All true and thanks for the informative post. Have been firm for several years about this not-so Great Reset business. Just a few hours becoming acquainted with the WEF pays off in a recognition of the close resemblances to fascism. A lockdown by the International Corporatocracy. Every nation, major corporations, banks, media, government, institutions, unions, universities, medical centers, school boards and more. It is a huge and pervasive hostile takeover. Compare current conditions with definitions of fascism - it is a slam dunk.

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Preach it, JD.

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Thanks for this information. Many will freeze and they don’t care. The mire the better is how they see it. This is why they cheated so much to get Biden ‘elected.’ He’s a puppet and Obama & Company are the elites pulling his string. Kamala is also Obama’s controlled puppet. She’ll do whatever for those who offer enough money.

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All true.

It's mostly about The Great Reset, continuing sabotage to facilitate that and another stolen election. but also about diverting attention from the National Security Crisis on the border, coming food shortages, gas rationing, and perhaps another Great Depression.

That is the plan. Multiple crisis and a Global Coup. Which, if successful, will likely result in "game over" for Freedom and victory for the New World Order.

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many links are covering the Nord Stream Sabotage, just not the "Conservative" msm except fot Tucker Carlson.

I expect a Russian counter attack on the NWO West, perhaps even on the Feral DC Coup Gov. i only hope the Russians have enough Discernment to know We the Deploables, MAGA, Patriots aren't allied with the NWO USSA Coup. I also hope Russia isn't also the controlled opposition to NATO as part of a NWO Reset. but who really knows???

All We can Do is Be Individually Pre-pared to try to ride out the storm.

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Indeed, this ruthless act against humanity serves a very few people, and Putin is certainly not one of them....ONLY the elite benefit, and after that, the Biden cabal benefit politically/strategically.

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we the people of the world need to destroy Soros, Schwab and the remaining of the globalist's WEF once and for all the WEF keep hitting infrastructures this is becoming that the WEF wants us all dead anyway well

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Well, Biden did threaten it didn't he? And I'm sure the Germany division of the FBI took right care of it. Yes people, there must be a Germany division of the FBI. Who do you think's been confiscating all these Russian yachts? Thanks to the FBI, it's costing Italy 10 million a month just to keep them. What suckers.

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In about july ships from the 6th fleet seen in port not so far from sites of explosions. Cover story was they were testng/demo unmanned submersible sytem to find deep under water mines. Looks like they missed three or perhaps “lost” three. Hate it when that happens. Flight 800 anyone?

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I wonder if JD knew that the UK gave a couple of underwater drones to Ukraine less than a month ago.....

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Thank you so much Mr. Rucker. I enjoy your articles and post them on other blogs w my other posted news all day for fun. I hope they read you as well. Blessings and have a great day

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It increasingly appears that the United States of America, currently occupied by an illegitimate, criminal cartel that seized power with the stolen 2020 elections, is at war with Europe. The Nord Stream pipeline sabotage means there won’t be natural gas for Germany this winter, and it points to the near certainty that chemical conglomerate BASF will be forced to shut down operations, most likely before the end of this year.


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The pipeline attack is part and parcel with the multiple attacks on food manufacturing and distribution centers that we've seen over the past year.

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Absolutely true / we know who the real enemy is on us!! And it’s NOT us!

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The world is in serious trouble yet most don’t see and explain it all away as unfortunate happenings… I can’t begin to fathom when it dawns on them, how duped they’ll all feel!

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The world is in serious trouble yet most don’t see and explain it all away as unfortunate happenings… I can’t begin to fathom when it dawns on them, how duped they’ll all feel!

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