Hate to tell ya Mike but maybe it’s time you moved to either TX or FL where your Constitutional rights will be intact as Elon Musk found out & just did! It’s amazing how different states are that are run by Republicans instead of Dem states that force you to do as they say.. not as they do! Bring your workers with you if you want… you’ll all be happier-guaranteed!👍

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It's a solid point. I'm sure he's considered it many times. The challenge is in uprooting families or forcing them to decide between moving or leaving the job they love. I know that's his primary motivation for staying.

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True enough but with Dems running certain states & making up illogical & illegal laws putting people in jeopardy or worse jail, some must either move to another state or be ruined by these corrupt politicians.. can you see citizens(& their businesses) moving out of states & all that remains in that state are section8 ppl?.. how in heaven’s name can these politicians ever run those states without income (taxes ) that these ppl generate for the state? Elon Musk just did it.. now Texas is his home state! CA can say goodbye to the Millions he use to generate-it’s the last 500M they’ll ever see from him.And these evil politicians don’t pay their fair share of taxes as they’re exempt or only pay 26&1/2 percent! Outrageous!!!

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Moving to a patriot state is a great idea, my son moved from Oregon to South Dakota because of the tyranny going on in Oregon. That being said, we must also be careful when looking at people we think we can trust such as Elon Musk. I urge you all to research and look into his standings and support for 'population control' along with his support of Bill and Melinda Gates ideals on the subject. It's not just the cancellations of the voices against the extreme left, its our overall existance at stake here.

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I like Elon Musk much the same way that I like Joe Manchin. I like that they're on the right side sometimes but I don't trust them with very much at all.

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Agreed. As the years pass, I have learned that the most effective way for me to lead and follow is to listen to my gut. This is where I believe God brings understanding and foresight. If something doesn't 'feel' right...it's something worth looking into to make sure your 'feeling' is justified. My experiences and understandings have been proven to be right more times than not.

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Love that idea!

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Spineless, Weak, and Despicable!!! For ANY Financial Institution to prostrate themselves to the Left, is deplorable!!! They obviously want to bring down the United States of America, One Nation Under God, and kiss the BUTT of the LEFT!!! Have at it, WE WILL NOT FORGET this SPINELESS ACTION!!!!!

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Nor will we let it go by and fade away.

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That is exactly what they want to do, even private owned Companies-large and small. They have either been paid off or have swallowed the Socialism Goal.

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Stephen Bishops direct line is (952) 746-3370 and Bruce K Lee has a direct number too: (563)587-4176

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Lindell is a true patriot. So unfair

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One of the best.

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Absolutely. And a strong faith

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This is the kind of crap that makes my blood boil! At what point do we say enough is enough, and do not comply?

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I'd say we should be at that point right now.

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I can't imagine putting all my assets in one bank. I'm not rich and I'm spread out into five of them.

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Stephen Bishops direct line is (952) 746-3370

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Minnesota Bank & Trust's parent company, Heartland Financial USA, Inc. The major share holder of this is BlackRock inc!! That should tell you a lot! Gates and Johnson & Johnson are key share holders of BlackRock inc!!

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be polite, sarcastic is ok IMHO, but email or call these jerks

here's the banks online messaging page - www.mnbankandtrust.com/contact

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I hope your bank gets robbed several times ,and it burns to the ground the same night..u commie pigs will burn in hell

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There is a WAR going on ...Has anyone told anyone yet?

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Make sure he gets every dime and someone needs to sue that bank!!!!

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Wynne, really you think that's the answer to run away! You obviously know nothing about Mike Lindell he does not run away! Maybe support is a better thing to do than tell him to move everything !

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Mike Lindell is a sick drug addiction spewing lies to stay in front of camera. This guy needs mental hospital. I for 1 will not work with any bank that works with him or dump!

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