Agreed. It is mind-boggling that there isn't a candidate running on the issues of medical freedom, ending the fake "vaccines", and delivering justice for the entire COVID hoax, scam, and mass murder. It's the greatest single issue and the most heinous crime in world history.

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She ain't no Rikki-Tikki-Nikki, more like the snake

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She's the RINO's answer to hillary.

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Democrat in GOP disquise.

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We all have to do our own research on this topic, cuz no one else is going to do it for us. The "vaccines" are not that but a concoction made up of mRNA and spike proteins to destroy your immune system. Lipid nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier. This is not a vaccine and in the olden days vaccines were helpful and even destroyed infections like small pox. I have a nursing background and used to promote them every chance I had. Not today, I warn against this new "vaccine" because it was made to destroy lives and not save them. Unfortunately, to those who will not research it, or don't know how, I am just an old windbag with a "conspiracy theory." You are not going to get a politician to apologize for it, so stop looking. Even Trump. As for Nikki Haley, she's a democrat plant and most people know that by now.

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Nikki Haley will garner votes in NH, which is a "moderate" Republican state; i.e., Republicans are more like demorats than Republicans. But, Haley doesn't even qualify as a moderate Republican. She is a Neo-con, a RINO, a WEF-fashioned politician. Trump, on the other hand, is much more conservative, although anybody that labels him a Conservative had better check their info sources. And, as mentioned in this article, Trump is hardly a champion of the medical freedom movement. He still insists (or his ego forces him) that his Operation Warp Speed is responsible for saving millions of lives. I wonder what his info sources are. Realistically, he is responsible for the deaths of at least 17 million gullible, frightened sheeple that submitted to governmental drug pushing for the so-called vaccine. If the best we can do for President is Trump, we are in deep trouble. Even if he had the best intentions, he will be fooled (again) by bad advice and full blown resistance.

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Check out Dr Shiva Ayyadurai who is trying to get on the ballot for president. He's definitely about health and welfare and does not agree with the shots. He has no media coverage because he exposes things that people don't want exposed. Depending on who is interviewing him, his language can be a bit much, but I think that is maybe for shock value.....

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JD, while I fully agree that Nikki Haley would be horrible for the country, I can somewhat understand her alignement with the medical-industrial cabal. "Science" (or a corruption of real science) is the newest god in the left's pantheon of idolitrous gods. Science holds out an attractive worldview to those who do not acknowledge or understand the true Creator. Haley has succombed to the siren song of "Science." That makes her very attractive to the godless left and that's why they have been offering her up as a viable choice. Our direction in all this mess should become ever clearer as we get closer to the actual election. But we must also remember that God has this covered. I've read the Book. I know how it ends. We're going through some serious troubles, but we're going to be fine.

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The issue is central to the most powerful collective of elite globalists. They want people dead and have the power to kill many. Perhaps this is why the agenda is not attacked by most media. The globalists own media and politicians. I want to believe Trump is biding his time, to stay in the game, in order to get back in power. He did publically say "no forced injections and no mask mandates"

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None 4 me. None impressive.

Lord Jesus Christ is the best.

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Nikki Haley is NOT A natural born citizen and neither is Vivek, Shiva or Kamala Harris. Every one of these people were born in America (except for Dr. Shiva) and all had parents that were citizens of a foreign country. There is a big difference between being a citizen and being a natural born citizen and none of the above meet the requirements. Vote for any one of them and you are voting against our Constitution.

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Nice try, whatever makes you slept better at night. I'll continue to point out Trump=big pharma swamp creature who hires other big pharma swamp creatures.

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I don’t like her. She’s an autocrat. My loyalty is to America and freedom. I’m voting for Trump. He seems to have my best interest at heart.

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Look at her face and eyes. She's a zombie. Reminds me of Walensky the old CDC director.

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she should go die from her happy ass vaccine

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“Donations”, Ha! Nikki is either fool or in bed.

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