Fox News, LOL. JD, have you seen this yet? https://conservativetreehouse.substack.com/p/if-fox-news-were-honest

Juanita Broderick posted it and still gives me a giggle. I only watch Fox Business on occasion, and even then it's usually online clips. But it is pretty sad how desperate Fox News and DeSantis are. It feels like the corporate anti-Trump world is only succeeding in further isolating itself.

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We don't call it FauxNews for nothing!

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FauxNews—Unfair and Unbalanced. Okay, I think I'm done for the evening! :)

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Please look at the whole picture. Look at what has happened in Lahaina. Trump is fielding the arrows thrown at him by those complicit the crimes in Maui!

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I know of no one in my entire life (middle age) who has ever been polled for anything! Just once I would love to see who these people actually are! That said according to inside experts Biden is actually polling closer to 10% - now that poll actually makes perfect sense!

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One of the reasons I canceled my land line is the people calling up for polls. Between them and the telemarketers, the land line was just an annoyance.

I never answer polls, never fill out questionnaires. If its not a push poll, its one done for the media, the enemy. Television is very good at perfecting sales commercials. I you are selling soap, the soap company watches sales after a commercial. They get real data on how effective the ad was. The news media wants to know if their political propaganda is effective. Often all they need to know is if you are aware of their latest big lie. They do not care if you believe the lie or not. They need to know that you heard it to improve the lies.

I just made it harder for them. I cancelled cable TV on Friday.

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My landline rings all day as well but I still keep it! I just leave the volume up on the answering machine to hear who it is. What are you supposed to do in the event of an emergency and your phone is dead broken or you can't find it? YELL 911?

However I have still never received a phone call for polling even though it rings all day with telemarketers

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Polls are for suckers. Never "clicked" on one, never will.

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Anything to keep us from seeing the jabocide.

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Back in those golden days of 4th of July loving, broadcast news believing, poll respecting times, PRIOR to the immergence of that earthly-America-adoring-but-only-posturing prince of the underworld, Barack Obama, Americans could live their hard-working but fat, dumb, spoiled lives believing that their institutions ran on autopilot for the good of the nation and its people and that good men would continually lookout for their wellbeing. But now if you believe in anything beyond "Our Father, who art in Heaven," your family and the righteousness of the Second Amendment you are in the running for winning the "Most Ignorant SOB of North America." You can put your hope for a better America in President Trump returning to the White House, but you had better also recognize that every demonic force in the Universe will probably keep him from ever returning there, no matter how hard he fights. If it, IT-ANYTHING is OF this World, you had better just assume that somewhere in it is a portion of wickedness and deceit. Polls are nothing but opinions and opinions are mostly just crap, including mine. Trust no one? That is for you to decide. But do believe that you are a Sinner, the God of Abraham is your Heavenly Father, trust the Leading of The Holy Spirit and be able to say as Handel is recorded as saying, "I serve no man." Who knows, if you do maybe on one eternal day, you'll find yourself standing in the Heavenly choir, singing "The Messiah," for the Son of God, Himself. May He make it so, Amen.

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Fox "news" has declined in honesty and ranks the same as CNN and the other 3 television networks. I don't get my news from the boob tube, I don't watch the tube either. Thanks for your honest reporting.

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Only Almighty God knows the end from the beginning

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Now JD, show that you're not just a partisan hack for Trump, by writing another article that explains how the polls cited by Trump supporters showing him far ahead of the field were almost exclusively done by those biased for Trump.

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Conservative Tom Woods exposes how Trump allied with MSNBC to ..LIE.. about DeSanits' Covid record in Florida. This is disgusting garbage on the part of Trump and his surrogates.


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It's too bad about Fox. It used to be my go to place for at least some honest reporting. Tucker in particular was a sure thing. Now it's gone the way of the rest of the FAKE News! I use Glenn Beck's show now. Blaze TV and the rest of the reporters can be trusted. I have never paid much attention to any poll.

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I thought FOX News was dumping DeSantis. Apparently not. They seem to have unlimited resources as controlled opposition to MAGA.

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Fake news spewed by Desantis campaign

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JD, thanks for this reporting.

They're all disciples of Edward Bernays—an unholy priesthood of manipulators and prevaricators. I ought to know: I used to teach and manage pols and journos. You'd be hard-pressed to find a nicer bunch.

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