I have two questions: "Will I be condemned for suggesting that the illegal savage who took the life of this poor girl, and all those who promoted the present "open border" system and facilitated his illegal entry into the U.S. should be filleted and their worthless remains fed to wild animals." And "Do I care what anyone might think of w…
I have two questions: "Will I be condemned for suggesting that the illegal savage who took the life of this poor girl, and all those who promoted the present "open border" system and facilitated his illegal entry into the U.S. should be filleted and their worthless remains fed to wild animals." And "Do I care what anyone might think of what I have written when our survival is in question?" If now is not the time to defend both our personal and national preservation, then when will it be? How many more innocent American children must pay for the insane criminality of the Left who wish to abolish national borders and establish a one-world-rulership of humanity.
I have two questions: "Will I be condemned for suggesting that the illegal savage who took the life of this poor girl, and all those who promoted the present "open border" system and facilitated his illegal entry into the U.S. should be filleted and their worthless remains fed to wild animals." And "Do I care what anyone might think of what I have written when our survival is in question?" If now is not the time to defend both our personal and national preservation, then when will it be? How many more innocent American children must pay for the insane criminality of the Left who wish to abolish national borders and establish a one-world-rulership of humanity.