It's No Coincidence the Biden-Harris Regime Leaked Plea Deal with 9/11 Mastermind Today: "To See This Headline on September 11 Is Appalling"
September 11 is a solemn day for tens of millions of Americans. The Biden-Harris regime picked today to drop horrible news that will only infuriate us more than we already are.
When news that military prosecutors are negotiating a plea deal with 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed hit my desk, I had to check the source to see if it wasn't satire. Of all days for this news to hit, why drop it now?
According to Fox News:
U.S. military prosecutors are reportedly negotiating potential plea deals with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other conspirators imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. The plea deals may allow the five dependents to escape a potential death penalty, according to CBS. Mohammed is widely credited with being the architect of the 9/11 terror attacks. The other four defendants are Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash and Ammar al-Baluchi.
Attorneys for the defendants reportedly say they would be willing to enter a guilty plea in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table, as well as for getting treatment for alleged torture they experienced while in CIA custody.
Retired actor and active patriot James Woods noticed what many of us did, that the timing of the news is an outrage:
To see this headline on September 11 is appalling. Why is justice such an elusive concept in America today? Will the heinous among us never be held accountable? This is an outrage, and to read about it on this sacred day is an insult to the fallen.

The timing of this news is not a coincidence any more than the timing of the Benghazi attack was a coincidence. They're insulting us. They're laughing at us. This regime truly and absolutely hates America and they're proud of that fact.
Insanity’s too kind a word to describe this ugliness.
Wait until the entire Truth is revealed. Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld planned this event. Zionist Jews wired the Twin Towers with thermite. Oh, and Building 7 as well. There was no one else involved. They murdered over 7,000 souls that day. Then within hours they presented a fully drafted version of the Patriot Act to Congress.