Democrats and Never-Trumpers staged a "war game", the Transition Integrity Project, before the 2020 election. Part of the plan is what we saw on election night. The media had orders NOT to call the election for Trump election night, no matter what! Wait till ALL the mail in ballots were counted. If Trump somehow did win, RIOT in the st…
Democrats and Never-Trumpers staged a "war game", the Transition Integrity Project, before the 2020 election. Part of the plan is what we saw on election night. The media had orders NOT to call the election for Trump election night, no matter what! Wait till ALL the mail in ballots were counted. If Trump somehow did win, RIOT in the streets!
Democrats and Never-Trumpers staged a "war game", the Transition Integrity Project, before the 2020 election. Part of the plan is what we saw on election night. The media had orders NOT to call the election for Trump election night, no matter what! Wait till ALL the mail in ballots were counted. If Trump somehow did win, RIOT in the streets!
I'm sure there is some chaos plan if somehow there is a " Red Wave" Nov.8