The government said they don’t know what caused the fires! Okay that’s it nothing to see here let’s just move on!!! Really???

Our governments have lied to us about everything to do with Covid for the last 3 years from where it came from and how it started to what it really is and what are proper treatments for it!!! They are lying about everything to do with the war in Ukraine trying to tell us Ukraine was winning when all along they were losing their asses even after we have sent them 110 billion dollars in arms and aid!!! They have lied about Trump and his supposed crimes, they tried to overthrow his election and stole an election to get him out and they have lied about everything Joe and Hunter have done and are doing!!! WHATEVER THE GOVERNMENT TELLS ME I BELIEVE THE EXACT OPPOSITE as they don’t have a very good reputation for telling us the truth, ABOUT ANYTHING!!!

So I don’t believe they don’t know what caused this!!! I don’t put anything past them!!! They murder, lie, cheat, steal, frame, set up and do whatever in the hell they want to do!!!

They know exactly what caused this and why and will lie about it and make shit up to screw us and the Hawaii people of that you can be 100% sure!!!

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Like I said the globalists will stop at NOTHING. Being AWAKE and seeing 9/11, Oaklahoma bombings, the endless wars in the Middle East, Vietnam War, Ukraine, Assassinations of those who oppose, COVID and now climate change…it’s all LIES perpetrated to enslave us. We cannot let this happen, when they come for you on an individual basis there is only one thing left: fight to the death because death is better then the future they have planned.

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I have lived in Hawaii 32 years. Start with the timing of this event below they are bold to say the least. Many, many people in Hawaii are awake.

https://ieeesmc2023.org/ 👈

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It's encouraging to hear many are awake in Hawaii ... your politicians (ex. Tulsi), are not.

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This is disturbing to say the least. The “eye” makes it plain as day

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The flower motif has an eye in the centre too

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that looks like a very interesting conference

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Workshop on brain/machine interface.

(Stand well back.)

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Just read and article on How To Detect Directed Energy Weapons A Comprehensive Guide at Geek geekextreme dot com

Article parts

detect DEWs:

Radio Detection: DEWs emit electromagnetic waves that can be detected using radio receivers or EMF meters. These devices can pick up unusual frequency patterns or spikes in the surrounding area, indicating the presence of a DEW.

Infrared Detection: DEWs produce heat signatures, which can be detected using thermal cameras. By scanning the area with a thermal camera, you can identify any hotspots or abnormal heat sources that may indicate the use of a DEW.

Visual Detection: Keep an eye out for any unusual energy sources or beams of light. Laser-based DEWs, for example, produce concentrated beams of light that are visible to the naked eye. Look for any unexplained laser-like lights or flashes in your surroundings.

Acoustic Detection: Some DEWs, such as sonic weapons, produce audible sound waves that can be detected using specialized acoustic sensors or microphones. These devices can pick up high-frequency sounds or vibrations associated with DEW activity.

Protective Measures: To protect yourself from potential harm caused by DEWs, consider investing in special materials such as Faraday cages or fabrics that block electromagnetic radiation. These materials create a shield against electromagnetic waves and can minimize exposure to harmful effects.


As a man, it’s important to be aware of the signs that may indicate the use of directed energy weapons (DEWs). These advanced weapons can cause severe harm and have become increasingly prevalent in modern warfare. Here are some signs to look out for:

Unexplained Burns: If you or others around you start experiencing sudden and unexplained burns on your skin or clothing, it could be a sign of DEW use. These weapons emit electromagnetic radiation that can cause severe burns.

Nausea and Dizziness: Feeling nauseous or dizzy without any apparent reason could be a symptom of exposure to DEWs. The electromagnetic waves emitted by these weapons can affect the central nervous system, leading to such symptoms.

Sight and Hearing Problems: Blurred vision, temporary blindness, or hearing difficulties might indicate the presence of DEWs nearby. Laser weapons and sonic devices can target the sensory organs, causing temporary impairments.

Rapid Heating Sensations: If you suddenly feel intense heat concentrated on specific areas of your body without any external source, it could be a result of DEW exposure. Microwave weapons emit high-frequency electromagnetic radiation that can rapidly heat up objects.

Electronics Malfunctioning: DEWs emit strong electromagnetic waves that can interfere with electronic devices. If your electronic equipment starts malfunctioning unexpectedly or displays unusual behavior, it might be due to nearby DEW usage.

Distortion of Surroundings: Look out for any distortion in the air or shimmering effects around objects when there is no obvious source for such phenomena. Particle-beam weapons create plasma trails which can cause visible distortions in the surrounding environment.

Unusual Energy Sources: Keep an eye out for strange energy sources appearing near sensitive locations or events. DEWs require power sources to operate efficiently, so spotting unusual energy signatures could suggest their presence.

The article is great so check it out.

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Best comment I've seen in a while! It somehow all ties in to the geo-engineering pack destroying our world....wildfires (igniters used) , droughts followed by floods, hurricanes they name and also have patents on.....you might know of Dane Wigingtin on you-tube re geo-engineering watch. He's in california desperately trying to warn us...also his documentary "THE DIMMING " is excellent.

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Makes you wonder if the underwater volcano eruption could have been manipulated, too.

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they do volcanoes and earthquakes as well.

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Such an OUTRAGEOUS use of the genius - and power - they possess. How can they be stopped?

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Nearly impossible to get rid of the governments funding them and poisoning our world. Dane Wigingtin on geo-engineering watch on you-tube has All srtsrt of ideas, data, and he's fighting like crazy right now because it has so accelerated. Also has a documentary titled "THE DIMMING that's well worth watching.

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Central banksters defy God and create something from nothing.

Lord Acton — ‘The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.’ 1875

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Just like the California fires a couple of years back.

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And the fires in Canada

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... and the Amazon rain forest.

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Must add to my comment ....weather forecasts come from the geo-engineering pack...gag orders on meteorologists. Drumming up devastation and fear....another psyop so people do not see reality. Repeat...please see Dane Wigingtin on you-tube re geo-engineering watch. Deadly important. People must see.

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A forensic arborist has examined many fires where wood and plastic exist almost untouched while metal has melted. That is definitely not normal.

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Anyone with a brain knows something is afoot. The globalists will stop at NOTHING to achieve their goal. They are desperate and are not holding back. We gotta meet fire with fire (sorry for the euphemism)

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Ok, but what can we do? ...

Eagerly awaiting your reply but expecting to hear nothing but crickets from you ...

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We have already started. Information and education is the first step in formulating a counter to this obvious threat. There should be ways to get more accurate data through a number of orbiting platforms either from our own space force, or Musk's web of low flying, there are no problems, just challenges and opportunities.

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No problems? ...

We knew about the DEWs 5 years ago with the Paradise and Santa Rosa fires ...

We knew about the chemtrails 10 years ago ... we knew that the aircraft that are spaying us with barium are routinely dispatched from military bases on OKLA and NEB ... back then an executive stroke of the pen could have terminated the chemtrail program ... but the decisions about who lives and who dies are now being made so far above the level of elected politics that the average person could never believe it ... "there are no problems"? ...

Are you kidding me?

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I for one will stand outside with a marshmallow on a stick. Let the party begin.

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The fires were intentional and suspicion the unusual circular pattern and boats catching fire point to some type of weapon whether HAARP of some type of energy weapon. This was intentional and by tracking electron flow or atmospheric disturbances the source should be able to be pinpointed to give and idea of where the source creating these fires may be able to be determined.

If HAARP atmospheric should be able to be tracked by satellites and weather radar tracking should show waves generated in the atmosphere to indicate area of source and lead to a specific area to investigate. Unusual patterns should be able to be found in these investigations to help to begin to determine what and who is doing this attack on humanity.

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For decades we've been subject to hoaxes of hate crimes on various protected groups that were perpetrated by themselves, in order to claim they were oppressed by whites or Trump supporters, or police, or whomever. Environmentalism is religious pagan belief and foundational to it is that all humans and all hydrocarbon products are destroying the earth, causing global warming/global cooling/global climate change, depending on what they think works the best at the moment. But because there is little or no evidence of their claims, they have to create disasters themselves, then lie about the causes. The Canadian fires over the last few months were probably man-made, with 25 starting at almost exactly the same time, over a wide area. My guess is that as time goes on and investigations drill down on the causes, they will find most, if not all, of the fires were deliberately set there and in Hawaii, just like they were a couple of years ago in California, where one environmentalist has been charged with starting a number of fires that destroyed large areas of forest and many homes and businesses.

Danny Huckabee

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It's all done by climate warfare geo-engineering. See Dane Wigingtin on you-tube re geo-engineering watch and his documentary " THE DIMMING ".

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The planet is being destroyed by the geo-engineering pack.....chemtrails dumping poison on us daily, wildfires, floods , droughts all planned. They even have patents on hurricanes. Performing the climate change they so desire....govt funded. Please see geo-engineering watch with Dane Wigingtin on you-tube, ...accelerating daily and time is very precious at this moment....time's running out. Please look into it.

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It's the Paradise fires all over again ...

I've been telling people for the past 5 years that the Paradise fires are THE best indication yet that TPTB are coming after us ... how the fuck can you have "wild fires" in a rain forest region without the aid of surgical pyro-technology?

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That area of the island is EXTREMELY dry, Once you get to the other side of the mountain range it turns into rain forest.

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Maybe ... but how do you explain metal boats catching fire off shore?

Oh yeah, I know ... it was the wind, right? ... It just had to be the wind ...

Those damn winds!

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I merely pointed out that Lahaina is not in a rain forest. Not maybe its not. Do I believe that the powers that be started it? Yes I do. But trying to convince a non believer with lies does not work.

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Yup, thank you 'cents ...

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I'll take "Those Damned Winds for $1000".

What is "Perhaps they burned while moored close to shore, while the nylon mooring ropes melted and the winds blew them out to sea?"

Look, you don't HAVE to have a DEW to do the destruction attributed to it. If you have high winds, some localized ignition source use the wind to spread rapidly. You can take advantage of the prevailing conditions to accomplish the same end goal, if that's your intent to burn something down.

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Good points Justin ... I'm waiting to see any photographic evidence of cars being surgically charred ... there were photos from the Paradise and Santa Rosa fires that revealed that some parts of the auto body were were unscathed, like windows ... stay tuned Justin ...

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Interesting. I wasn't aware of those kinds of artifacts from those fires.

I happened to look at some satellite photos of unburned structures in Maui, and in the few that I looked at, it was understandable why they weren't burnt, because of a lack of proximal location to anything combustible from a certain direction (from the windward side I would take it).

Having burned oil-bearing plant material, I know it burns very hot and very fast and then goes out quickly.

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We've had enough of these now to begin to recognise their signatures.

U.S Military weaponry, and they've been honing their technique for decades. All that's changed is they've switched targets to the domestic population and switched allegiance to wealthy foreigners and billionaires.

'Forest Fire as a Military Weapon' (1970)


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My money is on DEW, either directly from HAARP, which they can do, or a plane - manned or unmanned. The remnants are exactly like Paradise where the heat was so intense not even porcelain toilets survived. They have declared war in all ways and we are sitting ducks. Is resistance futile?

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God is our only refuge

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Didn't you ever notice? ...

God does not get involved in the big things that affect us all ...

Sorry to say, God is the great doer of little things, nothing more ...

Recent history is full of examples of bad things happening to good people who placed too much in his hands ... where was God when Kissinger's henchmen slaughtered 500k Cambodians in '74 or when General Schwatzkopf slaughtered 1m Iraqi citizens in 2004?

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God is definitely present. He was there when the reformers burned at the stake, he was there when Desmond Doss lowered over 75 men over the escarpment in WWII and he is present now in the miracles of creation and in the hearts of Christian’s everywhere. He goes through the trials with His children as in the fiery furnace but he does not always choose to remove the terrible trial. One day He will end satan’s dominion and the true believers will understand why He did not always choose to prevent the evil they suffered. I pray you come to know my Jesus, the Creator God who suffered and died to pay for all of our sins.

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As a Christian, I wholeheartedly feel everthing you have just shared. I do hope PITA does not believe there is judgement here. Not our place. We are however, convicted to pray for those who may not know Christ. In saying that, look at what is happened here, and is happening throughout our globe. The anxieties and devisiveness has become so elevated between mankind, which is exactly part of the well orchestrated plan. Money and power have deystroyed Gods creation from the beginning. You both share knowledge which is so powerful. It brings the mind of those like myself to the realities of this awakening that has been so destructive to those of us that have just lived our lives, almost as if we have lived in a different dimension. The spirtual battle is so clear...Satan placed his team in powerful positions throughout centuries. They have always been there, and now, they truly rear their ugly heads. Physological warfare plays a massive role. Humanity cannot absorb all this...and yet, we have to have humanity on board. The power is the numbers. Keep sharing your knowledge, share your faith, share your love and understanding for the differences we may all have with each other. But mostly, hang onto to the hope of humanity coming together. As believers know...Faith is not in what we see, it's in what we Dont see. God sees it all...We just have to have Faith.

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Thank you Kim ...

But the "power in numbers" thesis is clearly not working here, not with U.S. citizens ... Americans were "born on third base" but think they hit a triple ... and the spiritual war metaphor is also tepid ... about 3 years ago I actually had a few spiritual "Max Igan type"s tell me it was too soon to organize against the Great Reset ... having faith is just fine, but taking so much comfort in God that we fail to do the leg work is dangerous ...

Let me remind you that:

- the Elites have the guns

- they make the laws

- they run the banks

- they own the media

- they shape the discourse

- they have technology

- they control the food supply

And last but not least, they do not take prisoners ... all we have are platforms for sharing our disappointment, outrage and shameful confusion ... if I'm a member of the globalist cabal, I'm kicking back and laughing about how clueless we are about how to resist ... it has been convincingly proven that fervent prayer does not work against these people ...

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But, “they” do not have God. They chose the abolition of God. That is why we are more powerful. They know this!

Why do you think they want our DNA changed?

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You are 100% right on all counts posted! You write so eloquently and hope you do not take that as critizism, I truly enjoy reading your post. I, like many others literally, or should I say ignorantly, went to sleep one night and woke to this nightmare that has existed in our world for many years. The "leave it to Beaver club" - no fault of our own. We have been manipulated and controlled through means of our ability to trust in humanity...These satanists do not have the ability for empathy, compassion, love. I keep reading through other channels how "their" numbers in comparison to humankind are literally in the 1-3% - Maybe that is why I stood with the numbers theory...Power in numbers. All I know for me at this moment in time is that without my faith in the Almighty God, all I will have left is my demise with no recourse of any kind. I am just curious PITA, what is it that you yourself see in standing against this force of Evil?

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On the contrary prayer is working. The evil will be defeated but the earth as we know it will be destroyed. Scripture, prophecy has been vindicated repeatedly by those who do in depth study of particularly Daniel and Revelation.

We humans will not be able to defeat evil. It will look like it is going to win. God is patient “not willing that any should perish” and many of us suffer because he is patient but he will put an end to it. In A book entitled “The Great Controversy”, the last 8 chapters in particular pertain to our world today.

“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” Rev 11:19

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“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. “

2 Corinthians 4:18

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Your declaration of moral superiority over me because my spiritual beliefs do not align with your your beliefs is actually an expression of intolerance and anger ... so my views are so wrong that you feel it necessary to pray for me, right? ... I got a question for you: ... is it also wrong to only believe in God without believing in or worshiping Jesus Christ?

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Let's pretend God has a plan. He grants unto everyone agency. Let's people do with it what they want. And then judges them based on what they did with it. It won't take away your own sovereignty. He's given it to you. You do with it what you will. And the consequences of that upon other people are upon you.

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Respectfully disagree Justin ...

Our sovereignty is merely a concept that supposedly allows us to have freedom in asserting our rights as citizens ... but both our sovereignty and rights are quickly going, going, gone ...

So God has a plan for us? ... maybe, but that doesn't mean it is something we will like ... God created the law of self-will and He's not going to disturb it ... and the Elite's plan for us is now crushing any hope I had that my sovereignty and rights will never be disturbed ...

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No offense was meant. Sorry. God is omniscient, omnipresent, gives freedom of choice, even bad choices that result in disaster. And I wish for everyone a relationship with the Creator God. I merely attempted to assert that I have ample evidence that God is good and loving. You, of course are entitled to your opinion.

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Thank you Ann ...

I really appreciate your thoughts ...

OK, God may be "good and loving" but it seems clear that there just isn't enough of him to go around ... I'm willing to bet you've got a pretty good life Ann ... you're probably comfortable and economically secure ... my experience is that most "believers" are either materially secure or oblivious to how bleak things look ... you said "God will one day end Satan's dominion", but I don't think it's in his plans at all ... but I do believe that he sometimes puts all the words in our mouths - even the bad ones ... I sometimes need to say unwise things to make me aware that I'm out of line ...

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There's always resistance either passive by making the DEW ineffective or actively seeking out and destroying the source of the DEW. Unfortunately, this is rocket science so it might just take a while to figure out.

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https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cv2PYkZr_N7/ somebody sent me this.....I don’t have an Instagram account, I am just putting it out here. Another angle. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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WOW! Exactly what my husband said even before I viewed this video....My heart is hurting for these people, for this nation, for this World...God protect from this evil!

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Directed energy once again? Read up on 9/11, especially Judy Wood's articles, videos etc. That brought in the first major form of control through the Patriot Act. Then next throw in a little bio-terroism and blame it on something called Covid, that brought in the next level of control. Now bring back directed energy weapons and perhaps zap Hawaii and then blame it on climate the third level of control.

Throw in the economic collapse and CBDCs and smart cities then you have total control. All a part of Agenda 2030. They aere not hiding any of this so wake up people!!! Read the Agenda. It's downloadable in the sidebar @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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It might be interesting to look on google maps to see if there's an asphalt oval roadway on that part of the island. It appears to me as if the fire burned up to the asphalt oval just as the jet was passing overhead giving the videographer a memorable shot. Of course that doesn't explain why the boats caught fire in the harbor. I'm just offering this as a reasonable explanation.

I would suggest powerful interests want to develop that part of the island by putting up resorts and hotels for tourists. But, does that mean they burned out the people that lived there? History has shown this conspiracy theory is quite plausible. You remember the old rumor about someone fiddling while Rome burned. Only to build his palace where the fire burned out the residents.

We also know Zuckerburg has engaged in questionable tactics when it came to protecting his interests at his estate in Hawaii. Not saying he's responsible, but people with motive and the means will sometimes engage in questionable behaviors to get what they want.

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