Great, great, great witness and advocate for freedom.

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Thanks for posting this we need to keep up our strength and fight for our right to freedom Pastor Pawlowski is giving me hope and fresh resolve to do whatever it takes to shine a light on this dark period and stop the plan "they" have to enslave us !

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Brilliant read ...bravo to this pastor!

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Excellent, excellent, brilliantly put, may the fear of the Living God bring them to repentance

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Excellent job by this Pastor and so true. Read history books about 80’s Poland throughout that decade to see what people can do when fed up.

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What's occurring today in America is a consequence of the late 18th-century Christians failure to hold the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists (aka constitutional framers) accountable to Deuteronomy 13. I'm sure the same is the case at some point in their history for the Canadians.

American Christians have pretty much been begging for scraps under the table of their secular masters ever since. Keep in mind, even a master who kicks his dog regularly will occasionally throw him a bone.

What was Christendom (Christians dominionizing society on behalf of their King) in early 1600s America has tragically devolved into mere four-walled, stain-glassed, pewtrifying Christianity.

The bulk of today's Christians are best depicted by Christ in Matthew 5:13 as salt that's lost its savor, good for nothing but to be trampled under the foot of man. Time to get back some of the saltiness!

See our 4-book Dominion packet at Bible versus Constitution dot org, consisting of:

1) Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant

2) The Romans 13 Template for Biblical Dominion: Ten Reasons Why Romans 13 is Not About Secular Government

3) Ecclesia vs. Church: Why Understanding the Difference is Critical to Our Future

4) A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government.

All four books can be found for free on Online Books page.

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