Injustice at its “democratic” finest.

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My heart aches for the J6ers that are still in prison after being ushered in to the Capitol building by the likes of Ray Epps. This stinks.

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Full confirmation that the criminal syndicate that overthrew our country by a coup in 2020 actually think they got away with it. They are blatantly obvious about their system of IN-justice going after innocent Americans who CALL OUT THEIR CRIMES! They PROVE they conspired with deep state operatives like Epps because they LET THE BASTARD GO.

This entire corrupt diseased temple - the current deep state regime in control of America - needs to BE BROUGHT DOWN TO THE GROUND! Destroyed.

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THINK? Is trump coming to the rescue? THINK? false hope much?

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They know he will TAKE THEM ALL DOWN if he makes it into the WH gain! WHICH HE SHOULD AND ALL THESE CROOKS Should be PUT IN THE DC PRISON!

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Please listen to the Lou Dobbs podcast today and his discussion with attorney Kurt Olson. There is definitely hope but also the forces behind the leftist coup are substantial, very wealthy and influential, and definitely rigged the 2020 election.

Every single conservative simply must get out and vote this coming November. No excuses. The Nation is at stake. IF the people who rigged the 2020 election are allowed to take 2024, it is highly probably over. Do it, please!

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So many have moved to NPP.. or Independent!

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Sorry, what is "NPP'?

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You're living in the world of false hope. He couldn't take anyone down the first time. He fired Banon the only one worth a shit and hired the swamp. He drained nothing. He added as much debt as Obama in half the time. He presided over the death jab, said it was wonderful and amazing, said at a rally in the south it is good and ya'll should take it. IF this is what future success looks like to you, you better ask God Alimightly for some guidance, not your false hope echo chamber.

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That's too much truth for MAGA.

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What about BidenAGA? Are they dumber or the same but less moral?

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Biden is and has been corrupt for years. He has always been a mean jerk. Why does anyone think that woman he abused as an intern ran to Russia to hide from Biden and his corruption. He/they will stop at nothing.

Please listen to the podcast of Lou Dobbs and his discussion with Kash Patel a couple months ago. They learned a hard lesson. They are prepared to fire plenty on Day One. T and Patel are about our ONLY hope. Do it! It's now or never.

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No, the Left learned some valuable lessons in the last three elections. Trump and enough Congress critters will lose to give the Left a stranglehold on our country. The question everyone should be asking is: what will happen after November 6 2024? As for the 'death jab', Trump was given very bad advice by his medical advisers. He also got very bad advice on who to put in as the various Presidential appointees. And sometimes, hope is all we have.

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Well, you're wrong all over the place or you're assuming all over the place. Trump was given bad advice? That's your explanation? You may have had your head in the stand but I knew the pandemic was a global scam as soon as I saw the China footage and as things progressed it couldn't be more obvious. It was OBVIOUS to me and many others I know. BUT you're telling me HE did know. Well YOU didn't know, that I'm sure of, but many of us did and so did he.

The question everyone should be asking is abotu 11/6/24? For what? To waste air? Here's what's happening. Our country is being taken over, that's what's happening. You're too soft, along with most of americans to do anything. Your fat and out of shape, have no courage and you have no idea what's really happening. Your soliders are a bunch of pussies that took an oath that do not uphold.

What's going to happen is hell is coming to earth exponentially. That's what's happening. Do you even know what the Federal Reserve is and the implication of that organization on our whole way of life? Do you have any idea how is behind it? I'm sorry but most people, like you, are mis educated by this sham of a system. You believe 911 too? JFK one shooter? That the wars aren't planned and are not organic? You really need to wake up. Turn off all tv and media. Search out books like, The Creature from Jekyl Island. Read Henry Fords book on the international jew. Read Dissolving Illusions. For the love of God at least try to get some education. Please. Hope is all you have when you won't do anything but sit and type.


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Wow. You assume a lot about me. I'm a retired Army physician with gobs of training on NBC warfare. I knew it was a hoax from jump street. President Trump is a business man, not a virologist and the people he expected to give him the straight poop knew what they were doing when they lied to him. As for the rest of your screed, I am educated, with a degree in history along with pre-med. I worked on my Masters in Microbiology before I was accepted to medical school. As for my Oath, unless you took the same Oath, shut your pie hole.

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Ok, I was wrong, if youre being truthful. I don't buy Trump. Voted for him twice. The reason he's there is to keep people like you at home. No one on the right would have taken the jab under Hilary. Its all planned. You think Elon is a free speech advocate too? The biggest carbon credit salesman on the planet and the one building skylink, a system that tracks you in the middle of the desert or the ocean? I can go all day. No one who took an oath is keeping it. UNLESS you believe the system is somewhat intact. Why they have those people. It's genius and it's how you take over. The country is gone at this point. We're being invaded daily. We're broke. We buy everything from China, we make nothing. They could destroy us by simply It's stopping all ships. They could take Twaian. People like Trump are there to make you believe it's not over. And it is over because I'm sitting HERE TYPING. AND SO ARE YOU. How's it working out for us? Children are having their sex organs changed either government grants. But let's keep typing and hoping.

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Thank you. I've seen all the things you point out and some I believe and some I don't. That's the great part about being an American; we can agree to disagree.

I would like to believe that we can yet rescue America. It will take an enormous effort. But I also believe in Plan B, C, D......

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You are confused, sir. Maybe you have good intentions but now is not the time to go soft.

IF NOT Trump, who????

At this time, Trump is our ONLY hope. Admittedly, and he does, he made plenty of mistakes his first time around. The only excuse is he is a business dude and not a life-long politician.

Please listen to the Lou Dobbs podcast with Kash Patel from a couple months ago. This time they have learned and have taken measures to avoid hiring backstabbers, etc. They have a list of lefties to be fired right after the dude takes the Oath of Office. The Heritage Foundation has been and is vetting candidates for judgeships, etc. It was not done last time, foolishly. Ok. Their bad. But now they understand and are expontially better prepared. IF not these people, who the heck is there??? No One. Get behind them and get out and vote this November if your REALLY want to save America! DO IT!!!

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Be careful, please. These leftists will do WHATEVER they need to to win and dominate. The internet is especially a place they swarm and dominate. IF something seems to stink, it probably really stinks. We still have a chance but we must try harder. Please listen to the podcast of Lou Dobbs and Kurt Olson today, Friday, Jan 12th. It is highly worthwhile and Olson has good inside information.

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Did you vote for Obama and then Biden?

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I expect he will be Hillaried sooner than later. Unless he has done a great job insuring his life.

The left is closing the doors. The rats are abandoning ship. Heading for the hills. Dems are crooked a.f.

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Great idea! Have the feebs snuff Epps and blame Trump.

No doubt part of the plan all along.

FBI geniuses hopped-up on meth.

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The sad part of that statement is the fact that we most certainly have government employees methheads to the max, working as we speak. They should ALL be getting tested daily.

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Fascism in its pure form. Or worse, Socialism in its highest form: globalist dictatorship.

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Well, the Capitol policeman who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt got promoted. Ashli was not armed and he got off because "the investigation also found that Byrd's actions had "potentially saved members and staff from serious injury and possible death." She was UNARMED! So this goes to show how lies and bullshIt go a long way when the truth is not convenient. The truth about Ray Epps is covered up because it's not convenient, especially during an election year. Everyone knows he was bought and paid for by the Democrats who planned the "insurrection" on Jan. 6. Anyone surprised at his slapped wrist?

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I feel any righteous discussion of the J6 false flag debacle should elevate the memories of the intrepid hero Ms. Babbitt and dishonor the scum BLM globalist activist who assassinated her.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Marching as to war...

No 'as'. War is hurtling toward us at beak-neck speed

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Ditto that, Sir. It's practically all around us.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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True, true. But remember, please, who is running the DOJ. Thank God in Heaven that corrupt, moron Garland was NOT allowed on our Supreme Court. Imagine if such a crook were allowed to decide law for the rest of his moronic life.

We can do it. Remember, Rosie the reveter. WE can do it and we WILL do it.

Please try listening to podcasts by Lou Dobbs. We can do this. Roll up our sleeves and get to work!

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Smoke and Mirrors not required.

Another Federal Goon skates.

Give the turd a medal.

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The government hates you. But at least you have Jim Jordan looking into it!

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if jordan would force these low level scum to testify and grant them immunity to squeal or go to prison....then at least we would have the full story or at the very least scum like epps in jail for a year or two....but no, jordan, kennedy, josh, madame lindsay will say mean things to them for an hour or two and we are supposed to be happy with that

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The Republican party is the PsyOp of all PsyOps.

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They learned their lessons well from being subjugated and PsyOp'd by the commie DemonRats, the constructors of so much evil.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Silly rabbit, don’t you know that if you are part of the deep state, you can get away with things like murder or traveling to the Epstein island.

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Lemme guess, no ankle monitor either....or a fake one.

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The government will make sure he wins his case against FOX news and collects many millions. He'll be well taken care of for his efforts.

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We have indeed become a Banana Republic! And the announcement of an elective surgery for prostate cancer for the Secretary of Defense is complete BS!!

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What the hell! Poor baby lost his business and had to move. Yet others who did less are spending years in jail. What have they lost? This stinks worse than limburger cheese.

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Agree with you. Many of them have lost their marriages, perhaps even their children, financial wealth, and more.

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Thank you, Jennifer.

I amazes me just how much time, effort and taxpayer money is being spent on the J6 witch hunt while we have sex traffic, a fentanyl tsunami and hordes of military aged males from the Middle East and China swarming across our border. I was watching a senate hearing and Wray refused to answer when asked that question. Scary.

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Yeah, it actually smells like "lukefisk".

Got that from my mama in law. :-)

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By letting Ray Epps off the Government has confessed to a crime because they do not hold their own to the same standards they subject everyone else to

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So other people that weren't even in DC that day got more time but this guy who's on film encouraging breeching the capital gets little to nothing???

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Epps sentencing is a travesty. Absolutely disgusting.

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