Apr 12, 2023Liked by JD Rucker

It bothers me no end that conservative writers have adopted the use of the made-up "pronouns" of the transvestites. Why they can't see the damage this does is beyond me. The same goes for the right nearly always assuming the left's contentions about the climate and only arguing about the details of how to combat it. Instead of writing "climate change", we should, at the very least, say "purported climate change". I myself would go further and, as with COVID, label it a cult based on lies.

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Instead of saying, “transgender,” we refer to them as “transvestites.” That’s what the vast majority of them are by definition. While the term “transgender” makes many people see them as victims of being born in the “wrong” bodies, “transvestite” properly frames their fetish as either a mental illness, a cry for attention, or both.

I DONT KNOW WHY ITS YOU WHO IS THE ONLY ONE WHO SAYS IT LIKE IT IS. That is exactly right, few have done full transition. The changed meaning took it to a higher lever involving Children. Thank you Mr. Rucker

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The intent of the pharmaceutical-financial-political gender industry seems to be to create an epistemological crisis requiring a new framing of reality. In example, the paradox of Young’s Double-Slit Experiment, in which light behaves as both particle and wave, gave birth to the solution of Quantum Physics. Similarly, the so-called ”transitioning” of sexes is meant to give birth to a new dystopian “solution”, in which are destroyed both Reason and Faith, as you note. But there is no paradox, there is no epistemological crisis, precisely because, as you note, there is no transitioning of sexes. There are only the mentally ill who are chemically and/or surgically mutilating themselves.

Thank you for your linguistic sanity.

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Aren't Lia Thomas and Dylan Mulvaney doing the gender identity equivalent of Black face?

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The ones I really hate is how they have transformed the word PRIDE into something that is automatically associated with the gay agenda and people's sexual acts rather than an accomplishment one should be proud of. I also hate how the rainbow has been co-opted by them - God's symbol of reconciliation with us is now used as a symbol for a movement of sexual libertinism.

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Glad you are finally getting comments on your own news feeds.

Satan has always been into changing what God called good into something that is not good, and calling what is evil into something good. Roman's 1 is all about this. Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie.

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I make sure I tell everyone there is NO SUCH thing as a Trans child. A child is not capable of that kind of thinking. There are only evil adults putting that in their head.

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Call them what they are and do it openly. They are sodomites.

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This feels like a distraction to me. Big Tech and the media are blowing the Trans issue WAY out of proportion to the actual percentage of people who are directly involved. Why? Maybe, just maybe ... they don't want us to see everything that is - and will be - happening all around us.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Political correctness has been around since the Bolshevik revolution. You couldn’t say anything against the party. Mao was another insane example of P.C. and control. Read Nein Cheng’s book, ‘Life and Death in Shang Hai’. (Check my spelling.)

I’m not that naive. Neither am I a ‘good’ Christian. I’m a foul mouthed whiskey drinking Christian. Always have been. And I pray every day. You best believe that I’m certain God exists. My sins are my own. You could have worn dresses and acted like a fruitcake all day and night. I couldn’t care less. But if anyone thinks I’m going to pretend it is normal, they’re mistaken. Also, I’m going to say that, no matter what you did to ‘transition’ to whatever it was you were aiming for; YOU MISSED. Because regardless of your goal, at no point did you find success. Sure, you might ‘look’ the part; but, you’re no more a different gender than where you started out. You’re just another mutilated, mentally unstable individual. If your feelings are hurt, tough. The truth is a painful mofo, fo sho’. One thing that has fully transitioned is Joe Biden. He has fully transitioned from a pathetic old pedophile into the worst president in America’s history. Good job Joe.

The Globalist billionaires and embedded bureaucrats that are garnering huge amounts of money and power, are to be feared and at all costs stopped by any means necessary. America and the rest of the world are imperiled by their (Globalists) corrupt agenda. America is the last beacon of hope and freedom for once the light goes out here, only God knows how long humans will suffer.

Our well being is under attack. This is no drill. There will be no second chance to save humanity.

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Been saying this for years; and especially since being demanded to "RE-IMAGINE" everything by the ding-a-ling, AOC. Now, we've RE-IMAGINED 'Concentration Camps to be 'Smart/15 Minute Cities' and Illegal Aliens to be Immigrants/Asylum Seekers. Murder in the Womb is Abortion and Pedophilia is 'MAP' or Minor Attracted Person. Gosh...Could go on and On and ON with the Euphemisms the WOKE RELIGION has RE-IMAGINED to make DEMONIC FILTH sound nice or benign. Repugnant; but rational and logical for a population refusing God and in utter denial of Truth to embrace the insanity of SATANIC WOKE AS THEIR GOD.

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Actually, i am not so sure they have mastered language control or if it's because they are infested widely across the spectrum of gov agencies. Definitely, they use it as a tool. But they are not masters.

They only get away with so much because so many have been dumbed down and others are afraid to confront evil.

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I call them what they are, "mentally ill freaks". Descriptive and to the point.

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"They are part of the trans-tyranny cult. The vast majority of them are transvestites. Some of them are becoming trans-terrorists. These are truths. Sugar-coating the terminology based on demands of the woke powers-that-be won’t help anyone other than those who launched the demonic agenda in the first place." That about sums it up.

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Great article. I purposely stand upon using the proper labels instead of social engineering wordplay. Transvestite is the correct term. Though we can fall easily into saying terms like transgender when interacting and speaking on the subjects. That's because it's vastly injected into dialogue. The more a term offends the supporter or even the subject partaking then the more we should stand firm upon the terminology. Too many make up terms to rationalize and validate their inappropriate behavior and belief systems. We cannot be fooled by this. Those ignorant on the subject matter will be steered into acceptance and that's the purpose.

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I respectfully suggest that the perfectly good and accurate term “female impersonator” be used.

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