"'Prima facie, this is a direct attack against the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens."

And what will be done when the deep state controls - at the least - the federal judicial system? And when the GOP is gutless or complicit? It may be up to state AGs to start what should be prosecutions.

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That may be why Soros buys prosecutors.

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Would it make a difference if US taxpaying citizens decided the lawless financial mismanagement of over $21T, unauthorized war spending, and taxation without representation, of at least half the country, decided to put on the brakes and say NO MORE? We The People cower in fear of our "government." That is the definition of Tyranny.

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Thanks for sharing.

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Since corporate media won't cover this, it's time to publicly ask the question: "Is corporate media hiding its own "Twitter Files" with the deepstate showing just how extensively the government is running national news?"

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In America, at this time in history, Freedom of Speech is being denied to people based on their beliefs, opinions, or politics, and ... Big Tech - working in tandem with the Government - is in control of it all.

Welcome to the Corrupt States of America.

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Yes, it would.

In that sense, the people of Brazil were admirable and stood up to the fraud and corrupt politicians and media.

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Most do not know the background of many of our “revered” institutions. The FBI the CIA, The FDIC we’re all started by Jesuits. They also invented communism in South America. The agenda is total control. CBDC’s spell the end of America’s freedom. There has been a slow, insidious, move to control people by this religio political organization. One of the former Supreme Court justices said a very negative thing about the separation of church and state, that it should not exist. ALL of the provisions of the Bill of Rights, the bedrock of our free and republican government, will be done away with. Recommended reading: The Great Controversy by EG White, 50 years in the Church of Rome by Charles Chiniquy.

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...JD, I have been posting mostly 2 things on your substack. Press releases from Senator Rob Portman's page from 2016 and 2021. I think I also sent you the link to Dr. Shiva's 1st amendment lawsuit. All of these pages have information on the censorship infrastructure.

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Something is being lost here. The FBI is the police force of the Justice Department. Of course the FBI was doing all the above. However, unless they went rogue, unlikely, THEY WERE FOLLOWING THE ORDERS of the Justice Department!

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Holding my breath waiting for someone, anyone, to be held accountable for this travesty.

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This is what is on the brink. The USA will no longer exist if these "instruments" are approved. Our sovereignty, as well as all those signatories' nations, will be delivered to the WHO on a silver platter. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/links-to-the-proposed-who-international?publication_id=746368&post_id=91093398&isFreemail=true The UN via the WHO will rule the globe.

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There is nothing wrong with Conservatives using the left's tactics on the left. Do to them what they did/do to us. They use Saul Alinsky tactics on us, we need to use those tactics on them. Period.

Then sit back and listen to them whine. I love it. Thank you, Elon. Elon should be viewed as a hero.

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It’s mind boggling to think about all the government suppression of free speech but unfortunately not surprising. Our government is more corrupt each decade, but the biggest fall from grace happened under Obama. This horrid administration under Biden is run by Obama and his cronies all rehired and doing damage on steroids.

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Dec 16, 2022
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And yet, until Musk took over, we didn't know all the sorid details and incestuous connections.


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