JD you probs saw the interview or Dr. Epstein with Joe Rogan on surveillance and manipulation...also Epsteins 'myprivacytips.com'....how much we are manipulated...so very much, by the devices. Ditching my android phone today.

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I didn't hear it yet but it's on my phone, I believe. I have been using the Freedom Phone - neither Android nor iOS. So far, so good, even if I'm not happy that it's made in China.

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STOP using the term "conservative"! It is a point of contention to us regular Republicans that do not use faith as a portion of our political ideology. It's also a negative connotation to many others around the country.


Successful American Patriot that also happens to be of Hispanic descent, surname and dark skin to match that 1st voted for Reagan



California #Hispanics4TrueRepublicans


That's just a serious pet peeve I have but I do read your stuff ALL OF THE TIME. I beg of you to make that one helpful adjustment.


We use to call ourselves, "Fiscal Conservatives," in Orange County, CA in the 80's-early to mid 90's until the demographics shifted the political field. It had only to do with true smaller government, less government intrusion and far less government spending. That group of us has mostly died off, leaving us solely as Republicans.

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Our only hope for this country is through God’s help. I’m a proud conservative with any and all connotations you may feel offensive. Reagan was a conservative and spoke freely for God to bless the USA.

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Believe in your gawd, be a queer, I really do NOT care. That's you, not the rest of us.

While you're at it, ask your gawd to stop ephin around with the USA. You have to blame him/her/it for ALL OF the bad just as quick as you are to "praise" anything you feel is good.

Most of America is leaning secular and if us REPUBLICANS want to stay relevant, WE have to stop associating the party with "conservatives" because the rest of the nation ties it into rigid religious fanaticism. Like it or not, that is how it is perceived down here in the streets.

JUST #DontTreadOnMe (read: don't proselytize to the rest of us just as WE don't want Libocrats pressing their ideas on US)

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I found it more effective to stop associating myself with the GOP. You can't kill a snake by living in its belly. Half of the subversion of the US Constitution has been done by the democrat party, and the other half has been done by the republican party. Both parties are criminal.

The shell game they play is encouraging ordinary citizens to think of themselves as party members because of their votes. Voters aren't members of the parties and have no input into party policy. Only the party bosses are actual members of the parties. The voters are just useful idiots.

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