The Federal Reserve should open up field office there...save on mailing costs

Commies in white House want to devalue the dollar to point where you will own nothing

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ala Klaus Schwab.

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Unfortunately it is so obvious these kleptocrats are engaged in fomenting war and Revolution in the USA and around the world. What is that crime where individuals and collective entities foment war against their own nation?

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French Revolution and Russian Revolution have nothing on these guys.

Murderers by deathvax. Soon openly murderering American citizens... Or they will try

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Nope they do not only some rather inconsequential historical parallells.

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The similarity of planning, methods, groups involved, and the very quick collapse of the nations aren't inconsequential.

It's one long revolution against God, His authority

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And a Revolution against human beings everywhere & everything we have ever held sacred. Against our unalienable rights endowed by a creator.

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True... Except... Obviously you must parse Inalienable. Making distinction that they Should be inalienable. Obviously, they aren't inalienable, as they most certainly have been taken away in many times and places

Most always leave God out of the equation, and our duties towards God. Catholic Church defines our rights as the ability to serve God, in relation to our duties. Rights, rights, endless rights.... New ones are mentioned all the time, esp since 1960s... Ridiculous ones.

Pope Plus IX sharply gives Catholic definitions to these.... Most so called rights are freemasonic, and were designed to help weaken Catholic Church.

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“Unalienable rights endowed by a creator” is non denominational and we’re viewed as being granted at our conception or birth. Naturally part of us and therefore not granted by anyone on earth. They cannot be taken away. I get what you’re saying but doesn’t apply to the Constitution.

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FOOD SHORTAGES, Not just Baby Formula.

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These idiots with the Ukraine flag as their profile would never fly the American flag on any day or even the 4th of July. But they jump on ‘the current thing to do’ as if that makes them virtuous. 😩🤦‍♀️ The billions sent over there with NO accountability is typical of DC. No wonder we’re broke. We feed and care for illegals while veterans suffer. We prop up a staged war to funnel money to who knows who or where.

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Grand Theft America

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The bigger story is the Heavy Metal Toxins in Baby Food, including Home/organic made. RFK, JR reported on that, but stopped short of including it affects adult food too. Increase in Autism. Waste dumps, Toxic Spills, Pesticides, Fertilizers, affect our crops. Thus our soil and water supply. Government slaps them with fines, maybe clean up cost, but it is still business as usual. 4 companies control baby food, 10 control all adult. Time they were Broken up and held fully accountable. It is not just Biden, it is all of Congress. Robert Yoho, Butchered by Healthcare, Pharma, Government. Explains it quite well. I use Smile as it supports St. Jude's $5.00 Or look for his Podcast on Subtack. I suggest both. You need the book before you read Fauci. https://smile.amazon.com/Butchered-Healthcare-Doctors-Corrupt-Government-ebook/dp/B08FVMK5GY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=178BLVY105HC3&keywords=butchered+by+%22healthcare%22%3A+what+to+do+about+doctors%2C+big+pharma%2C+and+corrupt+government+ruining+your+health+and+medical+care&qid=1661015094&sprefix=%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-1

This new funding bill gives the manufacturer's license to keep doing this. And If you expect a rebate on new Electric car, not happening. It has to be bought after the bill was signed, Must be ASSEMBLED in the USA, as little as adding a screw (pun intended) added, or a sticker put on is 'ASSEMBLED'.

Assembled to the Rich Tax And Spend Congress who EXEMPTED themselves in 2013 from these Tax the Rich. Middle Class will become the new Poor Class.

Are you ready to Revolt yet, as that is the only Reset that is workable. Or will you remain dumb, silent, and compliant? "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin.

Better ask How Safe is MY FOOD? IS My Food Making Me SICK? YES! Will growing my own help, a little. You Can control containers, pesticides, use a quality house filter for water. Outside good luck your Utility company controls the chemicals in your water, smart meters record and report your water usage, We had a leak notice, as I was watering my veggie garden, the summer heat, lack of rain, for the deep South destroyed my garden.

Start reading, this was the 4th of July article: An article on the role of Women is coming. Much you didn't learn in school for government reasons.

Happy Fourth of July 2022 - by Frederick R Smith https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/happy-fourth-of-july-2022/comments

Part 2 Olive Branch Petition Yesteryear and Today https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/olive-branch-petition-yesteryear

Part 3 Boston Massacre


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All of the above is important,....but until we get the Greedy, Evil, Murdering Globalist CANCER (WEF/DAVOS/G7 Groups) off the planet,.....nothing else can be Corrected. They are the reason for all the REST! Why do you think all the People in other Countries are yelling destroy the World Economic Forum? WEF? Other Countries aren't CENSORED like America is,....they see the real WAR! It's a Global War against a small group of CRIME FAMILIES that have been raping and controlling the planet for almost 2000 years. We must be rid of them first, they are the ones keeping all the other problems going,....because they want people SICK and DYING,....it's how they keep Control. The more People who die from any cause, including the VAXX, the happier they'll be. That is why they caused the whole Plandemic. To reduce the excess Population on this Planet. Why did they destroy our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE ON DAY ONE!? Not because they believe in their MAN MADE CLIMATE SCAM,....it's not about the planet,...it is about EXTORTING money from gullible Countries that want to be Part of the CLUB! They are doing all they have done because they are losing control. Their DEBT Currency SCAM is CRASHING! The Debt Dollar is done. They will not be able to reset it without WW3. And no one out there is playing their GAME. President Putin refused and destroyed their BIOWEAPONS LABS and is stopping their Money Laundering in Ukraine. General Xi didn't take the bait when they were willing to sacrifice Piglosi on a plane to start ww3! Xi is fighting the same Globalists (CCP) in China and Taiwan.....do you know how many USA Bioweapons labs are in TAIWAN? Over 1500! Why do these Globalist Elites need so many BioLABS? So, they can work on and practice making our Food toxic, and our water toxic and make more DRUGS that slowly kill people,.....like STATINS and BP MEDS. Not to mention every plague that comes along is MAN MADE! They cause all of this, including ABORTION, to keep the population in check and they aren't able to any more. People ae starting to really fight back. The Globalists must be gotten rid of first! It's the only way to get the rest of the DAMAGE FIXED. So, fight to get our true President, President Trump back in the Whitehouse. He was fighting them the whole 4 years with his hands tied by the constant attacks they made on him for 4 years. Think what he could get done on your above topics if he wasn't under constant attack! Why do you think they never stopped trying to remove him from office?????? They haven't ever done that before! They attacked his Private Home, and pawed through his WIFE'S CLOTHEs to piss off his Supporters,....trying to incite a CIVIL WAR,.......because they can't get cover for their Currency SCAM RESET without a WAR. These Traitors who have overthrown the true government of the United States need to be tried and hanged for TREASON. Please help us open people's eyes to the bigger picture,.....after we destroy them,....we can fix the food, water and baby food! They will no longer be in control.

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So while this administration is funneling taxpayer money to thieves and crooks in the Ukraine, they are also hiring 87,000 new IRS agents to make sure they have enough American taxpayer money to funnel to thieves and crooks right here in the USA. If "the government is best that governs least" remains a truism, we have one heckuva lousy government striving diligently to be the worst.

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They are not our Government! They over threw the Government when with the CCP's help they took over our Country. No President that worked for us would ever have destroyed our Energy Independence on DAY ONE!!! They are TRAITORS and have committed TREASON.

When the Globalists control the PRINTING OF the Global Currency,..their money SCAM,....they can spend as many as they want. And since they know that their DEBT SCAM is crashing, they could care less how much they spend,....it means nothing to them.

Because our 'dollar' is worth less than 1Cent now. That is how much it has depreciated since 1913 when it was created by the Globalists to control our Country. Then it was still backed by Gold. Our Paper Dollar, really just an IOU debt note, started it's life worth 99Cents, because from day 1 we had to pay to use their Debt Notes. Now, there is nothing left of it, it is not backed by anything! Not even our own Gas and OIL. They have destroyed our Economy to keep their scam going a little longer, so they can get as much profit out of it as they can before it dies.

So they can spend as much as they want. They just LIE to us about it,....they say it's for humanitarian Aid to Ukraine!!! BS. But people buy their lies.....and don't realize they are simply Laundering their ill-gotten Gains and buying solid things with it,...like All the Farm Land in every Country they can. So when it crashes and the banks close, without a warning to us! They will have concrete assets instead of worthless paper money. They've done this over and over and over,....they know exactly what they are doing. A slow DEMOLITION of the Global Currency.

We are going to be just like Venezuela, I don't know if it will be this year or next,.....but the end of the Petro-Dollar is here. This DEBT/TAX Scheme has been used to control the planet for 200 years,....before that they had other Schemes. Our Presidents have thrown their "Reserve banks" out 2 times already! We need to make sure this time it never comes back.

Here is something that blew me away,....do you know that if you wanted to buy OIL from OPEC ....with your own County's Currency instead of American Dollars, you could not? You would have to trade your Currency in for DEBT Dollars that are worthless. Our Globalist Puppets have tried to completely control Energy/oil on this planet. And they wouldn't let anyone buy OIL unless they used the American Dollar, because they control the EXCHANGE RATE. And they controlled who could buy it and who could not. This SCAM has hurt so many poorer countries! Even the ones with OIL, because we went in under false pretenses, to 'save' them from their evil dictators, and stole all their resources while we were there and left them bankrupt and starving!

What an EVIL Bunch these Globalists Crime Families are. That 1% Prance around in fancy clothes and live in massive estate homes in all the best places of the Planet and tell every one what they can and cannot do. The ones who controlled everything we did all through that PLANDEMIC. They have our people so well trained, doped up on SSRI's , fluoride and other drugs, then scared them shitless with a FAKE PANDEMIC,...people walked away from their loved ones in hospitals without even looking back! They didn't even ask any questions! They believed it all. The Psyop they used worked! People did anything they were told!

This needs to STOP! We now KNOW what they have been doing! We SEE it straight out in front of us! We must get our own duly Elected President back now.....then he will have the power to help us fight these Globalists Monsters and drive them out of our Country. If you want to know more about these "ELITE" as people call these evil monsters in FANCY CLOTHES,....check out this short article. It's the HISTORY of the people pushing the NAZI GLOBALIST AGENDA. The WEF/DAVOS Group/G7 Group. All the same people. The very same CRIME families, FAKE JEWS, that tell us,...."You will own nothing, and you will be happy". No we won't,.....THEY WILL BE HAPPY. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

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The money flows out of America, into Ukraine, and then into the pockets of American, globalist and Ukrainian oligarchs. The Democrats and the RINO's are basically looting America prior to the coming economic collapse. I'd bet my yearly salary on it (which isn't 1/100th% of the hundreds of billions with which we've lined the globalist's pockets). #BidensUkrainianDebacle #GlobalismIsEvil

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Lately, money laundering, especially through Ukraine, is all that congress does. It should not be surprising when one considers that every single member of congress is bought and paid for by the international banking and corporate cartel that own everything and everyone in this country. As Diana West puts it, " the United States has unraveled." And, there's nothing we can do about it.


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Excellent article, Mr. Rucker, thank you.

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That a mere handful in the GOP are fighting this insanity doesn't bode well for 2023 regardless of who's in charge of Congress. Our purported leaders have no clue as to what time it is. Or if they do, they're in on the multiple scams.

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Why hasn't anybody come right out and said that Biden and politicians are (plain and simply) funneling money for themselves? Is this being allowed so that Biden can be brought up on charges and booted out?

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No one is EVER brought to justice because those who have the ability to do so need to be brought to justice just as badly as those whom they can bring.

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This is how the Globalist/Elite/Khazarian Mafia have have always made their massive family fortunes. They start a WAR,....they fund both sides,.....they get paid by both sides and they leave bankrupt and destroyed Countries behind and move on to the next place where they think they can gain more LOOT. They take everything from every country they do this too. They are no different from any Alien Race that comes here to Conquer the Planet,.....and suck up all the Resources. The only difference is they have been doing it for more than 2000 years!!! And because they look like us,.....instead of giant Squids,.....we just let them do it. No one even notices! What a great way to take over the planet.

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We have no business in Ukraine, never have and never will.

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And the Big Guy still gets his 10%

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LOL!! The Big Guy is simply a Globalists PUPPET. He gets what Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, George Soros, and all the rest tell him he can have,...same with Hunter. And all the rest of the people pushing the WEF's NAZI GLOBALIST AGENDA. They are just PUPPETS doing the bidding of the ELITE/DEEP STATE/Globalists.

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A useful puppet.

You must include the Council for Inclusive Capitalism and their elite Guardians in this mix, as JD has identified in earlier posts. The evil runs deep and is being activated in its festerings in the Banking, Corporate and Governmental body spheres worldwide. We must recognize the enemy.

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