As long as Biden is above room temperature and can sign things, they'll keep him. He's the ideal puppet for the Obamanoid Marxists. They obviously no longer have any doubts about "winning" future elections. 2020 proved that. American elections have been destroyed.

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Yep. They control all the voting machines in the large cities.

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You said it all. Everything summed up inclusively. I like the above room temperature :-)

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“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It is INSANE that we have voting machines that count our individual votes by four decimal places. We are well past the time for paper ballots and Voter ID!!

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But, that unfortunately, won't happen in many cases.

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Modern medicine will work diligently to keep The Dummy functioning as a bug wit and as a body that takes up space in the black house. Sort of a continuing de-facto shrub who bends with the desires and demands of the world's greatest menaces like the global elite, corporate America, gates, WHO and the WEF.

The Marxist democrats are already hooking up the dominion voting machines to China and counting the "early" votes. A parade of Mules are bucking at the corral fence just waiting to burst through. Republicans again will stand in awe at the precision of the democraps as they steal another election in plain sight.

And another chapter will be presented on the TV show "How Did They Do That?".

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They don't even need a voting machine: Seventeen mail-in voting security vulnerabilities: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/seventeen-mail-in-voting-security

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Another great description. Continuance of the Kabuki Theatre. I remember Mike Lindell showing as it was happening that Herschel Walker won the US Senate seat for Georgia.

There was no need for a run-off Election. After Warnock was voter frauded in, he bought

around a MILLION dollar home in DC. This just brings back memories of the so called

Red Wave 2022 that never happened. Bannon had all those Candidates on for months.

He had the Precinct Chairmen on, too. Everybody was ready. What happened. You didn't

see any of those people on WarRoom anymore. Bannon didn't talk much about it. So, he

knew nothing of how the Midterms would be stolen, too. Then he takes on Cortez

as the chalk talk man who bolted for DESanctus. Now, looks like Mike Davis is working

with the CA GOP and Harmeet Dhillon. Is she still an attorney for Trump? What's going on?

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Here's how they did that: You can NEVER trust a voting machine: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/you-can-never-trust-a-voting-machine

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Excellent comment. The sheeple will just accept the steal

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Then they’ll cry “Election Denier” to anyone who points out the obvious theft.

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I feel honored for you to give me a LIKE. My Father served in France in WW2.

My 2 Uncles, one infantry in France and the other in Medics in Italy.

I had one Uncle KIA in Normandy, France. Also, another Uncle that served

career 25 years. He was in Germany, South Korea, and Vietnam. You have done it all. You could tell us about intelligence. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. +

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Please, discontinue referring to the demons wearing human being suits "Elite, Elitist, Elites". The evil International Mafia Death Cult with all their hundreds of trillions of dollars and endless resources willing to murder anybody opposing their DEPRAVED and POISONOUS ORDERS most certainly ARE NOT 'ELITE, ELITIST, ELITES' as there is NOTHING placing them above anybody beyond the delusions of their own soul placed by the Demonic.

Central Banker Family Cartel, International Mafia, Minions, Prostitute Politicians...There are many terms possible to define the heinous, evil forcing darkness onto the world seeking to bring normalcy of filth and disgust and repulsive theft/money laundering, torture, torment and murder/Genocide, Pedophila and the sleezy 'Child Grooming/Mutilation Brigade' to be normal on Earth when NONE OF IT IS as what the Central Banker Family Cartel WANTS IS HELL ON EARTH...Not, God or those of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the "Elite", THE STANDARD; the sinless man-God and that's the only choice to order society there MUST be on Earth...And, the 'Law and Order' Constitutions BASED in his life and faith in him.

It's time to define the various contributors, thieves and murderers to BE WHAT THEY REALLY ARE AND THEY ARE NOT 'ELITE'.

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I always refer to them as the predators or the predator class.

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Criminal syndicate

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Not just Democrats, David Ziffer.

Most Republicans can now be counted among their ranks creating an

IMPERIAL-FEUDAL FASCISM quite different in the open than anything

the world has yet imagined.


MORE AND MORE GROUND SINCE 1913 with 'The Fed' and legal INCOME TAXATION which is still NOT legal as not enough states signed the Amendment.

The death of Kennedy and removal of Nixon were all mechanisms THEY MANIPULATED TO EXIST and the Trilateral Commission established by Rockefeller during the Carter Administration was when ALL ESCALATED DRAMATICALLY.


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Well said! And it has been an evolving Uni-Party all along as Marxism-Lite in the early and mid-twenties century evolved into the contemporary practice Radical Hybrid Marxism. And longstanding, for decades on end, the Republican Party has been little more than a Fool-'em Road Show for decades. Most Republicans are just fine with Socialism, redistribution of wealth, the infamous Fascist Public/Private Partnership, idiocy like public policy imported from the United Nations under Sustainability, Climate fraud and so on.

My question is ... do we even have in practice a 'government of the United States' any more? If the criterion is an organic practice of constitutional rule based in Unalienable Rights law, both the states and federal power, then the American System of Government vanish long ago!!!

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I have no certain answers for your questions about anything. Rothschild's Prostitutes have stolen much of our Inalienable Rights; progressively and methodically through their Prostitutes. The Death Cult's 'GROUP Rage/Fury Out of Hell' at Trump's win over their Puppet Crime Family causing a delay in their last steps toward complete World Colonization after all the centuries of the GRANDEST OF GRAND THEFT, SLAVERY, MURDER for Satan/Lucifer EXPOSED THEM BEFORE THEY WERE COMPLETELY READY.

This is the only advantage the Forces of God actually have...And, if enough people can rise together in union to stand and fight back regardless of necessary suffering and sacrifice...We can win. We only require about 33% just as for the Revolutionary War.

The recent decisions of the Supreme Court declaring Religious Freedom to include refusal to perform services expressing support for behaviors or lifestyle choices opposing their Value's System/Religion and The Case of the Man living in VA suing Norfolk and Western Railroad for poisoning happening in OH...In PA due to a Law in their Code allowing anybody in the whole Country to sue any Corporation licensed in the state to conduct business is Ground Breaking.

Do not have any idea if the decisions of the Supreme Court are about CALMING THE PEOPLE DOWN as the Rothschild's Plan has caused major opposition and desire to fight OR rather they've suddenly grown some testicles to stand opposed to the Slave Masters in 'The City of London' and Basel, Switzerland. In the next year and one-half, we'll learn for certain of exactly where our Govt. is going. Are we to continue having a SHADOW GOVT. OF THE BANKERS AND THEIR INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE or are we going to return to being 'The United States of America' according to our Constitution?

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It is quite possible that the Money Power sees things slipping away from their grasp because the old tricks, lies, deceptions and manipulations are just not working. Maybe they see their weighting of a financial/commercial economic over the importance of an actual productive economy now a gross miscalculation. Maybe the finally get that the old imperial games of dominating the world through contest of arms is a flawed stratagem now that three-quarters of humanity has just Walked Away and is now refusing to pick up the phone? Actually, a whole host of miscalculations.

It may be a reversal of sorts in progress. But it might not be the kind of progress that would please Christian, say in Pilgrim's Progress.

And so yes, we could be seeing a kind of reversal in progress. And 2024 will tell us a lot. Right now, I really cannot figure it out. But we see a lot of things now reversing (Supreme Court Ruling, Musk and Twitter, media seemingly not as enthusiastic about carrying water for the Pretend President).

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We can 'guestimate' all we want and it matters not one iota. The only power we have is prayer, fasting, sacrifice, doing penance for reparation of the wrath of God the Father at the abominations of our country choosing him at its beginning. The forces for good must be empowered through Jesus Christ and his people in order to win over the darkness the whole world FEELS right now.

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We indeed, do have one federal government and fifty state governments. For the most part, the bureaucracy is too stupid to play games in complicity with the ongoing conspiracy. Federal workers are just drones pushing their part of the infrastructure. The danger comes from the Shadow Government. Unelected officials who push the agenda designated by the Council on Foreign Relations as dictated to them by Bilderberg.

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The Trilateral Commission was established by Zibignew Brezinski. Might have used Rockefeller money but I rather think that he used money provided by the CFR.

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Imagine you're correct about all...Was a very small child throughout the years you're speaking about. Though recall is clear about the most climactic events of the time from listening to politically oriented family members and T.V.; can't recall the total timeline or all the backgrounds of the players.

What do you know about Brezinski...Or, what can I read to better inform myself? Have been inundated with study in another discipline and not as informed with history/Political Science.

Know the Trilateral Commission was created during Carter as an outgrowth of Ford's V.P., Rockefeller who was and remains one of the Rothschilds major pieces on the Chess Board.

Think it may be wise for the good in the U.S. to play 'Go' instead of Chess...Or, Multidimensional Chess.

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There's three books. One of which might be out of print:

1. None Dare Call It Conspiracy by (IIRC) Gary Allan (might be out of print)

2. Shadows of Power by James Perloff

3. The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin (I used to teach AP Economics and AP American Government from parts of this book) It reads like the best mystery novel you ever read and each chapter is summarized at the end.

If you want a more complete picture of the NWO go to the book shop at JBS.org

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Know a lot about the NWO. Have and read 'The Creature From Jekyll Island' and was very passionate in dreams for a while after reading it...As, it influenced me deeply knowing I and four generations besides me were/are living under this slavery created in 1913 with the Congress approving the Central Banker Family Cartel's ENTRANCE INTO OUR SYSTEM and the beginning of Illegal Income Tax which remains illegal.

Thanks for the book references. Going to look for the 2 other books in our University Libraries...I teach Psych Undergrad, BA level only now, thank goodness. Mostly on the Farm and with my Kids, Grandkids and neighborhood friends from attending our Home School.

There is a young historian in Substack by the name of Matthew Ehret out of Canada and he's filled with hidden history. Much seems derived from his time in 'American University in Moscow' he was/is associated with. He has information I've never personally encountered before though in Higher Education for most of my life while practicing professionally. This is simply his entry from the last week. I'm leaving a link:


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Actually, the best leaders in history are MASTERS of a far more potent game: POKER.

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Simple deception...With major component of luck contingent upon the game as POKER isn't always the same. I prefer '5 Card Stud'; but that doesn't mean others aren't playing any number of 'Wild Card' Poker Hands and they most certainly don't call their game before the cards are dealt.

Think this is a lot more complex than POKER simply from the interwoven factors NOT SEEN.

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Nixon was a crafty GLOBALIST. His first job as an attorney was as an associate in Rockefeller’s very own firm. There he was taught the signature dance of the globalist movement: “The DC Two Step” which is move one step to the right followed immediately by two steps to the LEFT.

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We have indeed swung back to Old Testament times, where those in the lead are far away from the absolute laws of God. Secularism and relative morals twist all that is good in those that choose power and money. Oppression is the result of self absorption and our God says many times in the Bible how he hates this evil. God help America to return to justice and your ways. Tragic.

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It's said, "God gives nobody more than they can handle." It's a favorite quote many of my past patients have voiced to me while suffering within domestic violence they refuse to leave attributed to 'Faith in God'.

Factually, it's true God doesn't give us more than we can handle...IF WE HANDLE THE SITUATION WHEN IT PRESENTS ITSELF.



That's what's happened to the country as 'The People' became indolent, spoiled, lazy and stupid in their lives of endless convenience...And, I'm still not counting us out yet. The U.S. requires a huge 'Ontological Shock' and this movie focusing on Human Trafficking, slavery, sexual slavery, murder and ritual murder based in horrendous torment and torture of babies and children to harvest Adrenochrome just may do it. Am praying and willing to die on this Field of Contention to return the country to the Constitution and its LEGAL CITIZENS making us a Republic under our Judeo-Christian God.

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I concur that Joe Biden is a puppet and believe it is Barack Obama and his minions that are pulling the strings. With all that is being uncovered about the "Biden Crime Family," plus Joe's deteriorating health, it is extremely unlikely Joe could win in 2024, even by cheating at the polls again, and they know it. As things stand now, I suspect his replacement will be Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama.

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I think Michelle Obama is simply not up to the task and she knows it. She might be okay once elected because like Joe, she’d just be a mouthpiece with her husband actually calling the plays. But she’s not up for the campaign. Newsome is likely, but watch out for a dark horse Hillary ticket.

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Up next - “Mike”.

The whole [trans] lie will usher in a “change in batter”

We are far from democrat or repubic here, this is the end game against evil in our time. Stand strong patriots. Truth - WWG1WGA


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Feelings are irrelevant. Get rid of the greedy, power hungry, inhuman war mongers.

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JD, I am staying the course. We must know! The country (my opinion) will remain at unease until we get the answer to the question: IS PRESIDENT BIDEN GUILTY OR INNOCENT!

Until this is answered, I don't see how we can trust anyone, Rep or Dem. This not about party. This is about the highest office in the U. S.

I am like millions of citizens that can easily see the our President is reporting to someone. Whomever it is, may have thought they were doing good but they have made the entire country on civil unrest. I fear one, anyone, of his actions, statements, goofs, will send us either in a civil war, or world war III.

No place is safe. We are letting massive numbers of people enter our country. China may be as close as Cuba, unchallenged. The drugs, wow! I have to take meds because I am handicapped. When are the illegal bad stuff going to slip into what is supposed to be safe. SAFE, that word is changing definitions. It is starting to mean, probably safe.

The truly sad part, if President Biden is truly innocent, he could set the record straight. He could quit blocking everyone from investigating him, Hunter, heck even Jill Biden.

The Democrats have created an issue, (no call it was it is, A Problem) to get votes in the last election. They did not expect Biden's ability to drop so quick. Now, we have a V. P. that is no where capable of running the country based on the shape we are currently in. This could be a bigger problem that President Biden remaining a puppet.

Most important, back to the start. President Biden needs to clear his name. If guilty, we are a country of forgiveness. He may not be able to remain as President but he might be able to spend his remaining days with his grandchildren before his mind goes.

Why is the Senate standing by. The most powerful group of people and they have their heads in the sand.

President Biden, man up!

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Are you kidding you think this pedo and traitor to the people could be innocent? WOW

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If, you approach this as guilty, all we will get is walls, just like now.

I suggest let HIM come out and explain.

Get his story, until this wall comes down it seems we gonowhere.

Personally, I want to know how a hint of any of this is not #1 on every agenda. Republicans should include this in every speech, writing, etc. Demand the proof he is innocent or resign if guilty.

No more baby steps.

But that is not happening . Too many are worried about their jobs instead of the country.

Based on that, I suggest the innocent or guilty approach.

If it is not done now, he will medically now out and get away with it.

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The problem is that people refer to this FRAUD who has committed treason against our Country as a President. C-H-I-N-A owns him. The BIDEN CORRUPT CRIME FAMILY

live in the White House on taxpayers dime. Even his crackhead son and his family.

Don't forget his granddaughter and her husband, too. They need to keep an eye on

JOE when Dr. Jill is away.

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The dems could field Gordon the Gopher and win. Voting system is behind the curtain voodoo number generation.

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"Many I speak with honestly care about the president and want the best for Joe Biden, the human being."

They can still admit that after learning about the felonies he's been part of (which were no secret within the Swamp)? See, this is why I have little to no respect for DC Dems.

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I have little respect for ANY Democrat and that includes members of my family. I love them but it has to be from a distance.

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Unless, and until we solve the problem of stolen elections it really doesn't matter here the next puppet is...and here we sit, two years out, and we haven't made any real progress to that end.

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Individual states have made some progress. But truly it’s the level of PAIN being experienced by the country. When Trump left, things were pretty good. I think that by November 2024, the tide will shift so that some key voting blocs traditionally labeled Dem will see a serious jump to the right. Also, the Independents will tell the tale. Even with an organized STEAL being attempted.

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I’m certain tens of thousands if not millions would like to share in your optimism, however the stealing of elections has been ongoing for decades, and virtually nothing has been done to turn things around. Biden and his coconspirators already have him prepared to campaign from his basement again. The Senate is being controlled the same way. I fear Trump is right about one thing though, this will be the last chance we have to turn things around. Given where are right now, I hope to God almighty you are right.

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Even with stolen elections, we could start turning the tide: Republicans must form a CONGRESS OF REPUBLICAN STATES: If we don’t start using our dwindling power soon, it will all be gone: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-must-form-a-congress

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Gavin but, a dark horse is the newly elected governor of Maryland, Wes Moore. He checks every DNC/ Globalist box, right down to his Obama speaking style.

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You know, thanks for bringing Wes Moore's name into this group. When I read about him months ago, that's what I said immediately. Checks Obama's boxes. Then to add on he served in the Military. Wes Moore is involved with the marijuana industry, too.

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The longer that they wait the better. Gives Bobby Kennedy time to get the populace on his side.

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Probably Newsom. He's done a fine job of messing up California, and he is a willing puppet for the WEF folks and the Shadow Elites.

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That's why MAGA has to fight like _ ell to put President Trump back in the White House.

Praying that it would be possible. The United States of America is gone, if not. My

Governor DESantus doesn't stand a chance. He certainly showed his true colors. What

a puppet. Goes to show you how money can change a person. I read where he doesn't

care, if he is not people friendly. He just wants you to pay attention to his treasure

chest of money. I heard on a talk show that JOE goes out Miss VP comes in for a short

time to get the fraudulent title. She backs out to take Feinstein's seat in the US Senate.

In comes Governor Hairdo to run in 2024.

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