In chess, elevating a pawn to be a queen is one of the most difficult and rare actions. But if it works, it's epic and game-changing. That's what seem to be happening with the WHO.
I am so glad the lid is finally being blown off this evil plot. This has been underway for so long, in such a stealthy manner. Currently we have a fog of war situation where we are being told where to turn our attention, and thus where NOT to look.
Peter Breggin and you are telling us where the magician does not want us to look. Everyone, pay close attention.
Finally able to watch this interview today and it was great. I appreciated how Breggin began the interview with talking about how they were targeted in the 90s and their reluctance to dive deep into the plandemic agenda. And then how he finished with hope; all the wonderful people he has met as a result: a group of freedom fighters. There are many heroes in this fight who have already sacrificed a lot. Each of us needs to stand up in our own sphere, speaking truth and trying to wake up those we can. I hope that what he sees in the Christians he is meeting, draws him into relationship with Christ.
Re: the new round of negotiations to expand the global governance powers of WHO during declared pandemics and global emergencies.
I've been looking into the subject since listening to Attorney Todd Callender's Jan. 30, 2022 podcast interview with Dr. Elizabeth Vliet Lee on America Outloud.
As Callender explains, and Astrid Stuckelberger also discusses elsewhere, WHO already is the center of the one-world government, because the International Health Regulations of 2005 went into effect in 2007, and the United States has put implementing regulations into place through 42 CFR Section 70 and 71 revisions, including a large batch of amendments adopted by US Health and Human Services in January 2017.
Under those regulations, as soon as the WHO director declares a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) -- which Tedros did on Jan. 30, 2020, national constitutions and charters -- including the US Constitution -- are suspended and the citizens of IHR signatory nations no longer have legally-recognized civil liberties and human rights. Because the PHEIC declaration has not been lifted, the US government has been subordinate to WHO for the last two years, and still is, despite the apparent "lifting" of some of the "mandates."
Above is a link to a report I wrote about Callender's interview, citing to/quoting from the statutes, executive orders, court cases, regulations and intergovernmental agreements that he mentioned in the interview.
My understanding is that the latest round of negotiations is intended to expand and strengthen the already overwhelming legal force that the 2005 IHR has exerted on populations. For example, I think one thing they will be trying to do is expand the number and types of scenarios in which national sovereighty is suspended and governing power turned over the public health and law enforcement authorities within each nation-state, acting at the direction of WHO.
What can be done about this? What can the every-day person do to help stop this from happening? We hear a lot of "bad news" about their evil plot, but how do we feel powerful in doing something about it?
The Resistance is taking off right now:
"Urgent | WHO “Pandemic Treaty” to Consolidate more Power"
I am so glad the lid is finally being blown off this evil plot. This has been underway for so long, in such a stealthy manner. Currently we have a fog of war situation where we are being told where to turn our attention, and thus where NOT to look.
Peter Breggin and you are telling us where the magician does not want us to look. Everyone, pay close attention.
Finally able to watch this interview today and it was great. I appreciated how Breggin began the interview with talking about how they were targeted in the 90s and their reluctance to dive deep into the plandemic agenda. And then how he finished with hope; all the wonderful people he has met as a result: a group of freedom fighters. There are many heroes in this fight who have already sacrificed a lot. Each of us needs to stand up in our own sphere, speaking truth and trying to wake up those we can. I hope that what he sees in the Christians he is meeting, draws him into relationship with Christ.
Re: the new round of negotiations to expand the global governance powers of WHO during declared pandemics and global emergencies.
I've been looking into the subject since listening to Attorney Todd Callender's Jan. 30, 2022 podcast interview with Dr. Elizabeth Vliet Lee on America Outloud.
As Callender explains, and Astrid Stuckelberger also discusses elsewhere, WHO already is the center of the one-world government, because the International Health Regulations of 2005 went into effect in 2007, and the United States has put implementing regulations into place through 42 CFR Section 70 and 71 revisions, including a large batch of amendments adopted by US Health and Human Services in January 2017.
Under those regulations, as soon as the WHO director declares a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) -- which Tedros did on Jan. 30, 2020, national constitutions and charters -- including the US Constitution -- are suspended and the citizens of IHR signatory nations no longer have legally-recognized civil liberties and human rights. Because the PHEIC declaration has not been lifted, the US government has been subordinate to WHO for the last two years, and still is, despite the apparent "lifting" of some of the "mandates."
Above is a link to a report I wrote about Callender's interview, citing to/quoting from the statutes, executive orders, court cases, regulations and intergovernmental agreements that he mentioned in the interview.
My understanding is that the latest round of negotiations is intended to expand and strengthen the already overwhelming legal force that the 2005 IHR has exerted on populations. For example, I think one thing they will be trying to do is expand the number and types of scenarios in which national sovereighty is suspended and governing power turned over the public health and law enforcement authorities within each nation-state, acting at the direction of WHO.
What can be done about this? What can the every-day person do to help stop this from happening? We hear a lot of "bad news" about their evil plot, but how do we feel powerful in doing something about it?
The USA with their strong constitution is the only country that can break WHO.
I know there is a lot of crap on the internet, but this caught my eye. I think this is what we have to find out and surface to say NO to WHO PANDEMIC CONTROL and to TAKE DOWN THE GLOBAL PUPPETS: BLACK SWAN EVENT, everyone who has been jabbed with shot and not saline needs to be alarmed: