Another good reason to detest Oz and hope he never gets elected. The more we learn, the more reasons to realize Oz is not a good choice. Reminds me of Talib and Omar, radical members in the House who shouldn’t even be able to run much less win election.

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He’s a terrible candidate. How does he get to run in a state that he doesn’t live in? The comparisons to any government officials who have dual American/Israeli Citizenship are ridiculous. Israel is not run by an Authoritarian & every 18 year old has compulsory IDF duty. Israel & the United States have been allies since the Israeli State was created in 1948.

If you vote in your original country but don’t vote here that says alot about you & your loyalty, I don’t care what your dual citizenship is. It’s very sad that there is no good choice.

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How many duel (or more0 citizens of the US have been voted into the US Senate?

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He is an Anchor Baby with neither parent being a US Citizen when born in the U.S. exactly like Camel-uh Harris. And how is Camel-uh working out?

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"There is no subtext here. The fact that Oz is Muslim and his parents are from Turkey is not intended to suggest that he is a jihadist or Islamic extremist. Such accusations would be absurd."

No, that's not absurd. Unlikely in this case perhaps, but not absurd.

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I have to wonder whether this is yet another plan to get either Josh Shapiro or John Fetterman, both hard-core Democrats, elected by putting up Oz, a fake Republican with an extremely questionable background. His dual citizenship alone should be enough to disqualify him for even being a candidate. So put him up against the other candidates and smear *them* with their baggage so that people figure there is no good GOP choice. Let’s say he does get the nomination. And his dual citizenship, among other detrimental issues, really blows up in the media. What happens in the general election? Violà. We get stuck with either Josh Shapiro or John Fetterman, two terrible Democrats in their own way who should never be elected to the Senate either. Maybe Pennsylvania politics was always this corrupt, but it seems like it is turning into a smaller, mid-Atlantic version of California.

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My bad. Josh Shapiro is running as the Dem candidate for governor, not Senate. He still shouldn’t be elected to that office in any case. We had eight years of Tom Wolf.

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Kathy Bennett is the best candidate for the Senate from PA. The rest are a bunch of fakes. Lets also not forget that he is good buddies with radical Oprah and Obama. Trump mad a huge mistake by endorsing him but who Trump endorses has no bearing on how we should vote.

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