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It is unfortunate that even people and reporters like Glenn Greenwald, whose work I respect very much, do not know how to define fascism, as a right or left paradigm.

FDR took away the Gold from People upon penalty of a $10,000 fine (that would be $100,000. today).,

FDR  Installed the NEW DEAL (fascism), had personal correspondence with Benito Mussolini that denoted

a strong mutual admiration, Instituted a new Currency with the phrases "ANNUIT COEPTUS" and NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM"* on the back and then in 1938, had the audacity to install ROMAN FASCES

on the walls of the Chamber behind the Speaker of the House ... the same image was on Benito "Il Duce`" Mussolini's Flags.

I bet you thought FDR was a (cough, cough) great guy.

**Latin Translation: "Announcing /Celebrating our New Secular World Order"

It is a Free Mason thing.

Obama signed off on the biggest Fascist program America has ever seen equalling 1/7 of the US GDP ... "Obama Care".

On top of that, did Obama prosecute anyone involved in Fascist FED's "Bail Out Crisis"?

A Crisis that started with the obviation of the 1934 "Glass-Stegall Act" written by Democrats Robert Rubin and Larry Summers,

brought to the floor of the House by Phil Graham (Neo Con) and passed in 1999 and signed by Bill Clinton.

BTW, the FED came into power on Democrat Woodrow Wilson's watch in 1913.

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