That’s a positive identity match! Ding ding ding! Ladies and gentlemen we have our insurrectionist director! Excellent work! You have made my day fantastic!

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Yup , definitely a big collusion between deep state government and a number of Communists leftist groups to commit the Reichstag fire version 2.0 USA

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Absolutely a match! This is HUGE! JD needs to get this circulating within his network ASAP and broadcasted on other alternative media sources!! In my opinion, this news is incredibly dangerous to the invisible evil behind the scenes of our government and probably the western world.

If true, this linkage of #NWScaffoldCommander to John Nichols could confirm so many conspiracies that the talking heads always refer to as "debunked" and are censored, shadow banned, etc. Funny how censored conspiracy theories are seeing the light of day more frequently. What else are the deep state/the press/social media trying to hide from us?

Is some big event going to take place in the next day or 2 to distract us from what the identity of the Scaffold Commander represents?

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Same teeth especially the one offset and same eyebrow droop. Yep, you nailed it. Pelosi set this up and that’s why no National Guard allowed that Trump requested, only her Cap Police thugs.

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Nov 2, 2022
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Which is why it was a set up along with FBI agents posing as protesters. Dems and corrupt DOJ officials brought on the violence and now prosecuting those who even entered Congress but did nothing wrong. J6 committee members are the real insurrectionists.

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The lower teeth says it all.... perfect match that's him.....

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First, let me just say that my eyesight ain’t what it used to be, but IMO, that is a positive match. It’s either him, or his evil twin.

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Nailed it!

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At first blush, I'd say that's a bingo.

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Wow! Kudos to your tipster. This has got to be the correct match. Check out his bottom right snaggletooth (it shows up on the left side when you look at him). The top teeth in JD's comparison photo are not representative. This is going to be good. go check out google images and bing images. Go on youtube and look for The Nation and John Nichols videos. The teeth and glasses and nose and lips they are there.

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I think it's the same commie scum. Good find!

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https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/democrats-january-6-election-2022/ .. dude is still toting misinformation that he encouraged!

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Greetings too all my fellow patriots from Liverpool UK,I’m not a facial expert but he looks too me like the same dude

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Not similar, but an exact duplicate; same crooked jagged bottom teeth and exact same face

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I would pay for a voice analysis to be done and bring this guy to “justice”!

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He is probably the person that opened the door at Pelosi's house

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Message: To: JD Rucker

I was fascinated by your story presenting evidence that Nation magazine author John Nichols was tge scaffold bullhorn guy. The information you presented on your Substack and the Liberty Daily with photos seemed very solid. Why then did the story die immediately and never was followed up by other publications. Given the Ray Epps story and the evidence that FBI informants were embedded in the Proud Boys, it would seem that your John Nichols story should front page news at least among the conservative sites including Revolver news. Is there a reason for this? We’re there flaws in your evidence?

Please let me know.




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It's absolutely the same guy. The crease in his brow on the inside of his left eye is identical....The teeth are identical....The nose width and nostrils are identical...The creases in his face on either side of his nose curving down to his mouth are identical....The eyeglasses look identical.

The "Scaffold Commander" is lefty communist John Nichols....CNN lunatic.

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To me this proves the Fedsurrection. No doubt about it. This guy was in league with the window breakers, Pelosi, and the whole bunch.

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