Trump needs to call for Ban theJab. No masks. No lockdowns. No scamdemics. Call out the treasonous snakes!

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He won't do it, because he is working for them, get a grip and Wake Up! Why do you think Trump won't debate, it would not go well when you have honest men debating him.

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I’m sure that’s coming with this next mask mandate that is coming.

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Agree with you on everything. The only comment that I have is that Truth Social is not really an echo chamber, there are many Trump haters on there. I don’t exactly know why they are there, my suspicion is that they like to think that they are making the rest of us crazy. They are not. I just block the more obnoxious ones. It’s slightly possible that he might win some over if they’re not in the deranged category. But I agree that he needs to use Twitter. However Elon is on his way to ruining Twitter, IMO, his latest hairbrained idea is to take away your ability to block anyone. The actor James Woods said he would leave if Elon actually does this. He has 3.4 million followers. I will too. I think a lot of people will leave. I am relatively new back to Twitter after leaving it because of all the hate directed at Jews about 4 years ago. I stayed away because of the hate & censorship. If you lose the ability to block someone who hates you why would you stay? I came back last December when Elon said he believed in free speech & he ran a poll asking if he should stay on as CEO. We now know how that turned out. He hire WEF CEO Linda Yacarino. This decision is beyond my comprehension. Things have gone downhill since in my estimation.

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Elon was a member of WEF so how can he be trusted?

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Was he actually a member or did they put his name on there like Vivek Ramaswamy? His hiring of Linda Yacarino makes one suspicious. His brain chip is also something to be leery of. It has good potential but also potential for very bad. Transhumanism. Yuval Hariri, of the WEF is very much into this & in my estimation is one very evil sick guy. Elon is half good & half very scary. Too many people look up to him & not into him IMO.

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I agree and also think there’s a snowball’s chance in hell of him doing it, partly because the minute he pivots to the Dems and Deep State the other candidates will fire on him for lockdowns, keeping Fauci and Birx, and the vaccines, the damage of which he has never acknowledged in a “mea culpa” sincere way. Not to mention the silent military coup that was going on, not doing anything about the BLM riots, etc.

I told my husband in 2015 Trump would get the nomination (he thought I was crazy). He wasn’t my first choice by far and isn’t now. I’ll vote for him if he gets the nomination but unless the GOP wins big in Congress with people who AREN’T part of the problem and are willing to make sweeping changes, I don’t think it’ll go well.

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Trump needs to beg our forgiveness for his Warp Speed vax, lockdowns, closing schools, putting thousands of small businesses out of business, masks, and taking a backseat to Fauci and company.

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Fat chance of that happening.

To me he’s one of them.

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JW & Free Florida, totally agree. His abdication of all things WuFlu when there were SANE voices to hear & never acknowledging or admitting he was fatally wrong & the tremendous harm & death that ensued & are ongoing are lines to far for me

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Cindi: I like RFK, Jr on this issue. (I am pro life and have concerns about his stance on abortion). I will vote for Trump over Biden as the lesser evil of two very flawed candidates.

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Yes Free, he kowtowed to the loons & gave the predictable DemoncRAT response in a woman’s right to choose @ any stage of pregnancy which of course means up to birth (like in NM where I am). He also said climate “deniers” should be imprisoned. That he can’t see “climate change” as big a scam as the scamdemic is a head scratcher

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Trump also appointed Mattis, Milley, Bolton, Rosenstein, Wray, Powell at Fed, supported Lizard Cheney in House leadership…and the justices he appointed stabbed him in the back. The best thing Trump did was surrender to the Taliban in February 2020…and everyone knows what happened in March!!

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From my perspective in Australia, the American politicians are disgraceful, disgracing their constitution.

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Please don’t take that as a reflection of ordinary Americans, we are so far removed from these political animals. It should tell you a lot about who is actually controlling the outcomes…

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Welcome to the club—-we’ve been here since 2000 when Bush stole the election and lied us into an asinine war and sold his country out to the Chinese!

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Very clear advise to Team Trump that I support wholeheartedly.

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Daniel Horowitz is a conservative journalist with over 15/yrs experience in political activism on the federal and state level. He knows the "inside politics" in all state legislatures as well as Washington D.C. So his knowledge is indisputable on all things "Conservative Inc."

With that in mind, Daniel has a podcast where he never pulls his punches on the "conservative media" and Trump himself. And for anyone who really wants the TRUE skinny on the 45th President and what went on during his Presidency, go to the 16/min mark of the podcast linked below that he taped on Aug. 17. Then listen for the next 20 mins of the broadcast where he gives the FULL EXPOSE on Trump, the GOP in Congress, as well as his thorough take on conservative pundits like JD Rucker.


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That’s a good link, Terry

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Thank you Cindi for the kind words.

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This whole article is a waste of words. It don't matter JD, he won't be allowed to be President, let alone be allowed on the state ballots. So cute when conservatives continue to play by rules, while communists have no rules.

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The vast majority of conservatives/Republicans/MAGA people are living in a delusional state. All excited and geared up for a Trump win in 2024. Wake up people! Probably near 100 MILLION of us actually voted for Trump in 2020 and realistically Biden got maybe half that many ACTUAL votes or less. And still, look who's sitting in the White House. The voter fraud has NOT been corrected and so the predicted 2022 red tsunami turned into a pink leaky faucet. It doesn't matter how many votes Trump gets in 2024, because unless and until the voter fraud - the fractional voting algorithms in Dominion machines, the mail-in ballots, the lack of observers, the lack of consequences for massive ballot fraud caught live on camera, the Election Month (not Day) process - is fixed, your vote literally means NOTHING. You cannot outvote fraud. This is why I'm not at all hopeful for 2024 nor will I bother to vote. Without the fraud being addresses, I have just as much chance as Trump has of winning, and I'm not even running!

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You're speaking too much logic. Too bad MAGA Inc is oblivious to it all. Don't worry Rudy Guliani is on it this time and will expose it all!

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Again, what does it matter what's exposed? A lot has been exposed, from the Hunter laptop to the 2020 election steal and yet nothing was done. As long as the deep state has a stranglehold on the DOJ, no indictments will be forthcoming. At this point, unfortunately, it looks like the ONLY thing that will save America is another bloody Revolutionary War. I don't see how we escape that unfortunate inevitability.

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I was being sarcastic. Rudy is a joke.

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Trump will never be allowed to be president. He did not keep his campaign promise to drain the Swamp. The Swamp creatures including the GOP are not pleased with Trump’s threats. The various species in the Swamp are using a coordinated attack to disable Trump’s ambitions.

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A Trump Presidency would not stop the globalist agenda, it would only slow it down some. And it's a moot point , because the PTB will never allow him to be President again.

Geopolitical expert Joel Skousen tells it like it is about Trump, stolen elections, and the other GOP presidential hopefuls. Want the truth, here it is - https://d1bnicq0e6jl94.cloudfront.net/pdf/World_Affairs_Brief_2023_aug_18.pdf?Expires=1700295094&Signature=bFukizi7LcwNxO02WQ7ppdvQd5XdA7WoJTfxZDLvgFErgOV~3gG-O9fY3FrR6iLIe5KjQSw7ikt2LdrJ5WlF36g3Wf-J8vWIs2rCkwVHUw9cvSO~xMHPdH~miKyQTCeN6WFcTKLN-wDWYRocMtZ1VpC9h80747Q6GDVuLJgD1Fh8j2TiFTpUpAS5llY8xIZDW~XQcydv1pBDI6Svum~lylaF7fTic-cqblB~Oo001lmM2Gj3Izuo36RYtKBGWwM~zyiUrTr9~Is9T71rmb3yHpEENY-FTVRI2Ct214ZPvNDur-C3N6-MN~NHNntzv7FmgIHNnguRClan~7YzSftA2g__&Key-Pair-Id=K51L6BWN55THP

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Warning label -- I'm getting multiple inputs that TEAM BIDEN and the Globalists plan to go to masks and lock downs. Been There. Done That.

Submitting to Tyranny (again) is a very bad idea.

Ban the Jab. Ban the lock downs. Treason is afoot.


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I would agree, in theory, but ... we can't put too much trust in polls. It's much too easy for some of the pollsters to flip the numbers on Trump (true, or not) early next year. The MSM would have another field day cackling how foolish Trump Team's assumptions were.

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FIRST Trump needs to drop his EGO and admit he was wrong on Warspeed/pushing Vax which he still is. Im still waiting. Agree he needs dif strategy at least for me. Im tired of the same ole same ole. WE all know it over and over again. I really like listening to Vivek at least its all new things. But hes campaigning i know. Thank you Mr. JD Rucker, have a great day all

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I agree 100%. This is one thing about Trump that irritates the hell out of me. But as I keep saying, NONE of this is relevant unless and until the voter fraud is stopped. If it is not stopped, then literally nothing else matters - it makes zero difference whether Biden is impeached, we end up in another war, the economy collapses, the economy improves, we have massive voter turn out for Trump and democrats mostly stay home, Trump admits he was wrong on the "vaccines", Trump stands form that he is proud of the "vaccines", etc. It doesn't matter what candidate says what. Biden can literally say live on tv that he hates kittens and puppies but loves molesting children and HE WILL STILL BEAT TRUMP because voter fraud overcomes all of that. You cannot outvote an algorithm that counts each vote as 1.2 votes for Biden and only 0.8 votes for Trump or whatever they need to set it to in Dominion. People act like there's a chance this coming election. WRONG. Even if Trump is the nominee, we're going to see a repeat of 2020. Absolutely guaranteed.

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Now that is an awesome article! Trump needs to be our uniter, commander and chief. Full guns blazing on each Democrat and not other GOP members. Targeting other GOP wastes time and effort!

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I couldn’t agree more, Mr Rucker!

Note: It’s easy to cover up a scandal when you’ve captured MSM and coerced social media into censoring the story…

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Love the advice and strategy.

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