JD this is not aimed toward you, but the larger sphere out there...

I've been shouting from the roof tops, that we are inundated with deviants, molesters and pedophiles, in the halls of our government, entertainment industry and education systems. So I'm a pretty big hawk on the matter...I'd have no problem seeing those found guilty shot in the head or fed to gators...so don't misunderstand when I say the following...

People are really getting up in arms about this little twist, modeling clothes for a company that is peopled with groomers...WHEN YOU HAVE HUNTERS LAPTOP OUT THERE???? REALY????

This feels like click bait.

Until we are ready to fight our way past both party's swamp creatures and drag heels up harris and drooling joe brandon out of the WH, by their end trails...then the fake astonishment falls short.

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One reason could be we have no idea what or who is "Balenciaga"

is it a place, person, store etc...?

Where is/are Balenciaga located?

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Evil is always attracted to evil. Now I don't really know anything about this step daughter of Harris, but I seriously can't imagine such a poison tree bearing decent fruit.

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Nah, nothing to see here. 🙄

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Balenciaga has filed a lawsuit against its ad agency over the ads, saying that the ads have damaged the brand. Stay tuned...

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Balenciaga, idol worship, and even child sacrifice (Moloch). Woke-ism is destroying schools, Christianity, the family, and our children

We are contacting you because you have mentioned, and written about Balenciaga. We hope our post series can add understanding of this perverse woke agenda by comparing it to God’s point of view through Scripture and Verse. God’s right-hand man, Jesus Christ defends biblical truths on this subject in an allegorical setting. It is not written with flowery words but is a biblical study on the subject because the written word matters to God!

Including the following subjects; teaching our kids critical race theory, child molestation, child porn, pedophilia, drag queen children’s shows, same-sex bathrooms, locker rooms, and men competing in woman’s sports. Worse yet puberty blockers, gender transformation, body mutilating sex-change surgeries for children, and even children sacrifice!

If you think what we are writing will help educate your audience on this critical subject, please link to our post series. Have any comments or questions contact Dave at: Contact@biblicalhealingrevolution.com

To view this post, click here “Balenciaga, a Snooty Spanish Fashion Designer is Sexualizing our Children”

“The Woke Agenda vs. God in the Classroom” new series: To view all posts in this series click on the “all post ” menu

Who is God’s, right-hand man?

He is “The Christ,” the Son of the living God, who is seated at his Father’s right hand. His power is above all power that is in the world today (woke-ism included), and all powers that will come in the future. He is the head of the Christian church, and when he speaks it is words of truth and love. In our allegory who would be better to defend God’s word against the worldly powers of wokeness and their goal of destroying Christianity, the family, and our children-Mt 16:16, Mk 8:29, Lk 9:20, Jo 20:31, Eph 1:19-23, 4:15

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It’s horrendous but expected. The elite are awful people.

My only question is how does someone this unattractive become a model?

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