So a question for you J.D.

What exactly do you expect that they could do?

They cant impeach and remove anyone. They wont have the votes in the Senate without a mass murder of democrats and RINOs.

They cant investigate anyone. They have no policing powers. They can issue subpoenas all day long and Garland will ignore them.

At most, they can try to cut funding. Which will play out in the media as R's going after grandma's SSI/Medicare and Defunding the Police.

Its mild, because McCarthy and the R's know they will have little to no power even if they take both houses.

To put it quite simply... we cant vote our way out of this.

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There are very few with the courage to speak out and fewer still willing to act. It’s why despite being a billionaire and in having little in common with his followers, Trump has amassed the largest and most loyal constituency in any of our lifetimes. People follow him willingly because they see him fighting for them. It’s why he is feared and so desperately opposed. The short list even belonging in the conversation with Trump: DeSantis, Hawley, Jordan, Paul, and four women with more cajones than McCarthy, Stefanik, MTG, Boebert and if elected Kari Lake.

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The document itself emulates McCarthy’s weakness; even placating surrenderism. . It doesn’t mention the illegal alien invasion, the out of control and felonious DOJ and FBI, the weaponizing of all federal agencies against opposition, the disastrous education system etc…

(the missing list is long)

McCarthy is a huge error in leadership choices.

We need a fighter. Someone who’ll fight as hard as the mad-cow did for the left. You must adopt their tactics to flip the onslaught.

Jim Jordan comes to mind as does Chip Roy.

Until we meet force with equal or superior political force we will continue to circle the drain.

My fear is the republicans win in November and then behave like the dog chasing the car…

“Once I catch it what do I do with it?”

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When you can't tell the gud guys from the bad guys - maybe you should take a step back - and realize its not yur lying eyes. We are watching "good cop-bad cop" played-out on the national stage.

The next step is painful. When you realize that the gud cop and the bad cop are working together - against YOU. Yah...............OUCH~!

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The first thing to remember is the neither party is a monolithic entity. Both are made up of people. Greedy people that can be bought. Weak people that don’t want to be cancelled. Compromised people who want to be part of the team in power. Spineless people who really stand for nothing. People really focused on their own self interest and not that of the country that gave them so much.

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Kari Lake !

The DeSantis of the Southwest.

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If the House is led by McCarthy, little will happen. He’s a weak leader with no regard to real issues. Your explanation of this contract with America is correct--McCarthy wants to sound strong but doesn’t want to upset his Dem friends. This is no time for ‘getting along,’ it’s time to fight every evil step this administration has forced on us and our families. We need a new House leader with fire. Give us Chip Roy, Jim Jordan or Gaetz. We need a fighter.

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At some point people will wake up to the fact that politics is merely a tool in the chest of the Hegelian dialectic globalists. Unfortunately it will probably be too late for most. When the money system is fully under the control of the tyrannical elite, there will be NO freedom to do or say anything. No Substack, no Rumble, no food, no freedom to worship as you choose. Coercion, Satan’s favorite tactic for control, will dictate that all must be vaccinated -sorry jabbed, all must subscribe to what ever the globalists want or you will be a non-person. The Jesuits, Satan’s puppets, have been orchestrating this for centuries in response to the reformation. It’s a fierce effort to regain control of the world. The Hegelian tactic supports both sides of an issue( war) to herd people. When the digitization of money is accomplished, we will see how useless voting is to resolve anything. God is allowing it now, it has to happen. Satan will be exposed. The Creator wins, I’ve read the back of the book. Revelation 21:1 “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away...”But we will go through hell first. Ps 91:10 “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Just one verse here but the entire chapter is relevant.

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We need a political force in America run by grandmas and grandpas who are with the kids, the people, families and communities until the cows come home. We need many committees of these old battle axes who will campaign like their hair is on fire. There is simply nothing left to lose.

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This is a commitment to Republican Establishment mediocrity." -- Exactly what I said would happen over a year ago and why I quit the GOP. Donald Trump should have started the America First Party and doomed this country when he didn't.

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After reading McCarthy's POS "Preamble" and listening to the shambling, vague video commercials, I called McCarthy's DC office (202-225-2915) and politely provided his staffer with a new lower digestive orifice to share with his worthless boss. Call McConnell and ask why he is sabotaging America First candidates (202-224-2541).

In 2010, 2014, and 2016 these jerk-offs learned they can string along the base with insipid BS platitudes--and zero action. The country returns the same losers to congress every two years 98% of the time. If YOU are not DOING anything to elect America First candidates, then I'm sorry to say that when you look into McCarthy's garbage document, you should see your reflection looking back out. Volunteer. Knock on doors. Make phone calls. Contribute money if you can, but if you cannot there are myriad ways you can work to get good people elected into secretary of state, school board, city council rolls. Sign up to be a poll worker or poll observer. Complaining while not taking action is second class thinking. Act like you, your children, and your grandchildren's lives depend upon you.

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Well the headline was enough for me. Great article. But im more pessimistic than that, both parties are the same for me, you dont get that high up and stay for long in DC and be honest. They sell their soul, blackmail ea other, pat ea others backs to pass Bills WE dont want and probly would never know were passed but for someone speaking up. You know the 1000s of pages they vote on w/o reading? Most World Leaders are on the WEF train, so i dont understand why it is said Britains rule is done. Chas is major WEF, and the new Italy Leader is a WEF puppet as well . People are so happy she is elected, a Conservative, well we know from the US being Conservative will still take you down the WEF road. so having said all this, have a super day and be safe

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I appreciate your FUD.

However, I see no solution or advice offered.

No insightful recommendations.

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Let's give it the true and honest name the Republican leaders' Commitment to America deserves, shall we? Here goes: The We'll Fall Down, Roll Over, and Poop Our Pants Like We ALWAYS Do When Challenged Commitment.

There. It's a little too long but very accurate, don't you think?

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Leo Zagami outed Meloni as linked to the WEF and a supporter of Ukraine today. Maybe we shouldn't be too eager to see her as Italy's savior.

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Ok GOP, the committment to America sound like anything but committment.

Joe Biden and hisisfits have torn our country to shreds. What the heck are you going to do to get back the ground we lost?

This is the most wimpy proposals I have ever heard!

We want our country back and WE THE PEOPLE expect you to do that. We are having to take this country back from the most lyingest, cheaters and conspirators who absolutely hate us!

Can you ALL grow a pair and fight for us?

Give us some real meat and potatoes not something that MM or LG might have wrote 30 years ago.

Get a back bone or you will let these lying, loser Dems kill the rest of what's left of our pride!

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