immediate danger to the rest of the world and governments across the globe must not allow him, a frankenstein maniac, to do it.

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