The very first time I saw one of these ads I was wary. The slogan puts the focus on us rather than Christ. We need to "get him" rather than other way round.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by JD Rucker

But trying to entice people with a "woke" version of Jesus Christ will move people based on false pretenses.


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Religions of every stripe proved their allegiance during the scamdemic & it was NOT to God - surrendering to the state instead of fighting back - embracing closures & locking their doors, complying distancing, no singing, isolation (esp for the elderly), masking & shots...& in some cases later, deliberately excluding the unvax’d from services. When the $#!+ 1st hit the fan & then as the scam deepened, I can’t imagine a greater time when people needed hope, comfort, community, faith & all the rest. It has always struck me as truly bizarre that if God knows the # of our days & if “God is in control”, that anyone professing religious faith would have any fear. It was either one’s time to go if succumbing to Wu-Flu (God knowing the # of our days) or one would be fine or meant to be (God is in control).

And now we have Woke Jesus being applauded by the same “Christian” phonies that are either in cahoots w/ evil or duped again by evil.

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People who don’t know what the Bible really says will think these ads are good.

The WEF, WHO, UN & all the evil OWO/NWO Globalists that have infiltrated our governments for decades, are trying to take over the World!

The same leaders of almost everything HATE us & they view most of us as “useless eaters” that need to be “depopulated”!?!

Of course they don’t want themselves or their families depopulated, & they don’t want ANY of those “poor immigrants” in their neighborhoods...

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Truth spoken here. America needs repentance from sin.

Jesus said "you must be born again" read the BIBLE

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Good Pastors should watch the Super Bowl ads & then tweet out everything they say that’s wrong?!?

Too many people only use one Bible verse out of context to try to prove their point.

Why is good to study all verses about that subject.

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JD this is an amazing article. Thank you.

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Yeah, we know from the Bible that there was fake Christs & false Prophets & fake teachers about Jesus.

Does Jesus love illegals? Yes.

Does Jesus want them to break the law & come to any country illegally? No.

Does Jesus want Globalism? He split us all up at the “Tower of Babel”, told Noah to go out repopulate the earth.

We know from all the prophecies about the End Times, that after much misery & chaos caused by satan’s puppets, a very charismatic guy will show up to take over the OWO/NWO & MANY will love him & follow him.

He will be able to do some signs & wonders & will appear to be killed & come back to life.

He is the AntiChrist, He will have help by the Head over the One World Religion. (Many believe this will be a corrupted Roman Catholic Religion, possibly from their Jesuits?

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Jesus was a firebrand who overturned the tables in the temple because of financial greed by the pharisees. I love that about him, he wasn't afraid to make waves and he stood up for what was right and just. He said “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34

Using him to enforce a political message is just plain wrong and tacky. Shame on the churches who signed on to this.

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He drove the people selling sacraficial animals out of the Temple.

I prefer the old time gospel it had meaning, Chuck Wagon Gang - Hallelujah We shall rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI6prraK8_E

Give me Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rZ8k9m2hwo

Jesus Loves Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jABcYKhDrI

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Judas was a sjw. Remember his admonition regarding the spikenard oils being sold and used for the poor who 'will be with us always'. And we know that Jesus knew what judas was. He was in charge of the bag ( of money) and of Christ's Betrayal ( again for money for the pharisees also knew he was a sjw). Same thing here. Forget about Jesus meek and mild...He is coming again to judge and reward accordingly. Everlasting life or everlasting damnation. There's no sugar coating it.

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Why don't the wokes ever attempt to interpret a kinder, gentler version of Mohammed? We'd really be interested in their take on that doctrine. In fact, we'd really be interested in how the Muslims would react to their publicized views on the matter of Islamic doctrine. They always twist Jesus into anything that pleases them and suits their purposes, but they are totally silent when it comes to Mohammed. Is it that they respect the teachings on one creed i.e. Islam, but have total contempt for the other i.e Christianity?

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Thanks for the exposure on this false teaching. I saw ads on twitter and got excited until I watched them. Woke isn’t of God.

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These apostate buttwipes have a marinated-in-soy lispy ‘jesus’ that makes The man Jesus Christ want to vomit--and He one day will...every single blasphemous one of them.

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Thanks JD. I wasn’t aware of the ads. It’s sad and shameful for Christian organizations to use our Savior in false advertising. It’s also shameful how many pastors feel the need to embrace ‘woke’ doctrine to their congregation. May the Lord guide them to repentance, such as we all pray for salvation.

Mary and Joseph traveled to pay forced taxes, not for enticements and entitlements. Jesus was raised as a carpenter and valued work.

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