When they lost Tucker, that was the last good thing they had.

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Day by day; the enemies of The Constitution are more exposed as the UNIPARTY ESTABLISHMENT NAZI'S loyal to The City of London's Committee of 300.

Was once surprised at learning of so many once trusted to be corrupt and

incompetent and now accept incompetence to be false...


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I cannot believe critical thinking people watch this crap. I threw my television away (literally) 20 years ago. It was one of the most mature, enlightening things I’ve ever done in my 60 years. Televisions are a sap on the soul, a waste of space, and in my humble opinion, passé. IT IS ALL PROPAGANDA. Wake the hell up! Read a damn book!

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Ah-Didn't have a TV for most of our childhoods, I and my siblings, and loved Bonanza, Wonderful World of Disney with The Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom on Sunday nights when we were at my Grandparent's house. Once per year, there was 'The Wizard of Oz.'

When growing-up, Mom taught us to watch with a critical eye...To NOT watch passively.

Want to drive somebody nuts while watching? Just interrupt them in their PASSIVE WATCHING; end the thoughtless suggestibility of a subconscious sponge soaking up poison and not realizing where the cursing, violence and closed-mindedness of paganism originated from. BOY...DO THEY EVER EXPODE.

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Lol! You sound like me! I watched the exact same shows and looked forward to The Wizard of Oz every year! I also loved the Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston every year, with some Planet of the Apes thrown in! Television had some great stuff in those days. But, I agree with your mom.

My dad always told me to question “authority”. I had no idea that was a Leftist phrase, but I do agree with it. It’s one of the few Leftist catch phrases that I do agree with!

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

Our parents and we...The Transitional Generations.

We do not really fit-in with the past or now, for certain. Now, in late middle age years, it seems I fit-in more with those in the past. I'm more as my Grandparents in Faith, life and practice than I ever imagined to be...Not that I ever saw their ways as bad or wrong. They were amazingly flexible in actuality. Their hearts would be as broken as mine has been these last 10 years to see what the world has become; our Republic they fought to save from the Nazi Terror only to now know the U.S., U.K. were funding it all on both sides. They would be equally angry about this Pope in the Catholic Church (Yes, am Catholic). But, all the Christian Faiths are going down and it's just heart rendering. What a horrific change knowing people from the late 1800's to now...From the Greatest Generation to this unthinkable paganism of the demonic.

Gosh...LOVE The Ten Commandments and Charlton Heston was always my favorite actor when a kid...With Fess Parker in Daniel Boone and Mingo, his Indian/Native American Sidekick. Watched that with Grandpa sometimes. Also LOVED Ben Hur, also with Charlton Heston. Wasn't allowed to watch that until in High School. We did get a T.V. when I was 13...My younger siblings didn't quite have the same upbringing I did because of it. Even so, we were always taught to THINK and have noticed all of the nieces and nephews really are THINKERS QUESTIONING AUTHORITY. Virtually all are over achievers, so not having T.V. and not allowing our kids to passively watch was a good thing.

I've noticed before this...You and I do have similarities. The Democrats weren't as they are at this time; so don't feel bad to speak phrases of the past common sense. THEY ARE THE ONE'S LOSING THEIR WAY INTO EVIL, NOT YOU.

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You are speaking my words, Blaze! I’ll be 60 next week. My family are all deceased, and I thank God, every single day, that they don’t have to see what has happened to the country I once loved. The country I am forced to see now, is not the America I grew up in…by any stretch of the imagination!

I was born and raised Catholic (12 years of Catholic school)…great, great memories! What a beautiful, hopeful, and moral society most of us lived in. And I’m not a “prude” by any means. I’ve lived a very rebellious life. But, that has also brought me closer to God, my strength and Hightower, especially in these days.

Thank you for your words. I think it’s important to connect with like minded souls…it’s good for the world!

God bless you and guide you always…truly!

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I got rid of 'news' with the muslim jihadi that all the fools were drooling over. However, I still enjoy watching X-Files, Stargate, and Scorpion. I watch only weather on the news. It's mostly right.

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We dumped Fox the day after the stolen election, and like you I haven't watched since. We follow Bannon, and other shows on Real America's Voice (www.AmericasVoice.news). And of course, you are one of the best out there. I will share your article with the few I know that still watch Fox (as Bannon says, TV for stupid people).

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Your story is mine, as well ... they lost me forever at Arizona. There was NO GOOD reason to call AZ for Biden at that remarkably early time ... unless you wanted it to be. I'm also a regular Bannon viewer; he discusses so many issues others will not touch. The Liberty Daily is my go-to site ... JD is nearly always spot-on.

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I don't trust any TV news. I read dozens of articles by independent journalists on dozens of political issues every day and after tireless research and numerous phone calls, believe a bit less than half of them. It's exhausting, but entirely necessary in this day and age. I have a list of people (like JD Rucker) I read religiously, because, while sometimes incorrect in their opinions, I never catch them in any direct or indirect lies. That's a precious resource in today's America. Regardless, we're better off with Reagan's statement, "Trust, but verify," than believing anyone blindly. Like JD said, everyone but Jesus Christ is wrong occasionally.

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Never trust a politician. Most of what you’d need to verify is hidden from you. What isn’t hidden is ironclad proof that the entity in Washington DC can never be trusted by anyone ever again.

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Pretty sure I've never suggested *anyone* should trust *any* politician. If I can't verify what someone says and common sense questions aren't asked or are dodged, it goes on the pile of "don't trust until there's information/evidence proving it's true or false. That's why I trust only a smidgen of what I read. If there's no evidence of it or there's a possibility the evidence has been edited to support a narrative, I don't repeat it until someone shows me the receipts. I still get fooled occasionally, but much less often than when I was still asleep.

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I’m with you JD. I turned off Faux News for the last time when they called Arizona. Never. Ever. Again.

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Same here.

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Will you boomers please finally get a clue? Are you seeing them spend the entire day talking about “chaos” and attacking Gaetz for being patriotic and principled? Did you forget they were absolutely instrumental in election fraud? The powers that be thought they could trick you by having FoxNews call states based on fraud.

Are you telling yourselves they’re on your side? Because they’re not. They serve the same lobbyists, multinationals, etc. and they’re part of the same useless parasitic class. Their goal is to keep your mind on trans bathrooms and border crossings (while putting zero pressure on the lawmakers who have no intention of doing anything about it).

Remember when they scolded Gingrich for mentioning Soros? She still works there as much as ever. And now they think they can tell you to abandon Trump and America First! All to please the same donors that have spent the last half of a century fucking you over.

Stand up for yourself in the mildest way and cut the cord forever. It rots your mind whether you know it or not. It’s all CIA Establishment media.

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Yeah, pretty sure nobody here is lobbying for Fox News or any establishment media.

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I didn’t say anyone was lobbying for it, but the post is correct that far too many are still watching it.

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I am all for the ousting of Kevin McCarthy! I am not for the continued funding of our out of control debt! I am also not for continuing to send our taxpayer dollars to the Ukraine without some accountability!! Kudos to Matt Gretzky and those who stood behind him!

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We are a bankrupt country, as we have the highest national debt historically ever.

How can we afford to send money and assets, military or otherwise, to foreign countries?

Accountability or not, we cannot afford to "aid" anyone else except the United States of America.

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I haven’t watched cable/tv 2008. Best thing people can do is canceling their cable subscription

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I did the same 5 years ago. When you have 500 channels and every single one of them is lying to you or pushing a narrative, you're literally paying to be indoctrinated by government/media propagandists.

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We gave up cable in 2007. One of the best decisions ever.

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After the 2020 election, the only show I watched was Tucker. Once he was ousted, I knew FOX had gone over the cliff. Brian's sarcastic attitude only confirmed that fact. Rep Burchett conducted himself very professionally and intelligently.

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Thank you for the explanation about Mark Levin. I stopped watching Fox some time ago but I did not stop trusting Levin until your explanation of his odd reaction to Gaetz MTV.

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I watch zero network news, with the exception of clips in written articles. Substack and conservative news sites are far more professional and palatable. Turn off the TV!!!!!

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In “Vax-UnVax” it mentions that Trump accepted 1mil$ from Pfizer for his inauguration. He then never set up his vaccine safety commission that was to be chaired by Kennedy as he planned before taking office.

I agree no one is perfect and this illustrates big pharma has tentacles around many in positions of influence.

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I saw a Twitter with Killmeade and one of those that voted him out (forget who) and was so pissed off I emailed Killmeade. He was haranging him and obviously on McCarthy's payroll. Made me sick and I told him so.

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Great commentary! I get my news from alternative news online and not what's on tv.

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Bullseye. Dead Center

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FNC died for me on election night 2020 because Sandra Smith literally repulsed me when she commented - referencing Arizona - “but we already called that one”. Like she was the God Queen of the country when in reality she’s a second rate talking head.

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Amen Amen Amen!!! We quit watching Fox over 11 years ago. We don't watch 'news' on tv because we learn more following writers such as YOU who give us the straight shot. Haven't been impressed with any of the newer 'conservative' 'news' shows. If there's a Trump rally on one of them, we tune in. Otherwise, we read the real news from folks like you. Thank you for sharing your insight!

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