It is interesting. True that Mao and communists control by making one look down the barrel of a gun, many Chinese left for other parts including Indonesia when Mao's redshirts came banging on doors. At a certain point, one needs to understand turning points and be ready to leave Dodge. Descendents of some who left China for Indonesia and…
It is interesting. True that Mao and communists control by making one look down the barrel of a gun, many Chinese left for other parts including Indonesia when Mao's redshirts came banging on doors. At a certain point, one needs to understand turning points and be ready to leave Dodge. Descendents of some who left China for Indonesia and other places had to or be killed. Don't forget, Brandon threatened using F16s on any who question.
It is interesting. True that Mao and communists control by making one look down the barrel of a gun, many Chinese left for other parts including Indonesia when Mao's redshirts came banging on doors. At a certain point, one needs to understand turning points and be ready to leave Dodge. Descendents of some who left China for Indonesia and other places had to or be killed. Don't forget, Brandon threatened using F16s on any who question.