This election reflected gangsterism at it's best. We are being ruled by the worst this country can offer.

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. . . yes, not only "the worst this country can offer," but the worst this planet has to offer. This abomination is being brought to you by the Global Elites of the universe. It's MASSIVE ...

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It was over when SCOTUS, the backstop of our failsafe political system, refused to look at the massive fraud in our 2020 election!

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Wait until documents come out in a few days!

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"But here's the catch. The red tsunami that everyone and their dog predicted was only thwarted in states where voter fraud is essentially permitted through loose voter ID laws, ubiquitous mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting, and unchecked vote counting practices. States that have stricter laws such as Florida and Ohio saw the predicted red wave. States where voter fraud is de facto legalized like Arizona and Pennsylvania saw inexplicable "wins" for corrupt Democrats."


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I don't see this getting fixed any time soon. The corruption is too deep, too ingrained to reverse now. The United States of America is now a failed project, no longer able to deliver transparent, democratically accountable elections. Red states which desire to remain so and preserve electoral integrity will push for secession. The US will be broken up, rather like the USSR in the 90s.

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I COULD NOT POSSIBLY AGREE WITH YOU MORE!!!!! It's over it's done! There is no coming back from this! After 2020 YOU KNEW this would become status quo! Unless people begin taking the law into there own hands and willing to die for their Country - you can't stop this! A revolution is the only salivation! No one ever advocates war but this is also what the Second Amendment was intended for!

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It will be fixed from the local level outwards.

If your officials honor the constitution, then there is no fear.

Even in the worst imaginable situation, the conservative way is to take responsibility and keep making the best of all things.

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I'm happy you’re alone because this will be “fixed” soon.

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I'm happy you’re alone because this will be “fixed” soon.

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I believe voter fraud. I had to repeatedly tell, mail refusals to entities that were trying to get me to mail in my ballot in Pennsylvania. They kept hounding me to sign up for mail in ballots and in 2020 when I got to my polling station they claimed I was supposed to mail in my ballot. I was very angry. Just because I’m 65+ doesn’t mean I can’t drive to vote.

However, political parties are corrupt. Politics will not solve the issues they merely give you the illusion you have a say. The Hegelian dialectic is definitely at work. People are being herded into a

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Excellent excellent excellent synopsis! That said please please please read John Funds book (2) on Voter Fraud to see how rampant it truly is! You ain't seen nothing yet! The machines alone will leave you irate!

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100% agree with every word of this piece. "It's time to find some good, patriotic attorneys and plaintiffs who are willing to put in the work to save this nation." Absolutely spot on. Thank you.

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You made the exact points needed--fraud wins again. Lake ran on cleaning up AZ’s election laws. Many followers loved that about her. She drew crowds as Hobbs drew small circle of fanatics. The new coined term is ‘election denier’ where it used to be homophobic or racist or some other word thrown out as a label to condemn. Denying an unjust fraudulent election is our duty, not our shame. Every media person was calling the Republican candidates ‘election deniers’ as if to shame them. WTH so obviously scripted. I’m hoping Lake and AZ fight this fraud.

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It's time to find some good, patriotic attorneys and plaintiffs who are willing to put in the work to save this nation." -- Yeah? Well don't hold your breath. This country is FINISHED! I predicted this would happen the day after they stole the last election. I HATE TO BE RIGHT! I just can't believe I served in the military for a Banana Republic. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! At least this time I didn't lose any money giving it to the GOP!

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Has someone accounted for how many Republican voters moved from Democrat states to Republican states, thereby increasing the Republican majority in Republican states and leaving a greater proportion of Democrats in Democrat strongholds? Also, how “easy” were this cycle’s senate seats for Republicans to win from Democrats, compared with those seats coming up in 2024 and 2026? Please don’t jump on these questions as if I’m an ignoramus - I ask these questions as an Englishman living all his life in England. I too have the very strong impression we’re being gas-lit. But the gaslighting is compatible with “ballot shenanigans” of the darkest kind as well as with voter demographics of the kind I mean my example questions to suggest.

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I personally don't like it when reds leave blue states for political reasons or when blue move to red states and bring their blue baggage with. Living in blue MN, I see it as a form of selfish desertion. Leaving the fight.. life is life, where ever you are.. EVERYONE get a copy of your County Cast Vote Records for these midterms and send to Mike Lindell please.. "Evil wins when good ppl do nothing" We only lose when we stop fighting..

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

I'm with you, Andy. This west coast is some of the most incredible land on Earth and i say to hell with lib dems who would like to split off from USA. If they hate conservative America so much, they need to move the hell out. I remember Canadian Trudeau saying "US dems are welcome in Canada."

And i know we'd all be willing to pay for one-way tickets.

As we say... "This land is OUR land.." Anyone who disrespects the flag, or hates the Constitution, or works against it... needs to leave for the country of their choice. I hear it's beautiful in Venezuela this time of year.

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"..If you don't love it, leave it..". Merle Haggard.. Acclimate or vacate .. there are plenty who appreciate the opportunity we still have here today in America

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Good question about the shifting demographics, Stephen. I've wondered that, too, a little. I don't know of any stats around that. But... i and spouse have opted to remain in liberal Washington state only to help the other WA conservatives here and to add our vote for Republican candidates. We opted to stay and fight.

In WA, there are reports of counties with more votes than there are registered voters. Yet the state says the voter roles are clean. Judicial Watch found otherwise. (We have only mail-in ballots.)

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Good on you Leo! But it's sad to say that until all machines are gone. Our elections will remain selections. Go in God's light

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Can someone do a TRUE exit poll? I think that would be the definite proof. Don't let them bulldoze you this time. 🤔😠😡

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I think every town should keep a diary of who voted - I'm quite sure there would be many a volunteer in addition to people confirming who they voted for and or a copy or screen shot! Take for instance NJ - I beleive there are 21 Counties! In Bergen County there are 71 towns. You cannot tell me this is NOT feasible! They run the elections by town - keeping track of the exact number of votes is therefore not impossible! It would also allow them to not only confirm but deter all the illegals who most definitely vote! Unless an election is contested or someone turns the person in, this is how they get away with it! The rallying cry to GET THEM TO THE POLLS is "No one has ever been prosecuted for voter fraud" NOT that it doesn't exist and is not rampant! It's akin to saying no one has ever been prosecuted for drunk driving - how many would drive DRUNK and do! Read John Funds books on voter fraud if you think THIS is bad!!

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Anything is better than what we got. But anything that would matter will never see the light of day. That I can promise you.

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They did, and fully 80% of all registered voters HATE this Government. Not merely dislike, but HATE this Government. And they all voted Democrat? THIS COUNTRY IS FINISHED! It would already take over 10 years to undo what this administration has done in two, and that's NOT gonna happen.

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We are discussing this excellent analysis over in Scotland at this blog link


It's truly incredible that your elections take so long instead of a one-day voting system. It's difficult to see how it will be put right. There is obviously murky cheating going on - but is there any other kind?!

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This strikes me as proof there was serious skulduggery. This came up in my feed from The Last Refuge.

"Within Minutes of Arizona Gov Election Call, Twitter, DHS and Big Tech Begin Blocking Discussion of Difference Between “Ballots and Votes”

I’m going to skip noting that Elon Musk Twitter is essentially unchanged, regarding the relationship between Twitter, the Dept of Homeland Security and the disinformation police, as many keep saying Musk Twitter has not had time to reformat. That said, five days after our post-election review of the difference between ballots and votes, and within […]

The post Within Minutes of Arizona Gov Election Call, Twitter, DHS and Big Tech Begin Blocking Discussion of Difference Between “Ballots and Votes” appeared first on The Last Refuge"

Now why would Big Tech circle the wagons and shut down all discourse on the elections???

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Sadly, there actually is a Red Wave that’s transpiring.

The “torture them to death up to birth” initiatives that were passed in California, Michigan and Vermont means even more innocent human blood will sweep across those States like a raging river.

Meantime, we’ll all continue to suffer from the widespread voter fraud and seemingly unstoppable governmental corruption as our Nation likewise is being torn to shreds.

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With all due respect, I think the term is “being gaslighted” instead of “being gaslighting“. Regardless, it happened any way you say it.

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I caught that typo as well. It happened at least teice so likely autocorrect messing around.

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