Years ago an organization called La Raza coined the term "reconquista" or reconquering of what was described as formerly Spanish lands from Texas to California. That idea was dismissed by many if not most Americans. Yet, it is what we are seeing actually happen, today. The Mexican/US border is practically nonexistent. Anyone who wants to wander into our formerly great nation is not just unhindered, but welcomed with benefits that we native-born never see. But, it is not just those from Latin America coming across our borders. Illegals from nations that have sworn enmity to America and our way of life have made their way across the border in large numbers. Much of this is due to the political stance of the Democrat Party welcoming in what they see as new voters while giving away the riches supplied by working Americans. People, we are losing our nation to the Progressive Party and their new world order. I am not at all certain it can be stopped at this point. But I am certain we must try. Pray without ceasing, then arm up and carry on.

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In Seattle we used to live near La Raza. They had lots of hippies and a few felons working out of their building. Once, back then when i did not speak or write much English, we (my husband) and i visited the school to see what they offered in English as a 2nd Language. It was pathetic and at a very poor level. We did not stay more than a few minutes. Such poor classes run by long haired disheveled hippies gave me the impression i may have known English better than they knew it, so we left quickly. Often i would encounter them in nearby grocery stores. They always presented in the same manner. Actually, La Raza in Seattle was gifted the former school house on Beacon Hill after they demonstrated grotesquely to the City Council. Their leader at that time was a boot licker to Fidel Castro and sometimes visited him in Cuba. His son followed in the felon father's footsteps. Channel 5 had them on their Sunday programs more than they should have. Probably, they sold that school and grounds for a nice profit for the felon, communists of Seattle. An outright gift from the City of Seattle. They stole it from the taxpayers.

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Here in Canton Ohio the illegals have nice newer cars and nice places to live. The American citizens are losing everything due to the Bidenomics.

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Really, are you kidding me? What do they do and where do they get their money!

What is happening in East Palestine, Ohio?

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I’ve felt for a while someone must be giving them money. I’ve heard it’s churches doing the dirty work for the regime. I know they mostly have newer suvs and trucks. They have carts packed high at the grocery store. They have 4 or 5 kids. All the things us American citizens can’t afford anymore. East Palestine has been left high and dry by the regime. Those are poor white Trump supporters so the Biden regime will never help. Our RINO governor is worthless too.

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Sorry....I know DeWine is a RHINO. It's terrible that nobody helps East Palestine. Have you

called US Senator JD Vance's office? I'm Catholic and furious with Catholic Charities. The pews in the Catholic Churches are not full. Guess the Catholic Charities have to get their money

some way. This is terrible for the Catholic Church. I will never forget when President Trump came to East Palestine, Ohio. I saw a man on the street say.....Look Trump is really here

in East Palestine, Ohio. He was so excited :-)

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Another failed three letter government agency.

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HHS is the fourth branch of government created by the Constitution destroying Patriot Act. It's the very reason no one in government honors, or in some cases, even takes, the oath of office. This country has been on a downward spiral ever since that abominable piece of legislation passed. And we haven't even ever seen it fully implement. If they cancel the 2024 election they will use the Patriot Act to legally do so.

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Ditto that!

The above is not complete without proper homage be given to the Bushie RINO Cartel that furnished us with this excrement.

Oh, yeah, BTW those are your vaulted repub's working toward extending freedom and liberty throughout the land.......NOT!

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Anyone who was attentive in History 101, or at least the way History 101 used to be properly taught, would see that what happened on Jan 6 in no way resembles any of the 950 coups since the end of WW2. The burning, looting and mayhem caused by BLM/Antifa in 2017 was far more like what one expects in a coup and this did not happen at the US Capitol building.

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Yes, for sure.

Plus, actually when one observes this Administration and what it does to the Constitution and threats to citizens, it appears to be more of an 'insurrection' than what they laughingly call J6. Plus, i suspect Nancy Pelosi, aka, the Drunk, had her hands in that event up to her elbows. Biden pushing a Dept of Disinformation is and of itself a form of insurrection.

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I assume each border crosser is required to fill out a ballot as well

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Maybe just issued a copy of the ballot "the crimigrant" had filled-out....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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This is so unfair to citizens born here and to we legally naturalized citizens.

It is a grave insult to those of us who follow the law, pay taxes, have served our Nation, and communicate with our political representatives.

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There is no peaceful solution.


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The moblization required to rid our country of this invading force is many more billions on top of that.

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Damn, I don't have billions of rounds loaded up....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The big questions now need to focus on what, specifically, to do... and how exactly. I stopped listening to Hannity long long ago bc he was little more than an hour of listing all the horrors of the left, when what we needed was a plan of action. I see the same here, which is exactly what these demonic lefties try for: a confusing maze with no clear path out. None of us knows for certain that there IS a way out, but we do know for certain we'll fight to the finish to win AND to make these leftie bastards regret they ever challenged us.

As i now try to speak for millions of citizens, we all want, and NEED, a plan of action. Exactly how do we hold politicians and others accountable? I think millions of pissed-off, able-bodied, 100% willing, and at the starting gate warriors just want a reasonable but powerful plan to STOP the leftie devils once and forever. And it'd be best to have more weaponry than an unsecured annual ballot.

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There is no more confusion in my mind why the polling sites have had 10-12 different languages posted for many years, despite only "vetted" citizens supposedly voting there. That would mean they have demonstrated a functional grip on our language here, and would not need the interpretation to their native tongue. Our new crimigrants however, who are largely functionally illiterate in their own languages, will certainly require not only interpretation help, but also assistance finding all the proper "D's" to vote for on the ballots. I'm confident they'll receive all the help they need!

Clearly, the commies were investing in the long game, once again, while we were fortunate just to be informed of their recently completed actions.

I believe we must do much better than exposing their already systemic corruption of the established system. We truly need to beat them a few times.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The Dems won a huge one when they enabled the DMV to register voters.

Republicans were asleep at the wheel on that huge step.

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Or, they were eager to advance "their" agenda, along with their overseers the DemonRats. Repub's at the dinner parties that voting night.

Backbone and initiative are two areas the repub's look like buffoons. Wait a minute, they ARE buffoons.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Registration isn't the problem.

Its the Registrars.

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We actual lawful citizens of USA are all to be treated as are the Palestinians now. Even those 'sponsored' to come here will see, eventually, that all was a ruse, when the free money stops flowing (next month? next year? inevitable at some point...) The waiting is the starvest part.

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When I read an essay such as this, I am left NOT with the opinion that "Well, this is just a matter of two opposing political philosophies, one held by the Left and the other by Conservatives." No friends, this is naked, in your face treason being conducted by a political class who has no respect or allegiance for their own nation. I then find myself fantasizing about public executions and the expulsion of each and every individual who was illegally allowed to enter the nation, no exceptions made. If those who have orchestrated and participated in this betrayal are not brought to justice; beginning with the 2020 election, J6 and the prosecution and imprisonment of innocents and the illegalities piled upon a good man, President Trump . . . Yes, I believe this has all been one demonic attack by the treacherous American Left to destroy the nation; then I do not believe the Republic can stand.

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A demonic attack lead by the antichrist and his minions.

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Totally agree with you! The amount of money that we the taxpayers are having to fork over to the government to pay to have our country invaded is sickening!! Not only that our tax dollars are going to support slavery of which the Democratic Party says nothing about! Human trafficking is flat out slavery! This administration needs to be in prison for their treasonous actions!!

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Got to keep the banksters happy too. Might as well saddle the immigrants up with debt. The American public is tapped out!!!

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It's what the democrats want.

Shove a turkey leg down their throat next thx giving.

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