This news is infuriating! Confirms that Congress is white collar criminal enterprise.

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When you consider all the ways “we the people” are being bullied, beaten, bamboozled, targeted, tracked, repressed, robbed, impoverished, imprisoned and killed by the government, one can only conclude that you shouldn’t trust the government with your privacy, your property, your life, or your freedoms.

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This pretty much guarantees the Dems win back the House next November, and 4-6 seats will go to them in the Senate as well. The GOP will never own either house of Congress again. Add to this, Donald Trump going to prison for likely the rest of his life, and a Gavin Newsom presidency. The end is near.

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"The GOP will never own either house of Congress again." I suspect that this is the result that the Republicans have been bribed or threatened to produce. As ridiculous as the current administration is, the Republicans have found a way to look even worse.

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Spot on. Mixture of corruption, the UNIPARTY, and just general incompetence.

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I'd contend incompetence be substituted with 'utter stupidity'.

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The decline continues and looks to worsen soon.

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Your extrapolation of events in the future is truly mind blowing. 😏

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It's not looking good!

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They see clearly, know exactly what they're doing and who line's their pockets. Traitors.

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You forgot "greedy & selfish".

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And why would we need a Congress when they do not represent our will?

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Congress just like Home land security (open border) is useless let them all go home without pay

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So for sure Soros money and Obama bought the non-RINOs to vote no but didn't have to buy the RINOs as that was a given. So now the Dummycraps and the Republicrats working together to put the nail in the coffin of the United States and make it the United Communist States of America. Just shows that with Soros money, anyone can be bought.

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Trump could have been the “Soros of the Right” (but he isn't): https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/trump-could-have-been-the-soros-of

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These are very sad times for decency and Democracy.

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Mr. Rucker, I couldn't agree more with you, sir. It tells us everything we need to know about these scoundrels and number one on that list is that they are cowards. I can only wonder what the next move will be.

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For me this was about saving/fighting for America. Willingly and knowingly giving the Speakership back to the Dems, they should have to resign. This is all about hating Trumps Leadership, giving money to Ukraine/Blackmail to me, as well as a M k to Israel. We need to Pray for Trump Family as we go fwd w him leading JB in Dem States. Thank you Mr. JD Rucker. Have a nice wknd everyone

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Here is the reason that Jim Jordan was voted down: "He was the best Speaker candidate to reform Congress’s spending addiction that’s been bankrupting our country".

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And yet... without anyone as speaker somehow its a huge hold up to the new Biden 'aid package'. Hmm...

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assuredly the recipients of govt largesse don't want that bankroll to cease. Corporate welfare may be just as dangerous as social welfare. Either way, our resources are used up by people who don't have our "common welfare" as a priority.

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I think he would have done well, oh well. May he find a higher purpose.

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Looks like Matt Gaetz exposed all of them real good. The lies, corruption and greed in the GOP knows no bounds.

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Those 20 traitors are parading as Republicans but vote Democrat.

We don’t want them in office.

America First Party. Dump the GOP corrupt swamp creatures. I’m glad they are outed. That was a good first step. We all now now the 20 members of the GOP swamp voting for their bank accounts not the American people.

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I GUARANTEE you that the reps from the states that voted against Jordan will get reelected handily. The voters are brain dead stupid. You can't tell me that the voters that put all these traitors into congress had no idea they were really democrats. Nothing will change. The voters will forget all about this come election time and put them right back into power.

It all boils down to the people being too stupid to vote.

Also, in the last midterms, Trump went around endorsing rinos everywhere. Now look at the result.

I don't know what Trump's game is, but he is partially to blame for this. He pissed on maga candidates and endorsed the fascists, so what the hell is really going on here? Smoke and mirrors? Is Trump really the resistance? None of it makes any sense.

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If Trump really had any brains: Trump could have been the “Soros of the Right” (but he isn't): https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/trump-could-have-been-the-soros-of

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do we believe that people are really that shortsighted and uninformed, or that election polls are that controlled, or an uhealthy combo of both??

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But its more its about 100 traitors.

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Hmm, party lines or else, eh? Because that's how you effectively govern?

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I’m watching how NOT to govern. So far that is all we are being shown.

Paul Ryan, the Bush family and a few others like the Cheney family have exhausted their power. Thank goodness.

I want America’s need put FIRST not dead last. I’m a constitutionalist.

We’ve all been pushed over a cliff. American will be lost if do not stand up. I stand up.

Because I dare speak up I am being accused of only having “my way “.

I won’t bother to acknowledge it.

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If you're a constitutionalist, then you're in the wrong party if you're a republican. The republican party hates the constitution as much as the democrats, that's why I've been a lifelong independent. I've NEVER supported either of the anti American fascist parties.

If people weren't brain dead stupid, they'd have left the gop decades ago, but people ARE stupid and act like a flock of sheep.

Every problem we have in this nation is a direct result of the idiot voters. They're either too stupid to see what's right in front of their faces, or just too lazy and apathetic to bother getting involved in something as hard and strenuous as voting. Then there's the sheeple faction that votes the party line without even knowing what the party's objectives are. The blue cities reeling from illegal immigration are a great example of utter stupidity. Those fools got exactly what they voted for and screamed in the streets that they wanted, now they can't figure out how they got into this mess.

The American voter is too stupid to vote anymore.

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I’ve understood most people are one issue voters. They vote everything on only one issue. How smart is that.

If I’m voting for local Judges I like to look up their past history or cases they have ruled on. I don’t think many people delve into all of that. It’s important to do that. I was an independent, as I saw my country pushing left I pushed more right. Now I’m right of right by most of today’s standards. I’m a Christian conservative who believes in our constitution. I believe in justice, I believe in law enforcement. If we do not live with rules then we revert to animals which is what I am witnessing now. Our division is so great now.

The mentally ill must not be in charge of America. So I will fight like my ancestors fought King George on this soil. It’s what we do to remain free.

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So true.

Most do not check the background of judges. It's a huge problem too. Like U say, most are not even aware of the issue. However, the left deliberately want this decline. It serves their purpose.

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Agree wholeheartedly. After all is said and done, it is the foolish voter who keeps voting them in office, over and over again for decades. The nation became lost when its voters chose fun over the work of understanding what they were doing. All this time, so much evidence of Biden corruption and illegally selling influence and not one iota is done to stop it or him. Probably now these people will vote to give the fool the $100billion so he can gift a few more billion to Hamas.

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dominion strategic op chief quotes "Trump won't win; i made f'ing sure of that".

might not be 100% voter incompetence... just 48% voter incompetence and a statistical nudge thanks to the rats in the machine

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which is why our school systems have been undermined: to brainwash children of freedom into controlled zombies of tecnology/unelected bureaucracy (technocracy)

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I hear ya, and respect where you are coming from. I'm just presenting that somewhere along the line of America first and celebrating the constitution we forgot that limiting government IS the objective. You show me a federal politician, and I'll show you how much I trust them.

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Agree. I’m mentally exhausted from watching a very long never ending tennis match. It goes on forever. We need to finally an agree to disagree on things laid out plainly so it can be sorted. Currently we have a cloak and dagger game. I’ve worked on campaigns in first in the nation NH where it was a blood sport, I worked in a ATF regulated industry. Worked for large corporations then owned a business. What I am witnessing are the biggest man babies I’ve ever seen on display. These people are treacherous. They need to be outed and removed. Less government is much better so these things are easier to sort. We are all weary from the lunatic antics of the last few years. For Trump it started many years ago from the Democratic leadership. A continuous psyops stream.

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It sure seems like they don't even bother to hide the corruption anymore. I'm pretty convinced that it is intentional- to discourage or incense. Sometimes the best way to win is not to play their rigged psy-op laden game.

I find the best way to rejuvenate myself is to spend time in nature and build my appreciation and understanding of what God designed.

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I always have time spent in nature and with the Lord. I was out for hours today in a beautiful park. Walked in the drizzly rain. It was glorious! Begin my day with prayer and end my day with prayer.

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True. True. For sure.

For me alone, there were two strong indicators of the game being played.

1) their denial of basic biology; their claim of 72 varieties of male/female.

2) their utterly ridiculous claim that mathematics is racist. they deny reality and it is obvious. My fear though it may be too late. Consider the width and depth of their brain washing. Like DB always says, "they hate you (us)."

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Yes there are times when party lines are required, like when you have just barely enough votes to retain power against an enemy that is using its own party lines against you.

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one party rule. just like police-state rights-abusers China? what could go wrong?

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I am beginning to understand that the Republican Party is almost as corrupt as the "Democratic" one, and hence it doesn't really represent me. At the core of our problem are the various ways in which banks create money out of thin air, enabling the crooks who run things to defraud us all and engage in all this destructive crap. No, actually the problem is deeper. The problem is the American public, which is vapid enough to allow itself to be defrauded, so long as it's done slowly and subtly. Anyone remember when you could buy a full size candy bar for ten cents? That was 1969, folks. That is the power of the criminals in Washington. https://hersheyarchives.org/encyclopedia/hersheys-milk-chocolate-bar-wrappers-over-the-years/

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During the 69 year rule of Communism in the USSR, people were expected to vote in rigged elections, & they did. Wake up! We Americans now live in a Communist dictatorship whose elites continue to fool us into thinking it is still a democracy, while at the same time solidifying their control, brainwashing the youth, & facilitating a massive invasion of third-world people who don't even know what freedom is. 99% of US politicians are totally corrupt. JD, why quote RINO Massie? Read this from just 4 months ago: www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/update-20-republicans-vote-democrats-refuse-censure-serial Real Christians have always been a minority here, but most people pretended to follow Biblical principles. That is now gone. Abortion, Sodomy, pornography, fornication, adultery, vulgar language, tattoos, piercings, sensuous music, immodest dress, sexual confusion & mutilation, Satanism, & corruption in politics, the judiciary, businesses, schools, universities, medicine, & churches are the norm now. Even The LIberty Daily uses vulgar language every day. Jesus began His ministry by saying, "Repent and believe the Gospel!” Mark 1:15 Until that happens, the US is going to fall apart.

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God's consistent message is to turn from sin of all forms, whether it is voluntary or mandated (e.g., through government/tyranny). We need to confront sin in our own lives AND confront/defend against corruption in high places. We must start by addressing our own shortfalls before we can stand courageously for God to help others. We must build the armor in our own lives that we may be used by God for His design.

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Well, the idiot, treasonous, anti American republican party is dead in the water. Without any decent leaders in the party, it is officially dead. This means next year, we will usher in a full fledged fascist regime with no resistance anywhere in the government. Our days are numbered. This idiocy has pushed us one more step toward a violent revolution. I don't think the people can stomach much more of the corruption and the loss of our freedoms.

This is why I've never had anything to do with the gop, they've ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS. I've tried to tell my repub friends this for DECADES but people for some reason, just keep thinking, next time we'll elect good people. Well, there are none in the repub party, they're ALL bought off by donors.

The supreme court decision back in the days of Barry the fag, destroyed whatever was left of election integrity. Most everybody with functioning brain cells saw this coming after the court said corporations are people too.

Folks, it's going to be either war or slavery and fascism.

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Politics may simply not be the answer. What will stop the "Freedom Party" or the "America First Party" or Any Other Party from becoming corrupt under a system where it requires millions of dollars in contributions just to run for federal offices? Now that the Republicans are failing me in more and more egregious ways, I am turning my attentions more back to non-political pursuits and I am voting more and more with my pocketbook, which doesn't even require an election or a candidate. Recently I ditched State Farm insurance because of all its insane radical-left philanthropy; that's thousands of dollars of business every year. I will never bank again at Chase. I don't shop at Target. Screw Dick's Sporting, which pays transportation costs in abortion-limuting states for female employees seeking abortions elsewhere. I wish I could boycott Bud Light but I never drank the stuff in the first place. If we would all spend more time figuring out who our corporate enemies are than we do on elections, we might get somewhere.

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check out the tucker carlson interview with the politician from Poland last week. It is encouraging at east that some politicos understand.

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Two thoughts:

1. Elise Stefanik is a MAGA-leaning fighter with tons of Common Sense.

2. If the GOP can't come together, maybe Trump should consider running as an Independent.

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