I don’t really know what to make of Elon, either. I definitely like a lot of his commentary & spirit in fighting back when he & his companies are being attacked on all sides. He definitely seems to be on the globalist shit list, altho other times I wonder if he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. An enigma for sure, @ least to me.

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No need to demand that Elon Musk must behave like a saint before we appreciate what he has done. Exercising discernment is always a must.

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Anyone that helps us, i view as helpful, not destructive, and highly worthwhile in this dark time. He does not need to be a perfect republican. Otoh, the left is nearly 100% evil and 100% destructive.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

OMG. How about YOU excercise some discernment and some intellect.. Yang.

Elon Musk is the biggest carbon credit saleman on earth. Maybe you should figure out what that means before you spout off stupid comments.

TWO. He is developing Starlink where you can be tracked in the middle of the Amazon, the Desert, and the middle of the ocean.

AND all of this MONEY that allowed him to do that was from the Gov't and Deep State.

I love people like you lecturing others when you really have absolutely NO IDEA either and since he talks like he's the free speech adovcate, you believe him. If you haven't learned yet, they lie first Ming. Elon Musk is part of the cabal guy. Your name is Yang Ming but Sun Tzu escapes you. OH THE IRONY.

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I agree with you that Musk has many issues. But we can appreciate what he has done right while rejecting his nonsense. That’s the discernment I attempt to convey.

Can you find one thing which Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or Tony Fauci have done that we can appreciate? You won’t find anything even through a microscope.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

1st. You should read a book on logical fallacies. And. Appreciate? You didn't say that did you? It's a show. They are playing a roll. You are terribly behind the eight ball. You act like I should be happy they're telling us the GD obvious? How does that help??? It doesn't, it hurts. Our country is being stolen. They'll keep telling you that until we are China, but you can appreciate that! LMFAO. None of this shit matters without action AND all these people do is make people like you sit on their collective asses and tell others to appreciate these liars. That does shit. I don't have time to play ABC's. I wouldn't even know where to tell you to begin. Maybe the Creature from Jekyll Island by Ed Griffin? Maybe understand why Jackson, McKinley, Lincoln, and Kennedy were shot. They control everything Yang, but you go ahead and appreciate.

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@RLM RLM Oh dear, can you share with us here ONE PERSON in the world, including historical figures, whose deeds we can praise. Don’t be stingy.

(I know the obvious answer: that’s you, who is faultless and righteous. But then why do you allow Obama to destroy our nation? :-)

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Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, Andew Jackson, John F Kennedy, and most importantly? JESUS CHRIST.

Can you tell me why those first four men we should praise? IF you don't know. There is zero point in discussing further.

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I think using X should come with a free nosering. The big kind.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

That too. Elon is FULL OF S.

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You scream that Yang is the one doing the lecturing and has no idea......

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Some believe the carbon scam and just must preach and project.

Thinkers not.

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Your GD right I do. The chances Musk isn't your friend is MUCH greater than the other. BUT most of you don't get much of anything. Do you know what the Federal Reserve is and what they do? It all stems from there and you might have heard, Federal Reserve Bad, but that's all you know. They own it all and have bought everyone. Wake up Harry. Evil maybe, aware of what's going on? NO.

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❝CRIMINALS WITH US WILL BE ARRESTED AT THE FIRST, more or less, well-grounded SUSPICION: it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a possible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons suspected of a political lapse of crime, for in these matters we shall be literally merciless.❞


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I agree, using the word cis is just bowing to the gender religious mob.

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Certainly no shortage of "tell me how to think, please" idjits out here.

It's target-rich.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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As per my usual announcement, may I remind everyone, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL ILLNESS. These people pushing this smoke and mirrors agenda are just dividing the liberals and conservatives for future gains. Their goal is heinous and horrible. They will continue to take take take until they’re in complete control. And yes. I am 100% correct. This is all communist Chinese influence into a very professional PSYCHOLOGICAL ‘PSYOP’ PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN… To win we must ‘cut the head off the snake’…. Arrest Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros and everyone connected to this ridiculous/DANGEROUS POLITICAL CAMPAIGN…

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

Perhaps and most likely he speaks certain things for a purpose, as many do these days. We live in a world of lies and illusions to bring forth delusions. Our enemy, Satan, plays the long game. It's not obvious most times what everything is about, because that " old serpent, the devil" is the ultimate deceiver who uses seduction, both in an obvious way but even more so, in the subtle way. We Christians must trust Holy Spirit discernment, those not yet born again have been equipped with instinct to detect that something is not quite as it seems. Our Creator equipped us with this for our protection. Trust in Him and hear what He is telling us. The time of Great Deception fast approaches, even now we see it on its outer fringes. As Jesus Christ said when asked what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age, "TAKE HEED THAT YE BE NOT DECEIVED." His first and most important warning. Prayers in Jesus that we will understand.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

I wrote this in regards to Musk. There are many playing the serpents game. I've been warned and listen.

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The US military will be defeated because of their wokeness.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

Yes, and replaced by an invading army now entering this land with the aid of our traitorous once known as US govt. The Beast rules under the guise of various titles: UN, EU, WEF, WHO, IMF, etc... the ruler of this beast system is satan, ruler of this world, soon his son will be unveiled and he will take his seat on his throne. Just before the true King comes.

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I believe you. Imv, it was highly symbolic when Biden messed his trousers while in the Vatican in his first summer as president. What would Satan do given an opportunity - soil anything we view as holy, the Vatican, beneath which Saint Peter is buried.

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Highly probable true. Austin and Milley were their leaders of woke. West Point, Annapolis, the Air Force Academy have been woke for quite a few generations of graduates. They now pollute our military. Brainwashed to the point wokeness is in these graduates' dna. The probability that they are fixable in a tough war is not very high. Actually, Milley should be court marshalled as soon as a decent AG is available, hopefully, in January of 2025. All those retired 4-star generals and the 3-stars too, should be court marshalled also for illegally attacking T and calling him a nazi and their retirements reduced as punishment. They wildly broke the UCMJ by sedition against Prez Trump.

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We got starlink recently. My neuropathy is flaring up . Anyway, glad Elon spoke up.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

He doesn't want to put a chip in your brain, unless you are a quadriplegic or otherwise neurologically broken and you agree. The research with implantations is purely to understand how to communicate directly with the brain (think software protocols). You should believe that he has a team working feverishly to figure out how to achieve the same communication without invasive methods.

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Without Cis guilt, there is no gay power.

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Elon is a creative genius and we're fortunate to live at the same time as he. He's making history. Watch closely!!

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Ok, I still don't know what cis means!! I guess I'm just not that interested to find out. All this mental illness of gender dysphoria is astonishing and pandering to their sickness to the point of mutilating children is the worst! These people need deep psychological counselling NOT puberty blockers and cutting off their breasts! Good God what have we become! As far as Elon Musk is concerned, he is standing in the way of their insanity with a few words, and that is at good thing! I think some States have passed laws against genital mutilation of children under the age of consent, thank God. How did all these people get so sick?? Taking God out of schools is just one point, taking God out of our lives is the main one.

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There is no coming back from that level of delusion. Straight jackets & rubber rooms.

Medical personnel including psychologists who participate & facilitate these broken mentally suffering individuals must be held to account. Those who support & advocate what has become an industry particularly parents of children that not just encourage but actively celebrate their child's

"Uniqueness" must be mocked and shamed rather than receiving fawning attention that they seek.

If you are reading this and are one of those described, wake up & pray for forgiveness. Because this evil will not prevail & there will be a last straw.

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Yes, this level of evil is incomprehensible. Satan has his grip on our children and that's exactly where he wants it. Our children are our heritage and belong to God not us. Our children will continue to obey God's command of "be fruitful and multiply". The saving grace to humankind. Satan will not win even though sacrifices to Moloch seem that way.

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"Cis-gendered" is a pejorative term used by trans and homosexuals meaning "normal" (heterosexual) people.

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..Elon's a human, just like all of us; subject to the same flaws, just like all of us. though, i'm not an ardent supporter of him (and the whole 'brain chip' fallacy), i do think he has some valid opinions..

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It appears Musk is blinking.

All the 3 letter agencies going after him and his businesses are having an effect.

The J6 movie produced by The Gateway Pundit has been stuck at 2 million views since labels have been stuck on it by X.

It will be interesting to see how Musk responds to this. Will he come out with a "McAfee" or take the "mistake" approach.

Anyone who thinks Musk is above censorship has never had property stolen under the name of State Interest.

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...Twitter (Some call it X)... This is the perfect way to express it. Bravo!

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