May 10, 2022·edited May 11, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

I agree with almost all of your articles, but do not quite agree with this one.

I have completely soured on Donald Trump. The reason is that he is supporting the Covid vaccine, and accepted the crazy idea to develop and approve a vaccine for billions of people, at "Warp Speed". This vaccine is responsible for poisoning millions, and Trump is responsible for its creation. I do realize that much greater criminals surrounded Trump, but he also bears responsibility.

I wish that Trump would acknowledge that Covid vax was a scam, that he was scammed, and to call for investigations and punishments for all involved.

Time for a younger person with a bigger brain, smaller mouth, and clean conscience to take the national stage.

This comes from someone who voted for Trump in 2020.

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May 10, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

Personally, I’d prefer to see a Ron DeSantis, Ron Johnson 2024 ticket. If that doesn’t happen I’ll vote for anyone who runs against Biden/Harris.

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May 10, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

I agree totally. He also need to stop supporting the vaccine.

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May 10, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

Idk about him and the base, but he lost me after the "Two weeks to flatten the curve" and the "warp-speed" rollout of injections. I've lost friends over my choice. I suppose the covid scam was the catalyst. Whether he was hood-winked or is a covid believer, he lost my trust. Since then he sounds like a broken record. I used to cheer him on - now I'm not interested at all.

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Lets also not forget that Oz is a Muslim. He was born in the US but holds dual citizenship with Turkey. In 2018 he voted in the Turkish election. Haven't we learned anything with Tlaib and Omar?? He cannot run as radical as Tlaib and Omar because he would never get elected but can we take a chance with this man?? Muslims are told lying to infiltrate the infidel is permitted. Sorry but this country is in such a mess right now we cannot take any chances. And add this to all of the stances he has taken over the years and now he saying totally the opposite? Really? Also, do not forget he is close buddies with Obama and Oprah. Sorry this man is dangerous. Trump needed an intervention long ago. He truly has made some really bad decisions in who he trusts and it started with him allowing the enemy to be in his administration. He KNEW the NIG was corrupt. He said it in 2015 during an interview with David Savage. And he did nothing to kick Fauci and Collins out on their butts. He gets screwed by these people but doesn't seem to learn anything by these bad choices.

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I'm with Igor below. As long as Trump continues to tout Operation Waaaarrp Speed as the accomplishment of his presidency, I'm moving on. You are correct, he is not listening to his base and perhaps thinks he's got enough of a personality cult going that he can say/do what he wants. For those of us whose minds still think critically, he will find he is seriously mistaken.

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Its time someone notify Trump to stop bragging about the biggest hoax in modern history that has cost millions of deaths and injuries due to a manufactured virus: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kN6Ml9aY1I9Q/

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He is still advocating and pushing these killer shots. If he is not aware of the death and maiming these cov shots are causing and even worse if he knows the harm they are causing and does not stop them he does not need to be our President. Just like the article we just read he puts people in office that are not the best choice for the job! It seems almost like he has a puppet master just like the rest if them! Pfizer gifted Trump

One million to help fund his inauguration, could pushing and lying about these jabs be pay back and pushing these poisonous jabs on our awesome military young men and women is unforgivable!

I don't know if I will vote for him again!

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022

I am finding it harder and harder to trust President Trump. He had 4 years to drain the swamp yet surrounded himself with the very people who run the world and hate our country. Could he have been acting to let the current government find out who the true patriots are? 🤔 I voted for Jesus in 2016 and 2020. My confidence is in him alone!

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If he runs, I will vote for him.

If he wants to run there will be very little patriot challenge, just some RINOs who will go down in flames.

If he doesn't run I suspect DeSantis will, and I will vote for him.

If Trump or a patriot does not run (0% probability) RINO runs and gets the nomination, I will not vote for them because America would be screwed anyway.

Don't get snookered. I suspect a long game is in play here. Hell, we are still months from the mid-terms.

IMO, it's far better to let the vaxxx crap play out, let it prove to be a really bad development without saying a word, than make a bunch of accusations the globalists will deny anyway. Those who have not gotten the EGT won't get jabbed. Nothing Trump can say one way or another will change that, or change the globalist thinking.

Let the pro-vaxxx globalists get hoisted on their own petard. Because it is clear the vaxxxed are in deep trouble.

FWIW: my niece is a senior practice manager---20 years---for a very large OB/GYN clinic in the deep south. She claims that their OB practice is down 25+%, and 80% of pregnant womyn are unvaxxed in a patient population that is 70% vaxxxed. She thinks something weird is going on here...

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The answer to the question posed in the title is 'yes'. Trump lost me completely on the jab. Then he completely lost me when we elected him 11/3/2020, when the Democrats announced that they won the election by theft, Trump walked away from his elected office and left the thieves to decimate our country, our schools, our borders, our economy, our medical system, and illegally detain our J6 patriots as political prisoners. Once you love someone, it’s really hard to stop. But after all of the above, it will be really hard for Trump to regain my trust. The upcoming theft of the 2022 elections (if we even get that far) will prove that it’s really already too late because of and full credit to Donald J. Trump.

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Trump -v- Biden; R -v- D; it doesn't matter. All we get is a choice between different names for thoroughly corrupt politicians who are guaranteed to toe the establishment/globalist line. Maintaining the illusion of choice is key to TPTB stealing wealth from American citizens through government spending and funneling this money into the their pockets. The sooner we learn this, and learn to ignore partisanship, the sooner we can start to fend for ourselves.

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JD that’s cute that you still think this is the same 2016 Trump. That guy is long gone, quickly replaced with a feckless cuck who gave up his leadership to Pence, Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma, when we all needed him to be Trump the most.

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I agree that Trump has lost touch with his base. He endorsed Greg Abbott for governor of Texas. Abbott has failed Texans with lack of leadership. The open border, lockdowns, grid problems, mandates, etc., would have and could be handled much better by a true conservative leader, like Don Huffines.

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022

Trump has always had the ability to hire people who would screw him royally. Check out Dr. Paul Alexander’s stack on what went on in the WH while he was there. IMO, think he is being manipulated by Ivanka/Jared and Meadows. In addition, his ego prevents him from admitting he made a mistake.

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I think these affiliations are more serious than we think and more than just bad optics. I’m no expert on globalization, the WEF, Davos, etc. but it sounds ridiculous to me to be involved with a guy THAT involved with the WEF. What are the odds that it just escaped Trump’s view. I have been concerned for a while that Trump is just another side of the same bad coin esp with his support for the “vaccines.” You are either in or out on all of these issues- there is no middle ground.

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