Terrific write-up, and spot on.

"So, ominously, we’ve already “checked” Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 from the “worst-case” forecast."

I think we are halfway through 4. I talked with a German friend yesterday and its mainly energy that has increased, but not that much yet. It'll come higher in a few months.

So we are going to bifurcate the West. I did not see this coming. I did see the Euro getting hit due to demographics but this is a whole nother level of planned destruction. I asked my friend if the Germans would put back on their masks, Oct 1st, "yea, probably." All the programming there now is about Russia and fear.

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"Second, the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine"

I think J.D. Rucker may have missed the part where the Biden administration tricked Putin into believing Ukraine was about to join NATO. Putin was already aware of the 30+ bioweapons labs that Ovomit & Fauci had installed there, and a NATOized Ukraine was the line in the sand.

OK, I am nitpicking, but wanted that to be clear. I don't think Putin is the bad guy the West is making him out to be, any more than Kennedy was a bad guy in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Otherwise, this article is spot on-- the most likely scenario.

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In the show I discussed how Putin was tricked.

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This is very likely true.

A collapse of Europe and another Stolen Election in 2022 will trigger the The Great Reset, the New World Order, and a new Dark Age. Expect food shortages, gas rationing, more show trials, and, yes, an expansion of the January 6 Gulags.

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Yes, if we haven’t recognized by now what we are headed for then it is about time. It won’t stop at Europe. This has always been and remains the intent of the Davos country cub set (WEF). Just about every world “leader” currently is a WEF associated techno-baddie. It is intentional, planetary, and no friend of any human being or other biological organism. These people are the equivalent of stupidity-driven, hubris-infected freaks of nature. Not who you all want running things.

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I have a friend, a Q anon adherent who is of the belief that all of this evil (Biden, etc.) is a 'movie' to get people to 'wake up' (to what I don't know) How can anyone buy into that line of thinking; as if to say this is all scripted but for what end goal?

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I keep remembering President Trump telling German representatives to wean themselves off Russian dependence and how they just laughed.

Too bad it's the regular German citizen who will be freezing in the dark this winter. Those A-holes will on the Riviera or someplace

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Putin asked the US and the EU to NOT allow Ukraine into NATO. Putin asked and asked nicely. Putin even went as far to tell the world I do not want the NATO on my door step knocking on my front door. Biden pushed and pushed NATO to except Ukraine. All until Putin had enough of the threats. Now where would we be if Biden did not threaten Ukraine to join NATO. We would not be in this mess tell me I'm wrong

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Some believe Putin is sincere; some believe he is just playing his part in this whole affair. What do you think? I made another comment in which I mentioned a friend; a Q anon adherent who thinks all of this is staged but I'd ask for what end? She never replies when I ask that question.

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the World bank wants Russia so they may control the country and from what I've read Putin is having noting to do with the banking world. Having now excepting ANY payment for oil other then dollars is a slap in the face for the world currency and as well the cut for the world banks would get. Kadaifi defied the world bank and the US invaded the country with Hillary in tow and he was killed. Under the cloak of the Arab spring, started by Obama. Countries and rulers who defied the world banks had meet with the end of there lives. Now is Putin in bed with the deep state I don't think so. Ukraine on the other hand is over it's head. Ukraine is the money laundering country of the world. fooled the world like BLM. Only now BLM is being exposed, but not Ukraine. YET. My family left Ukraine long ago just before WWI. The corruption in Ukraine is beyond belief. With the Nazi still in bedded in the country and US labs. Lot's are still unfolding but I for one still waiting to see where parts fit. Blackwater fighting in the country tells me Ukraine is in bed with the deep state so to have deep start against deep state we will see

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re 'In his “magnum opus,” “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,” he also argued that a globalized economy would eventually stop all wars, because their economic costs would become so horrendous. We’re slowly learning that lesson.' You lost me there JD...a globalized world economy is not the goal, from all I can see. My reason is practical, because in such an economy, people become owned, enslaved, and subject to it.

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I have turned my central heating boiler off and no longer use the oven to cook with.

I am currently wearing my coat indoors, in September.

Hopefully this way I can just about afford to keep the lights and router on this winter.

In the UK.

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