Feb 4, 2023Liked by JD Rucker

Since I live in San Antonio area, the local news is never listened to due to Dem politics and their bias.

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We listen to IHeart radio and it is full of ads for the vac. Clay and Buck stated they have no control over the advertisers on iHeart and denounced the ads but can’t do much else.

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Yes, I listen to Clay and Buck as well. Sometimes I also listen to Glen Beck, who comes in before them. Conservative radio is my go to.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by JD Rucker

But we are up to even greater tyranny from the UN/WHO/WEF in 2023-2024 in the form of its nation-binding pandemic treaty. What else can we expect from depraved people like those we have been dealing with since March 11th, 2020 (in Quebec, Canada!)?

Fortunately, we're not alone in our deeds to free the world of all tyranny; there are still good people on this Earth.




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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

There are two forces in this world GOD/satan. Whom do you think will win? GOD for sure. Revelation 20:11-15

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I'm a devout Christian. But...

I can only answer from the point of view of my trade. I'm a social scientist.

I would suggest that human societies will mutate into something else. Not what is expected by Schwab, Gates & their ilks.

However, the world we know now is fast disappearing.

We'll have transhumans among us... but we must fight for our survival (& even thrive, maybe).



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STAND. EPHESIANS 6:12-17. STAND. GOD will do the fighting for us. STAND!

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Did you know Justin Trudeau used to participate in CIA MK/Ultra sexual slavery / mind control sessions with children along with his father at the governor's mansion in Michigan?

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No. Not at all.

I only know that he may be Castro's illegitimate child.

As Fox's Tucker Carlson said on numerous occasions (enclosed).



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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Tucker Carlson is a CIA mockingbird.

The "Castro's illegitimate child" is deliberate disinfo planted to throw people off his CIA MK/Ultra roots.

It's literally a CIA goon protecting a CIA goon with a planted story.

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This leaves us with very few people to trust.

It was, nonetheless, fun to hear about this stuff!

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This leaves us with very few people to trust.

It was nonetheless fun to hear!

If you haven't seen this documentary, it's time to do so. It's mind-lifting, too (stopworldcontrol.com)

Another substacker, Katerine Watt, suggested ways [enclosed] to legally turn all this around for 'We, the People'!




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In fact, even that stopworldcontrol.com crap has a lot of pretty images and ambiguous language, but no mention of "Jews" or "Israel" or "Rothschilds" or of anything of real value.

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... all it wants to display is that we should leave the UN ASAP...

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So, a quick search of that page showed 0 instances of the words "Jew" or "Israel", and so, nothing is found there.

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Nowadays, it seems Israel has the same playbook that the Nazis had in the 1930s & 1940s.

About Jordan, I don't know about his stance on Israel.

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The FDA announcement that gave me pause was in late 2021 amidst increased reports of heart attacks and strokes ( whether COVID or vaccine triggered) was that people should immediately stop taking low dose Aspirin.... WHY? How did that make any sense? Simply created greater distrust in me.

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At 74 I have not trusted gov. for 55 years. They were as corrupt then as they are now because they are and were possessed with demons. Satan has not changed, still the same a deceiver and an antichrist. 1 John 2:18 (KJV)

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Satan. Demons. Communists. Jews. All the same thing.

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The truth hurts.

Wait, you didn't let me finish my sentence.

I said, the truth hurts...Jews.

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Not jew gentile.

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There is NO SUCH THING as COVID or "COVID triggered".

WTF is wrong with you?

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Okay, the increase in myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes... whatever is causing them, telling people to immediately cease taking a daily low dose aspirin makes no sense. And neither does you being so rude to a well meaning stranger simply expressing their anger with our Federal Health Agencies.

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One reason we have a hard time fighting against the ridiculous "virus" narrative?

People like you who are more concerned with someone being "rude" rather than putting forth accurate information and destroying their bs narrative.

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I guess from my position, I’d say you would have better success putting forth information if you did not insult people. Substack has far more content and less vitriol. You might fit in better on FB or Twitter.

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I’ve reported the guy for his typed behavior, his off topic narratives, and his repeated narrative of certain religious types are the worlds problems. I didn’t want to, but 7 straight messages about his race, saving the world from a religion.... it’s why most free speech places get shut down.

I said enough. If that offends anyone just block me, I’m not tolerating him causing the rest to pay for his undereducated mindset.

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I love the way people like you support the murder of Christians by supporting their murderers. You sicken me.

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Jews are a RACE, not a RELIGION.

If you had any idea of HISTORY, you would agree with me.

22 saints ARE SAINTS because they were CHRISTIAN CHILDREN that were MURDERED BY JEWS.

Dispute ONE SINGLE FACT with me.

I DARE you.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

How DARE you! I'm gonna tell jd on you! Sticks and stones.......take that you bully.......

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Karma would be for these 'news readers' to fall over dead in their chairs, on camera, after reading these lies!

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Those who have eyes have seen this 2 years ago and we just said NO to the vax.

Some are now waking up and say NO MORE, others, mostly liberals just say, WHERE CAN I GET MORE

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Well I emailed Mr. William Dey in Kansas to try to educate him what he is doing. Sent him a few links to educational videos. I can't even imagine that he wrote an ENTIRE article claiming heart disease was just unexplainedly on the rise in young adults. These folks are either just stupid (I'm sure many are) or evil.

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Survey finds breakthrough COVID-19 cases occur in 7.5% of vaccinated Texans


Black GOP Councilwoman

“We believe it [was] very personal because she was shot seven times in the face and another seven shots were hitting everywhere [else]. So for somebody to get so close to somebody and shoot them so many times, it has to be personal,” she said.


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There is no such thing as "COVID-19".

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"China" did NOTHING except what they were bid to do by the Jew bankers which control the Chinese central bank. "Virus" "science" is JEW science, and has been since Pasteur and his fraud.

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If you have any of the risk factors, there are some simple steps you can take today to get healthy.

1) Get vaccinated LOLLLaahicvu wgfoaweyhfiewaf

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All democrats are scum

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Sasha Latypova Is she the real deal or no? jd, is she ok?

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I havnt listened to the news in over 3 years, I refuse, there all lies.

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A true horror. But here is a larger one: the vital statistics mortality reporting system and the training and funding of county medical examiners and coroners laboratories in the US is so poorly managed that we will never know whether the large volume of pills these guys pumped into resellers' hands actually made a measurable impact on overall drug-related mortality.

Richard A "Red" Lawhern PhD

Patient Advocate

Twitter: @Lawhern1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/red.lawhern

My Publications: http://www.face-facts.org/Lawhern

Personal Website: http://www.lawhern.org





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