You've said it all, JD. The hard truth is that the system is beyond repair.

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This is my first time ever commenting on anyone's platform, so I'll try to make as gently a splash as possible

I was alerted in mid January 2020 by a friend born in Jamaica to watched this virus in China because many of her countrymen working there were at that time stranded in China bc their home nation, Jamaica would not allow them re-entry back into the country. Immediately, my ears were peeked bc it had biblical PLAGUE (not pandemic) written all over it. (man-made or not)

Fast forwarding through all the malarky for the past 3 years that has and is transpiring. I continue to be saddened and amazed at the government, the people and the leaders that come from the people. I can't think of the person that said this but I somewhat quote/paraphrase them by repeating, "our government elected officials, corporate and other leaders are a direct reflection of the values of the people of that nation." In other words, stop complaining - THEY are YOU! Until God's people of this nation repent of ALL of their sins, permanently quit doing those sins, humbly seek God's face for real relationship and revival with Him, then this nation will continue to sink - there will NEVER be a point of return.

COVID-19 to me represented the last of the last days playing out: spiritual wickedness in high places purposefully planning to contaminate and kill an entire planet of God's created beings; Injecting chimera driven solution into just about an entire population of people in order to purposefully change how the human genome and immune system operate.

Is anybody reading the Bible? Are the dots connecting at all? Spiritual wickedness in high placed did this once before in Noah's day! They changed the DNA of man. REMEMBER: The Watchers (fallen angels) impregnated women who gave birth to GIANTS. That was nothing but EVIL tinkering with and changing human DNA. PLEASE wake up everyone! It's happening right before our eyes, AGAIN!

Stop being distracted by the swamp, video games, News, Social Media, and other hedonistic folly. Get "YOUR" house in order!! Has "everyone" accepted Christ in your immediate family? How about your extended family? If so, what about your social circle? You know a BIG recession is just around the corner. Have you stored up all you can? Didn't Joseph in Egypt teach us to store up for coming bad days? Have you helped others around you do the same? Watch and pray people! In the end we will all kneel and confess Jesus is Lord. In the meantime, focus on all that really matters.

Though the government is a reflection of the kingdom of God, the Word teaches us that this world system belongs to Satan. So, if the players in the government are acting like their boss - maybe, just maybe that's the way it was designed to be. The only boss a believer in Jesus has is God himself. All else with this governmental system is useless fodder! We must all see whose behind all ungodliness... "SATAN!" Address evil issues from that perspective and you will see that you will begin to target your anger at the right entity, Satan not those used and inhabited by him. Read the Word, Pray and get up rebuking that evil in your life and your world. Walk the walk and talk the talk. That's when the generations will put forth righteous fruit to vote into office. LOL, but that will never happen so chill with the name calling and bickering. Focus on purifying your heart and your life and influencing those around you to do the same.

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Dear Shirley, for this being the first time you have committed on anyone's platform before you have a lot say , please don't stop, I agree with you 100% and I'm sure I'm not the only one , I say yes and yes to you, keep communicating, you are a wonderful woman that needs to be heard more often, Thank you for speaking out in truth.

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Shirley thank you! You are saying exactly how I think and feel. Yes...you are spot on! I couldn’t have conveyed it any better. God bless your heart, in Jesus Christ’s name.

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Th illusion of voting has been in existence for decades. The puppet master is satan. This old world he controls is doomed BUT the righteous have been promised a new heaven and a new earth.

Revelation 21:1 “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;....”

Luke 21:28”And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

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By "unless God intervenes" do you mean "restrain His hand for a while longer"? The USA is on the path forward that God's laid out for all nations - great apostasy, tribulation, abomination set up "where it should not be", antichrist and his religious sidekick, Armageddon, Christ's return. God may restrain for a while longer, but the path forward is defined.

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Agree completely. I'll be honest. I've prayed for judgment sooner than later after Brandon got installed. As Jonathan Cahn points out, there has been no repentance even in the Church. I can only continue to cry Maranatha! And God help us!

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I think god has intervened although not like everyone would like for him to. If you are a true believer with even a modicum of biblical study, God has given us plenty of intervention. God gave us DJT who showed us the truth about the media, the swamp, elections, and really pulled back the veil for us to see what things really looked like on the inside. We have had countless whistleblowers come forward, many solid lone patriots who have been brave enough to step up and give testimony as to the atrocities they’ve witnessed first hand. So the warnings have been clear, the Bible has taught us the signs of the things to be on lookout for, so we can adjust our level of preparation for the times which we happen to be alive during...by no means am I a biblical scholar but prophetic statements which are unmistakable and need no questioning. This is not a direct quote but...you shall know the times by men living as women and women living as men, the men will have strong minds and weak backs, etc.,etc.

The mark of the beast is coming to fruition very rapidly and soon will be a requirement or else. Anyways the point is, no we don’t have anyone in DC that is interested in saving us. They are going to do anything they can to save themselves. We know and have known the measures we must take in order to help ourselves, and by repentance, we can save ourselves.

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YES! You are 100%!

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No truer words ever wrote. Unfortunately, unless the dual justice system that is systemic in this country is stopped, we won't have a country much longer. Been reading Revelations alot lately and truly scares me and at the same time excites me to know we may be closer than most realize.

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I do the same JC! It’s interesting how all the passages make sense now, more than they ever have.

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I got sick pretty quickly of the five hold outs getting threatened, called terrorists and other names, and being blamed for the hold up of naming a speaker. These were the few who want to honor their commitment to America...so unusual to find these past two years and beyond. I respect them immensely. McCarthy gave Lauren Bobert and others zero dollars or help in their campaign...can you blame their animosity?

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God speaks and works through people.

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Yes, it's a very dark, dangerous time. Perhaps the darkest in our Nation's history, though I suspect that Valley Forge, the Battle of Trenton, and the Civil War are clustered in the same corner of Hell.

Hopefully, if we all do what we can -- including you, Sir -- God will do the rest.

I do NOT think Kevin McCarthy will prevail. He's being exposed, and it looks worse and worse. He is a WEF member, one of the wannabe ruling elites.

Trump's name grabs attention in fight over House speaker.




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Thank you for always speaking your mind. For me we are watching our end just play out. Both Parties are the Swamp, just depends on what kind of issue you want to pick. We can never trust Voting again. Or, those who process such. Our School Boards/Schools and Parents have decided sharing Pornographic material to a sm Child is fine or Drag Queens in Libraries for Children is ok, Mutilating them, changing Sex, we have Pedophile for a President as well as his Son. Abortions werent enough, I know some of these people we arent friends but you know some as well. They look like us go to work like us but they sure as heck aren't. There is a Hell, and i know unless they Repent, when Jesus comes i know where they go.

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Not necessarily.

IF the actual conservatives who struck to make him compromise MAKE him honor his offer;

and, IF the actual conservatives who struck to get the one down vote to replace the Speaker actually make him honor that principle, then there is hope.

This making of sausage in the selection of a Speaker is part and parcel of the constitutional process.

A couple observations: Now McCarthy knows he cannot just have his way on anything. That is good

Now the media, despite its effort to paint the natural process as a sign of disorganization, knows there are different deputy sheriffs in town backing up a Speaker who knows they mean business.

It's not as good as having Roy or Jordan as Speaker, for sure, but we have a much better prospect than when the drunken, corrupt hag held the position last month.

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It’s way beyond politics at this point. And it has been for a VERY long time!

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If i may, what in DC is beyond politics?

That, in fact, is THE problem with the corrupted inhabitants of Washington DC. Every iota of what happens there 24/7 is closely tied to politics - and politics of staying in that swamp.

Term limits would remove much of that ill behavior.

IF your comment is meant as a reference that, in fact, it is in God's Hands, first let me say that I do daily pray that He do a Sodom and Gomorrah type intervention. There seems to be ample justification for such action. But second, the adage that praying for a good crop but still keeping to hoeing that garden row, applies it seems. IF the right and just merely roll over and do nothing then the stupid and evil will prevail. This is a battle of survival. I will not turn the other cheek with the liars, corrupt, and stupid. Never. Every day I will do something to thwart their agenda and tactic.

Recently scientists have found what some believe may be evidence of the biblical destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Some of these scientists believe they uncovered evidence possibly of an astronomic incoming meterior event that caused a nuclear grade explosion over that ancient city. Other scientists believe differently, for sure. But the time frame resonates strongly. I say, if it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, there is a very high probability that it is a DUCK!

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I agree with YOU! And yes, that’s exactly what I meant. I believe there is something extremely evil and sinister at work in our world. Our government is just an arm of the octopus. They are in positions of power, but they do not use their position for the protection of humanity.

Yes, it is a DUCK!

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Dear JD, DC irreparable is saying it nicely with maybe a 1% chance that we can put this run away train back on track. I feel saddened to say, DC is totally and completely corrupted 100%. Even though there are still a few good men and women only JESUS from Nazareth can right this wrong, and that is exactly what will happen !

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Article V Convention of States is the only way to fix DC.

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This is the perfect rant. Concise powerful writing. Forwarding it to everyone I know. It's the truth. I think many of us have known it for a while... And so we pray and spread the gospel. We have solace in the knowledge that God sees EVERYTHING. And there will be judgement for the deluge of overwhelming evil that surrounds us. The sermon on the mount has never meant so much to me.

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EMPLOYEES! Mc CARTHY send me E mails asking for money over and over or I will be trsponzable for loosing the election!! Or I AM TIRED I QUIT! I TOLD HIM TO QUIT! BUT NOW REPUBLICANS WILL GIVE AMERICA A COMPROMISED A GREEDY. MALE PELOSI??? NO, NO NEED TO ASK FOR MY VOTE?


If people think this is WEF-KARL SCHWAB 3RD world war then we the people can think and act to block their multifocal attacks! WE ARE LAST 3 YRS ALONE FIGHTING DEADLY WEF AGENDA!!


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