Does anyone truly believe the FBI will really turn over everything or anything incriminating at least? The FBI has long since gone rogue. They answer to no one in America just like the CIA has been a rogue agency since the early '60's. Neither agency nor the DOJ can be reformed. They must be completely defunded and abolished and their investigative activities become the responsibility of the states..

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THAT evidence? Oh, that evidence was accidentally erased. Sorry!

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Exactly! That's what I was thinking. CIA/FBI has had even time to tweak anything on the death of Seth Rich. Too little too late.

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Seth had the goods on the DNC/Clinton...and they knew that! Poor man!

Just like Breitbart...

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Exactly like Britebart.

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I hope the judge has good security.

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Too many people associated with the Clintons have met mysterious or questionable deaths. Perhaps this will shed some light on the all-powerful Clintons, but the best guess is that little with come of it.

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(1) Seth Rich was killed on the street in D.C. in a "robbery" in which his wallet and credit cards were NOT taken. Still an unsolved homicide.

(2) Shawn Lucas, the attorney that served the DNC with legal papers in a lawsuit alleging fraud for actively working against the Bernie Sanders campaign, has also been found dead on his bathroom floor by his girlfriend on the evening of August 2, 2016.

(3) The DNC staffer (and Bernie Sanders supporter) Seth Rich, who likely leaked the Podesta/DNC emails to Julian Assange of Wikileaks, did so becuz he was extremely pissed that the DNC outcome was rigged all along against Bernie in favor of Hillary Clinton, whose Foundation had paid for the DNC show.

(4) Julian Assange of Wikileaks even hinted that Seth Rich was Wikileaks' source for the leaked DNC/Podesta emails.

(5) The Podesta leaked emails referenced an offer from a mother to Podesta to sit in a heated pool with her children ... she even tells him their ages are "... 11, 9, and almost 7..." ... and she then adds "so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." UGH!!!

(6) The internet photos from 2016 relating to the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria were IMO quite damning, as well as satanic.

And we're also supposed to think that the Podesta emails must have been hacked by the Russians, not an internal leak by a disgruntled Sanders supporter, and that we should not believe the contents of the Podesta emails because it was a "Russian hack" -- two dead bodies notwithstanding. When it was actually very likely an internal leak by Seth Rich!

It's obvious now how thoroughly ROTTEN the MSM, the FBI, and the DOJ are.

Yet ALL of them go APE-SHIT anytime anybody even mentions "pizzagate." (Methinks they do protest too much.) Liz Crokin agrees! https://lizcrokin.substack.com/

Which tells me something else: that there are very likely BLACKMAIL PHOTOS of the higher-ups at MSM, FBI, and DOJ, as well as top Politicians, doing all kinds of horrible, nasty things with little kids.

***And we still don't have the Epstein client list from Ghislaine Maxwell. Of course we don't.***

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Somebody (Edward Snowden?) posted a blog a couple years ago where the real ownership/management of "Orgy Island" was described as the CCP. The offers of free visits to our "rep's" in gubmint was reportedly accepted by about 50% of them, from both sides of the aisle.

The reason for their generosity was as soon as they start to make their way to the "Lolita Express" aircraft, they are movie stars to the CCP. Every despicable move made from that point is video archived by our global enemies.

So, approximately 1/2 of "our" gubmint is now totally beholden to the commies.

What could go wrong?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The DC Sswamp is muddy and full of cold blooded and hungry reptiles.

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Fanny and Jack will say Trump did it.

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meh...fbi will conveniently "lose" or destroy anything that is remotely revealing and the fake news and their cult will continue to ignore. the biggest bombshell would be to find out how Seth Rich died...the attending the night he arrived thought he would be fine...and the next day he was dead

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Remember, from what I heard, Donna Brazile ended up in the Emergency Room the night

Seth Rich died. Wonder Why?

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Could it be to retrieve the flash drive?

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Clinton house nigras do as they're told..

..or they end up slop for the hogs like Ron Brown.

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YES.....Ron Brown died in that plane crash in Croatia. I read where that landing was really dangerous. There was a flight attendant that survived. I think she was swept away and nobody ever heard from her again. I'm sure the Clinton's took care of Ron Brown, because

he knew too much. I can't wait to send your comment to my friend. A new name...NIGRAS

:-) He'll Love It..........

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my cousins wife was the usual flight attendant on that flight...the flight attendant that survived the crash was dead by the time they left the mountain, ron brown had a hole in the back of his head and the onflight gun was not found

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WOW.....was your wife's cousin on that flight, too? I read where that flight attendant might have met foul play. How would anyone know the difference? Ron Brown didn't know what

hit him. Just like Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi. That's what happens when you

are connected to the Clintons!

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i think she was sick for about a week and one of her friends took her place....they aren't normally truth seeker types (conspiracy theorist in cia talking points) but they definitely know this was not an accident

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I believe this phonetic spelling was how "The Nation" magazine rendered George Wallace's speech whenever he used the term "negro" in their interview of him. .."nigra" .. not "nigrah"..

..throughout the interview, Wallace would refer to "the Negro" ..

"The Nation" was left-of-left and this spelling seemed designed to rile up their left-of-left readers. And Wallace's use of "the Negro" could not be allowed.

So they made it lower-case and spelled it "nigra" .. suggestive ..

"The Nation" interviewed Wallace sometime before he was shot.

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Thank YOU for explaining. I never knew this. I'm going to pass this along

to my friend. Take Care :-)

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- TRUMP I S B A C K ... !!

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Homicide? Yes. Clintoncide? Probably. Whole lotta folks got on the wrong side of the Clintons and found themselves assuming room temperature. We will likely never know the true number and certainly not from the current iteration of the once honorable FBI. I've said it before: I'm glad I'm old.

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The real dead body pile up...

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As you might recall the speed in which the data left Seth's machine are impossible to achieve over the internet. When this was brought out, it was quickly buried. Maybe now a real investigation into this murder will commence.

Another note: If you doubt that politics are the life blood of leftists, remember how Seth's parents refused to aide in the investigation for fear it would implicate Demonrats. Very sick.

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Just like Mary Jo Kopnechne’s parents with the investigation of their daughter’s death/murder.

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My guess is they were threatened.

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And/or rewarded monetarily

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“Untimely demise”? It was murder. It is only a question of, ‘was it Hillary?’.

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Sounds like the vince foster, ron brown, clinton whitewater murder machine with obamination murder incorporated help. The uniparty swamp will continue to distract America from their Trump Derangement Syndrome, death jabs, globsl warming hoaxes, lockdowns, riots, gun grabs, stolen elections, rainbow bridgade immorality etc in order push sheeples in satanism and away from the grace, love, truth, eternal salvation of Jesus Christ.

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I see only one minor problem and my mentioning it is more of a reminder than something original on my part. Laws, rules, regulations, orders, etc., whatever name is given to them, they are for the "Wee Folk," you and me, and not for the "Grown-ups" of "The Fed's Uni-Party & Swamp, Inc." As we are all aware, now even an often-maligned former President (though I will never think of him that way) doesn't swing enough meat to be given even a little respect and equal standing under the law. I am so cynical that I will say, "What does anyone know of this judge. Is this a ploy. He 'Orders' and the FBI 'Ignores.' Oh well, says the judge, I tried. Next case." When bureaucrats will treat a President with no more respect than a plow-horse can we expect that the Federal government will do anything honorably and with respect towards the remainder of us. As the Federal government continues to grow, so does their disdain for the citizenry who exist outside of the Federal feeding trough. Think of Orwell's "Animal Farm," and who figuratively held all of the power. It has come to that, and I have no hope that under the existing system that any impartial justice or truth, will voluntarily be found. After all, haven't the swine learned how to fly and from their lofty heights don't they see us, we "Wee Folk" to be little more than ungrateful rabble waiting for our turn in the stocks. "No," says you, then "D.C. Gulag," says I. Remember, it took the fall of the Berlin Wall before the world learned what truths were buried in the file drawers of the Stasi. Enough said.

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