oh my that is a long read. thank you so much for such a heartfelt powerful msg. i need to read it daily. Im old now but i do believe we will be the last Generation so to speak, not that i will see it in my life but my Kids and Grandkids will see the end. I guess i include all living now as the last Gen?. Have a a great day everyone, be safe and thank you again Mr Rucker

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It does seem that this is a clash between believers and luciferians, with the atheists being the bulk and thinking its all bs. They are the most lost.

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“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams in a speech to the Second Continental Congress on August 1, 1776.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

Muslims also believe in the end times and that Jesus (pbuh) is the Messiah and will return to battle and defeat Djjal (Satan.) This is not just a Christian belief. We of the Abrahamic faiths must put aside our differences and unite in this fight. We all worship the same God, Creator of all that is seen and unseen. May God bless you and keep you all safe. ☮️💟

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Thank you JD for a powerful message. I agree the evil and wickedness has been brought to a massive scale. With gender being questioned and children being programmed to think they are no longer the person God made, this truly destroys families. Government corruption at an all time high, spending wildly on nonsensical issues, pouring money and weapons into Ukraine, destroying our nation‘s energy supply and food sources. I pray nightly for our Father to give us strength to battle this evil. Thank you for your faith-based ideals and support.

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May God richly Bless you, JD!! Every time I despair, I remember that God specifically put me here at this time on earth for a specific reason! So I double down on my prayers and pass on your articles to others and talk to anyone who'll listen. I firmly believe God reveals the truth to those who trust him and has hardened the hearts of those who put their trust into men...

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I'm more inclined to believe the end of times of the Progressive Leftist agenda is at hand as it has been exposed as nothing more than insanity pushed by humans with far too much time on their hands.

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Hello JD, Everything you have suggested in this letter is very important. I've been trying to get friends and relatives to prepare for the next year which is going to be a nightmare. The person I follow the most calls it "The Big Ugly". I don't know if you know of him, his name is Clif High and he's also on Substack along with a Bitchute Channel. I recommend him but he's an acquired taste! :) He's expecting the SHTF to be really bad early 2023.....and then take about 2 years to settle down and start to get better. It all depends on whether or not we can get our Legitimate President back in the Whitehouse. He does believe that we will win this WAR,...but it will be hard going for many people,.....especially with the Die Off expected soon.

There are many people terrified thinking we are in "The End of Days". It is very sad to see that fear on top of the fear of what is going on all around us. But I do want to say,....there is a ton of evidence now that the very people we are fighting against created the whole bible story 2000 years ago to control the masses. I know you are Christian, I was too, raised Catholic. But our whole family left the church many years ago, after learning about the rampant Pediophelia etc.... More and more of their evil is coming to light,....satan worshipping and child sacrifice.....they have been WOLVES in Sheeps Clothing for 2000 years!

I don't believe any of the "End of Days" scenarios are any thing more than made up stories by the Cabal of Elite to keep people in a state of FEAR and GUILT. If you have not read this book yet, I highly recommend it. It is an interview with one of the premier Scholars in Original Hebrew that worked for the Vatican and the Jewish Council for years. He is the best translator of the Original Hebrew in the world. And he has come out to tell people what the Old Testament really says.

Here is the title, it is available at Amazon on Kindle for only $10, if you don't want to waste too much money on this. But it is very important information and it needs to be brought out into the light.

Not believing in Organized Religion any more, doesn't mean I'm not believing in the Divine Power of the Universe. I chose Wicca as my Faith, it is one of the neo-pagan faiths, follows the Seasons of the Year. I have my own little Alter and practice my faith often, sometimes with others.

So, I'm not trying to say that religions/faith is a lie. Only that the 3 major organized religions were created by MEN to Control the Masses. Women especially. So, give this book a look and try to understand that they planned all this, not just their Nazi Reset, but even the 'biblical' parts!

It's called "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most Famous book in History". I highly recommend it. You will find that for 2000 or more years, this group of people, the Khazarian Mafia, have been working on ruling and controlling the people and the nations of the earth through lies and scams. In once sense it is the end of days! Their almost there, they have infiltrated and are controlling almost every thing now.....if Hillary had won, it would all be over.

Here is a link to a good beginning article about these Khazarian Mafia,...from of all places UKRAINE!

Duh. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/ They have been called "The Name Stealers" all over Europe forever. Because that is what they do.

I don't know if there was a Wise Man named Jesus, sent to help people find truth and become closer to the Divine,....he may well have existed. There have been several Wise humans sent down to earth to help people live good lives,....and bring them closer to the Divine energy that gives us life here on this little Blue Planet.

But what this Cabal did is nothing like that. They have created Scams and LIES for Control. ORIGINAL SIN. Guilt, Punishment, Banishment and Excommunication and Hell! They demanded humans to give up all their Natural Instincts, like having families, sex and being free from the YOKE. Humans were not meant to be OXEN. Held down with guilt and fear. The Old Testament is only a History book of a very bloody time in the past. None of those "sins" are in the Bible in it's original form. But the Elite need to keep people afraid,....it's how they control us....they did it then, and they are doing it now. It's what they do. They worship evil, they believe in Child Sacrifice. They have no love for humanity or even the planet at all. It's all a LIE.

And I think taking that fear of the "End of Days" this Cabal has indoctrinated millions of people with AWAY from them, will ease the burden of fear in a time that will be terrifying enough without that Fear Porn!

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Hi fellow Lovers of Responsible Freedom, can I interest you and your connections to go to my most recent post and vote and pass it on?


Vote With Your Conscience. Take A Stand On What/Who Is Responsible For The Covid-19 Pandemic.

Why do those in the Freedom & Health Community shy away from discovering who stands where on this critically defining issue? Let us take a poll and find out.

No Fence Sitting. Time to take your stand on one side or the other. Ask this up front and personal to all in the Freedom & Health Community such as Mattias Desmet and Robert Malone--ask them to publicly declare where they stand.


I think this is one of the most important things that we can do for the freedom and health community--let’s see where each other stands on this necessary, discriminatory, dividing line. I hope you can pass it on and I can get some traction on this. Thank you, stay safe stay free, Jack

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If there are kind hearts in the world of medicine who can set up--I dunno, a collective? An alt. way of getting medical essentials? that would be one huge blessing for many of us. We generally avoid "Big Pharma" like the plague (that it is!) but I have a kid with Type 1 (insulin dependent) and if medicaid didn't cover this one cost-prohibitive essential (and the equipment associated with it) we'd be in life r' death trouble. I'll bet we are not the only Americans who would love to detach from all the BIGS pronto but perhaps even more than fuel... this is a giant problem. Who else might "think tank" on this, money people like Ed Dowd? Could one deep-pocketed "Angel" investor buy up such essentials and sell them maybe just a little over "at cost" so people would not have to be locked into a manipulative system? Few are writing about this dilemma (so thanks for bringing it up!)

I know the BIGS make these products (could smalls?) but the fear for folks like us is that without some smart phone or a QR code or "good behavior" the supply will be cut off and even we who "will not comply" will be done for. Thanks and blessings to you!

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Thank you for sharing this message.

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The Adversary has won, the vaccines program has a life of its own with people queuing up for the vaccine boosters, like sheep to slaughter - The Adversary has declared the Covid Pandemic over, but The Adversary knows who you each are and he is marshaling his forces, in his interlude, to come after you and finish you off, once and for all - like all things, this takes time, a lot like the Law - it is slow, but 100% effective, generally, in getting its way.

I am not Jewish, I don't follow any religion and anything written 1,400 years ago, by the Greeks (The Bible) well, beware the Greeks bearing gifts, sort of thing, because 2,022 years ago, the Romans were the only race which recorded what happened within their empire and they never once recorded Jesus, or Jesus doing whatever he was supposed to have done, in The Bible, published 600 years later and "corrected" to make it consistent with current thinking - so my take on the Jewish guy below, is more unprofitable mumbo jumbo - that right Steve?

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EAGLE FORUM HAS CHAPTERS IN ALL 50 STATES. This came from my States chapter.

This Should Terrify Every American: DOJ Harasses Citizens for Exercising Their First Amendment Rights – PJ Media

DOJ----pure intimidation - Hans is coming!!!!

1st A https://pjmedia.com/columns/hans-a-von-spakovsky/2022/09/20/this-should-terrify-every-american-doj-harasses-citizens-for-exercising-their-first-amendment-rights-n1630918


soros https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/09/22/activists-suing-desantis-received-over-1-million-from-george-soros-network-n2613471?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&bcid=b6c7e45517db205a05162beabba5ffc9f83c07f7150c95a1c12011e266a2de8c&recip=19488896

'This Is Satanic': Christians Rip Newsom's New Ad Campaign


Bill Gates’ ‘Magic Seeds’ Won’t Solve World Hunger But Will ‘Create Ecological Disaster’


One guide book, Queering Sex Ed, is a program of Planned Parenthood Toronto and styles itself a “recipe book designed to give you more information about some of the sex acts that we don’t think get enough play.”

Each “recipe card” is a different sexual act, such as “anal sex,” “bondage,” “rimming,” and “fisting,” and takes the reader through a step-by step guide to complete the act.

For “sadomasochism” — “playing with giving and/or receiving pain and humiliation for pleasure” — the guide instructs participants to use whips and chains. Another possible act is “muffing” — “using fingers or other objects to stimulate a trans woman or MAAB (male-assigned-at-birth) person internally through the inguinal canals.”

The guide ends with “fisting” — “putting a fist or whole hand into a person’s vagina or bum.”

Other resources include gender activism groups.


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